Wiki been slow

DominusRegiusDominusRegius Member
edited August 12 in General Discussion
I know this is the least of everyone’s priorities right now but I feel it needs to be addressed at some point. The AOC wiki runs horribly on phones the last couple of days. Now that alpha is nearing I wanted to go through and catch up on things I’ve either forgotten or missed. Especially while I’m at work hehe. I haven’t tried the wiki on my pc in a couple of days so I can’t speak for that side but the wiki refuses you even load/come up when I search for it using my phone. Has anyone else experienced anything similar as of late?


  • Wiki works fine on my side.
  • ShadonSolShadonSol Moderator, Member, Alpha One
    The wiki is community-run and not affiliated with Intrepid. I'd imagine that the wiki is getting a lot more traffic compared to a few months back. Lex, the wiki owner, is paying all the costs from his own pocket, so it's up to him to increase server capacity/site performance - which can get pretty expensive very quickly :)
  • SrixunSrixun Member
    ShadonSol wrote: »
    The wiki is community-run and not affiliated with Intrepid. I'd imagine that the wiki is getting a lot more traffic compared to a few months back. Lex, the wiki owner, is paying all the costs from his own pocket, so it's up to him to increase server capacity/site performance - which can get pretty expensive very quickly :)

    Wonder if I may be able to help him out too, we could potentially partner up on somethings.
  • Smaashley wrote: »
    Wiki works fine on my side.

    Works fine for me, too.
    This link may help you:

  • JhorenJhoren Member
    I noticed the other day the wiki had some Cloudflare (or other DDOS) protection running. So it might be experiencing that.
  • So I learned going through google essentially blows up the wiki with my phone. Works perfect for my PC etc. For some reason though if I use google on my phone the app self destructs. NOW if I go through a direct link via discord etc and it'll0 work perfectly fine/

    Conclusion: Google is evil and they dislike AOC and are working to dismantle us from the inside out. :O lol
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