Do we know if main tanks are intended to have more off-hand options than just shields?

I really love playing tanks in MMORPGs, have been doing it for about 20 years now. Ironically, I have never really liked the aesthetic of shields :sweat_smile:. If a game offers it, then I always gravitate towards any class with less traditional tank aesthetics (berserkers, shapeshifters, martial artists, etc), which I somehow always find way more awesome.

Has anything been shared about this so far, specifically for the Tank archetype main-tank role? Do we know if they are always going to have a shield in their off-hand in AoC, or will there also be other (effective) options?


  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    sunaurus wrote: »
    I really love playing tanks in MMORPGs, have been doing it for about 20 years now. Ironically, I have never really liked the aesthetic of shields :sweat_smile:. If a game offers it, then I always gravitate towards any class with less traditional tank aesthetics (berserkers, shapeshifters, martial artists, etc), which I somehow always find way more awesome.

    Has anything been shared about this so far, specifically for the Tank archetype main-tank role? Do we know if they are always going to have a shield in their off-hand in AoC, or will there also be other (effective) options?

    You may use any weapon on your Tank in AoC.

    Theoretically, at least some of the two-handed weapons will be effective, but I don't think we have absolute confirmation of that, yet.

    We know that some of the Tank abilities (at least one) will require you to equip a shield though.
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • MichaelMichael Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    As Azherae said, more options than we think! Skill trees for weapons will make builds more interesting for sure.
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