spell style idea/possible augment idea

this is a simple one that primarily just focuses on a cosmetic change rather than the augment idea side based on my favorite magic ive seen in any game being from elden ring with the magic in question being the oracle bubbles. theres just something about creating these bubbles of magic and if you ask me, these bubbles of possibility and possible futures and pasts and presents that float slow and gracefully before upon contact with a target or its duration running out, it explodes in a massive burst of magic! honestly thinking about if from the augment side does sound cool too tho especially with the possible ways having POWERFUL magic that moves slow as fuck and maybe comes with just a full secondary archtype replacement thing where in this case, you need to be a mage primary and than you can access this oracle subclass with your 4 augments from your current secondary getting replaced with new ones.

id invision these to come with the first one being a buff augment that imrpoves your allies chances of things like evasions or blocks or critical hits and a second augment focused on reducing your enemies odds of evasions and blocks and of getting crits. The third maybe being a defensive augment focused on creating bubble barriers that move slowly but protect your allies and grant extra defense buffs if they stay inside your barriers or just grant them a bubble shield that doesnt stop much but bursts if your allies are attacked too much. lastly the attack augment would make your spells slow to cast and move really slow perhaps with massively increased tracking in exchange with more importantly they would do serious damage making you almost like an off tank who forces your opponents to attack you before boosting your odds to survive their attacks and reducing their ability to even hit you in the first place while also making it so if they do get lucky and hit you to much, they still get blasted away for it with most of all, if they decide to ignore you and power through your barriers and buffs and debuffs, they have to deal with slow but seriously heavy hitting attacks coming for them constantly that even if they are easy to avoid, if you stop paying attention, you might get hit at the worst moment by a magic nuke mine that you ignored.


  • Maybe they just focus on getting a decent playable alpha first
  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Pyrolol wrote: »
    decent playable alpha


    You jinxed it.

    The world is beautiful whenever you're here.
    And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • Didn’t jinx it, I just think adding too much effects in a massive multiplayer online game can be too difficult to implement without it affecting performance, sometimes less is more
  • PenguinPaladinPenguinPaladin Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Pyrolol wrote: »
    Didn’t jinx it

    Exactly what someone who's jinxed it would say
  • RookkRookk Member
    Pyrolol wrote: »
    Maybe they just focus on getting a decent playable alpha first

    well yea im not saying to add this now just like with any of my ideas. they are things im saying now purely to get the devs thinking about how they can leave backdoors for possible ideas in the future with this being a post full game release type idea i based on eso with their skill styles they recently added with now is the time to give them such ideas in order to make sure that if they like them, they CAN leave a backdoor open and dont accidentally close off such possibilities that on a full release, trying to ask them for things like this would lead to them needing rework everything cause the only way to do it was long since covered over with mountains of other code.
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