Suggestions: Parry system + Skills system

..:: Parry to the limit::..
It would be fun if we could parry strong or stunning attacks, but not light ones. For example, when you see a flashy circle, you have to time it right and press the parry button to block heavy or stun attacks. This could be useful and make a big difference in the battle. If you're a skilled player, it could be one of the key abilities that turns the fight in your favor. You would need to learn the skills and movements of different characters, enemies, and bosses.

..:: Skills that can be dropped::..
If I could create my own MMO, one feature I would definitely add is a special skill system. My idea is to have skills drop from mobs and even bosses as rare drops. These skills would appear as gems that you can place on your equipment. The better your equipment, the more gem slots you have. So, you can equip the gem and use that skill. It would be rewarding to be one of the few players who has a very rare skill.


  • Ace1234Ace1234 Member
    edited August 12
    I second a parry mechanic. Definitely would like to see that.

    Regarding the skill drop, sounds interesting, obviously unbalanced but if its rare then it could potentially be fine. They already have something like this with the limited legendary weapons per server, so if that works then this might as well.
  • MichaelMichael Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I think this would be quite a polarizing topic. Adding a unique system just for parrying vs having skills in an Archetypes kit for something similar.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited August 12
    I would prefer only certain archetypes to utilize parry and counter attacks.

    I dont like this new trend in which a massive amount of combat functions become universal abilities.
    It leaves archetypes with generic damage/buff/debuff abilities, with just different colors.

    Distinct mechanic such as knockdowns or knockbacks, parry and counter attacks would add a lot of flavour to the tank fighter rogue archetypes.
    Bard could benefit with a mesmerizing flavoured counter attack (comeback), the ranger could get some powerful shot knockbacks or kicks to throw people off walls and high places.

    AoC shouldnt go with the same direction that other mmos did in which there is a massive area of common actions across all classes.
    And I would put active blocking and dodging in this list as well as dashing.
  • Dashing is a must for combat! I remember when I was playing S4League and the dash movement was fantastic!!! It gives you some sort of freedom, also it's all about the reflexes of the player and not about the level, equipment etc...
  • AiyaraAiyara Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I agree on the parry mechanic, adds a nice layer of skill expression. By playing the matchup and striving to improve, you learn to block an enemy's big damage skills etc..

    But no circle indicator in PVP
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