Alpha 2 queues = SCAM?!?!?!?



  • Xeeg wrote: »
    That all goes out the door when you give a cry baby like you what you want, and you need to start merging all those unique stories into one? All because you demand to have PLAY time without queues during an alpha test

    Unique stories? The point here is to TEST, not to make unique stories. What, do you think you are paying for a full game or something?

    lulz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    You’re literally the ONLY person crying about these issues. Yet there only issues because you don’t even know what kind of game it is. You’ve not touched a single stream. You know literally nothing about the world ashes of creation is suppose to be. Because of that and being entitled you think you deserve systems to be torn apart so you can play a game like it’s in early access.
  • AelAel Member
    So... basically, based on the figures Intrepid told us about during the livestream you've imagined a whole scenario where endless queues are to be expected during several weeks.

    Of course queues are to be expected to a certain degree. This to me definitely sounds as a valid concern.
    But you my friend absolutely cannot know for sure to what extent it will be an issue. You can't tell that the worse case scenario will happen for sure, right ?.

    I believe Intrepid has shown time and time again how they care, and how careful they are about the game they're creating, and about creating bonds with the community.

    Thus I cannot reasonnably picture that the queue issue (which is again, a valid concern) will be extremely painful, and/or will last for a very long time.

    That's definitely something that should have been taken into account when they have considered the number of realms and of users per realm, don't you agree ?
  • XeegXeeg Member
    Ael wrote: »
    So... basically, based on the figures Intrepid told us about during the livestream you've imagined a whole scenario where endless queues are to be expected during several weeks.

    Of course queues are to be expected to a certain degree. This to me definitely sounds as a valid concern.
    But you my friend absolutely cannot know for sure to what extent it will be an issue. You can't tell that the worse case scenario will happen for sure, right ?.

    I believe Intrepid has shown time and time again how they care, and how careful they are about the game they're creating, and about creating bonds with the community.

    Thus I cannot reasonnably picture that the queue issue (which is again, a valid concern) will be extremely painful, and/or will last for a very long time.

    That's definitely something that should have been taken into account when they have considered the number of realms and of users per realm, don't you agree ?

    Fair points. I hope that this is the case and queues aren't a big deal...
  • OtrOtr Member
    Xeeg wrote: »
    Otr wrote: »
    Xeeg wrote: »
    Otr wrote: »
    The pain will be when they wipe before full release. All that money and freehold will be gone! :'(
    And Dygz will stop "testing".

    Well that's the point of this thread. There may be a large portion of the population that doesn't care if their characters get merged onto other servers if it means skipping queue times. And actually we may be pretty annoyed at arbitrarily waiting in queues and wasting prime time on weekends. So its just a pain point with no upside to us.

    By the time populations stabilize it could be like January 2025 or something so really a bunch of mergers the first few months and phases ain't a biggie as opposed to massive amounts of people waiting in lines.

    True, The way I see it is that the proper Alpha 2 starts with Wave 3.
    And Wave 1 and 2 are a pre-access which we got without asking for it.
    At least finally happens. I've seen threads predicting it's start in the far future... like 2026. One year earlier is good :smile:

    Do they get any benefit having more servers and a very large population now?
    I think many players are needed when bugs happens rarely.
    When bugs are frequent enough, (if just a few players moving around like fremens on the sand cause crashes), there is no need for 20 servers.

    OK, sure... But as a company, shouldn't you want to give the best experience you can to your userbase? Is it really that much harder to give the community a smooth A2 rollout without queues?

    As a player, what would you rather have Otr: tens of hours of Queues for weeks or some realm mergers?

    I would prefer a persistent Alpha 2 now instead of May 2025.
    These short sessions will just satisfy curiosity about how the game feels, to be able to give better feedback.
    I doubt any kind of wealth will survive until May next year.
    Merges might happen anyway as map size grows and more nodes are added.
  • Seems to me the high price of the individual keys for Alpha 2 phases is to get people something that they asked for while pricing it in a way to keep the servers from being overloaded by people expecting a “free look.”

    As others have stated, plainly, this is a true Alpha test. This is NOT a finished game. If you’re not looking at this from a tester mindset, don’t pay for access. It really is that simple. They are not going to change the structure of an Alpha TEST to cater to fly-by-night people who feel entitled to access a “playable” game from the word go.
    Voice like a razor, sharp and wise.
  • ql2g27f0pkbj.png
    One of the hypest releases of the last few years had only ~1/6 of their sales playing right on release. 1/6 of 100k is below 18k of AoC's concurrents at Phase 1.

    Adding even 1 server per region each would bring us to 1/4. With 1000% constant server drops and rubberbanding, a ton of those people will simply realize that testing A2 is not for them and they'll leave within the first week of testing.

    By the second week of the same shit (and you better know that it's gonna be the same) - even more people will leave.

    By the third week we'll get the influx of anyone who buys the $120 keys. Which would mean that we're simply back to full servers. And Steven literally said that these sales will give them the info on how many additional servers they gotta be ready for.

    And as for "queues are also testing" that was brought up in this thread before - yes, it is also testing. It tests how Intrepid's login servers behave under pressure. They test how the queueing system functions (if at all). It tests visuals/UI of the queue and its responsiveness (i.e. refresh rate of your placement).

    It would also be a great test of where they wanna put their queue at. If their tech allows it, they could put it past login and before entering the game itself, which means that a shitton of people would be preoccupied with making their character, which, with the supposed CC, would take hours for some people. Hell, the fact that CC is linked with the game client at Phase 1 just strengthens this point.

    In other words, you're worrying over nothing.
  • XeegXeeg Member
    In other words, you're worrying over nothing.

    We'll see.
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