A Call for Consideration: Making Alpha 2 Access More Inclusive for Global Fans

MakakaoMakakao Member
edited August 16 in General Discussion
Dear Intrepid Studios,

First, I want to express my deep appreciation for the incredible work you’ve done with Ashes of Creation. The vision you’ve laid out and the progress made so far truly reflect your commitment to creating the greatest MMO of all time. As someone from the Latin American community, I can confidently say that we are just as passionate and invested in the success of this project as any other community across the globe.

However, I must bring to your attention a concern that I believe is shared by many outside the U.S.: the recently announced $120 price tag for Alpha 2 access. While we understand that this pricing is a strategic business decision, likely intended to segment the audience to those most committed to providing valuable feedback during this crucial testing phase, it poses a significant barrier for many of us who are eager to contribute but find the cost prohibitive.

In regions like Latin America, where the exchange rate and economic conditions are vastly different, $120 represents a much steeper investment than it does in the U.S. or Europe. For many in our community, this price makes participation in Alpha 2—and by extension, contributing to the development of the game we so dearly wish to see succeed—unattainable.

We fully understand that Alpha testing is not about having fun but about rigorously testing the game to iron out issues and provide meaningful feedback. Our community is ready and willing to participate in this process, but we also hope to enjoy the game in its later stages during Beta 1 and Beta 2. However, the current pricing model makes this difficult.

We kindly ask that you consider adding more value to the Alpha 2 package or providing alternative pricing options that could make participation more accessible to international communities, particularly those in regions with weaker currencies. This could involve bundling Alpha 2 access with additional perks or lowering the cost while still ensuring the integrity and quality of the testing process.

Our goal is to support Ashes of Creation in every way we can, but we need a bit of support from Intrepid to do so. We hope you can take our concerns into account and explore ways to make this incredible journey more inclusive for all of your global fans.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


A Devoted Member of the Latin American MMORPG Community since 2003

__________________________________ SPANISH________________________________________

Estimado equipo de Intrepid Studios,

Primero, quiero expresar mi profunda admiración por el increíble trabajo que han realizado con Ashes of Creation. La visión que han planteado y el progreso alcanzado hasta ahora realmente reflejan su compromiso de crear el mejor MMO de todos los tiempos. Como parte de la comunidad latinoamericana, puedo afirmar con confianza que estamos tan apasionados e invertidos en el éxito de este proyecto como cualquier otra comunidad en todo el mundo.

Sin embargo, debo mencionar una preocupación que creo que es compartida por muchos fuera de EE.UU.: el precio recientemente anunciado de $120 para acceder a Alpha 2. Aunque entendemos que este precio es una decisión estratégica de negocios, probablemente destinada a segmentar la audiencia hacia aquellos más comprometidos en brindar retroalimentación valiosa durante esta fase crucial de pruebas, representa una barrera significativa para muchos de nosotros que estamos deseosos de contribuir pero encontramos el costo prohibitivo.

En regiones como América Latina, donde el tipo de cambio y las condiciones económicas son muy diferentes, $120 representa una inversión mucho mayor de lo que podría ser en EE.UU. o Europa. Para muchos en nuestra comunidad, este precio hace que la participación en Alpha 2, y por extensión, la posibilidad de contribuir al desarrollo del juego que tanto deseamos ver triunfar, sea inalcanzable.

Entendemos completamente que las pruebas Alpha no son para divertirse, sino para probar rigurosamente el juego, identificar problemas y proporcionar retroalimentación significativa. Nuestra comunidad está lista y dispuesta a participar en este proceso, pero también esperamos disfrutar del juego en sus etapas posteriores durante Beta 1 y Beta 2. Sin embargo, el modelo de precios actual dificulta esta posibilidad.

Amablemente solicitamos que consideren agregar más valor al paquete de Alpha 2 o proporcionar opciones de precios alternativas que puedan hacer que la participación sea más accesible para las comunidades internacionales, en particular aquellas en regiones con monedas más débiles. Esto podría implicar la inclusión de Alpha 2 con beneficios adicionales o la reducción del costo, manteniendo siempre la integridad y calidad del proceso de pruebas.

Nuestro objetivo es apoyar Ashes of Creation en todo lo que podamos, pero necesitamos un poco de apoyo por parte de Intrepid para poder hacerlo. Esperamos que puedan tomar en cuenta nuestras preocupaciones y explorar maneras de hacer que este increíble viaje sea más inclusivo para todos sus fans globales.

Gracias por su tiempo y consideración.

Un Miembro Devoto de la Comunidad Latinoamericana de MMORPG desde 2003


Prezada equipe da Intrepid Studios,

Primeiramente, gostaria de expressar minha profunda admiração pelo incrível trabalho que vocês têm realizado com Ashes of Creation. A visão que vocês propuseram e o progresso alcançado até agora realmente refletem o compromisso em criar o maior MMO de todos os tempos. Como parte da comunidade latino-americana, posso afirmar com confiança que somos tão apaixonados e dedicados ao sucesso deste projeto quanto qualquer outra comunidade ao redor do mundo.

No entanto, preciso trazer à atenção uma preocupação que acredito ser compartilhada por muitos fora dos EUA: o preço recentemente anunciado de $120 para acessar o Alpha 2. Embora entendamos que este preço seja uma decisão estratégica de negócios, provavelmente destinada a segmentar o público para aqueles mais comprometidos em fornecer feedback valioso durante esta fase crucial de testes, ele representa uma barreira significativa para muitos de nós que estamos ansiosos para contribuir, mas achamos o custo proibitivo.

Em regiões como a América Latina, onde a taxa de câmbio e as condições econômicas são muito diferentes, $120 representa um investimento muito maior do que nos EUA ou na Europa. Para muitos em nossa comunidade, esse preço torna a participação no Alpha 2, e por extensão, a possibilidade de contribuir para o desenvolvimento do jogo que tanto desejamos ver triunfar, inalcançável.

Entendemos perfeitamente que o teste Alpha não é para se divertir, mas para testar rigorosamente o jogo, identificar problemas e fornecer feedback significativo. Nossa comunidade está pronta e disposta a participar desse processo, mas também esperamos aproveitar o jogo em suas fases posteriores, durante o Beta 1 e Beta 2. No entanto, o modelo de preços atual dificulta essa possibilidade.

Pedimos gentilmente que considerem adicionar mais valor ao pacote do Alpha 2 ou fornecer opções de preços alternativas que possam tornar a participação mais acessível para as comunidades internacionais, especialmente aquelas em regiões com moedas mais fracas. Isso poderia incluir o acesso ao Alpha 2 com benefícios adicionais ou a redução do custo, sempre mantendo a integridade e a qualidade do processo de testes.

Nosso objetivo é apoiar Ashes of Creation de todas as maneiras possíveis, mas precisamos de um pouco de apoio da Intrepid para que possamos fazer isso. Esperamos que vocês considerem nossas preocupações e explorem maneiras de tornar essa incrível jornada mais inclusiva para todos os seus fãs ao redor do mundo.

Obrigado pelo tempo e consideração.

Um Membro Devoto da Comunidade Latino-Americana de MMORPG desde 2003


  • CoioTeCoioTe Member
    Thats my case. The price is really high for me (Brazil). I really want to play it and help its development, like i did in Crowfall, but, that price tag is barrier for ppl from BR and other latin countries.

    I think that the alpha key should at least guarantee acess to future Betas. Paying that much knowing that we will be left out of Betas is too much.

    Please, add more value to that key, help us help you!
  • SmaashleySmaashley Member
    edited August 16
    I can understand your economic struggle. BUT 6 months ago, those who didn't purchase cosmetic packs would not have access to testing phases and therefore there were no plan on adding more testers. Now that Intrepid gives you the chance (that wasn't planned) to get access to A2, you complain about the price.

    Not every country has a healthy economy and we understand that it can be a difficult journey. Some people work really hard even on rich countries to achieve their goal by setting priorities. If your priority is getting access to A2, you will find a way no matter the price cost. That being said, I don't think Intrepid should lower the price because some countries are in a difficult position.

    Quick question : Did you complain about the price of the cosmetic packs when they were available ? Because they were really expensive.

    Setting the price as it is just respects the pack holders and I'm very glad they put that price tag.
  • Hey, I totally get where you're coming from, and I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Intrepid is indeed offering something that wasn’t originally on the table, and I know they’re trying to balance things out.

    I’m not saying the price isn’t justified or that Intrepid is doing anything wrong. My main concern is how tough it is for a lot of people, especially in regions where $120 is a huge amount of money. It’s not just about whether the price is fair, but about whether more people can realistically participate, especially when they’re just as passionate about the game’s success.

    I didn’t really think much about the price of the cosmetic packs because they were just that—cosmetic. The
    Alpha 2 access is different; it’s about helping shape the game itself, and that’s something a lot of us really want to be a part of, even if we can’t easily afford it.

    I get that setting priorities is important, and trust me, a lot of people are already doing everything they can to make it work, even me. But for some, it’s just not that simple. I’m not asking Intrepid to give the access away or to disrespect those who can pay. I’m just hoping they might consider some options that make it possible for more of us from LATAM to join in and contribute.

    I appreciate your perspective, and I know it’s a tough balance for Intrepid.

    Thanks again for sharing your thoughts!
  • CoioTe wrote: »
    Thats my case. The price is really high for me (Brazil). I really want to play it and help its development, like i did in Crowfall, but, that price tag is barrier for ppl from BR and other latin countries.

    I think that the alpha key should at least guarantee acess to future Betas. Paying that much knowing that we will be left out of Betas is too much.

    Please, add more value to that key, help us help you!

    I’m in the same boat—I’m super excited to get involved and help with the game’s development, just like I did with Crowfall. But yeah, that $120 price tag is a huge barrier for folks in Brazil and other Latin American countries.

    I think it would make a big difference if the Alpha key also included access to the future Betas. It’s hard to justify paying that much when we know we’ll be left out of the Beta phases, which is where a lot of the fun and final feedback happens.

    We really want to be a part of this project, and adding more value to the Alpha key would make that possible for so many of us. So, please consider this—help us help you make Ashes of Creation the best it can be!
  • Saint1Saint1 Member
    Smaashley wrote: »
    I can understand your economic struggle. BUT 6 months ago, those who didn't purchase cosmetic packs would not have access to testing phases and therefore there were no plan on adding more testers. Now that Intrepid gives you the chance (that wasn't planned) to get access to A2, you complain about the price.

    Not every country has a healthy economy and we understand that it can be a difficult journey. Some people work really hard even on rich countries to achieve their goal by setting priorities. If your priority is getting access to A2, you will find a way no matter the price cost. That being said, I don't think Intrepid should lower the price because some countries are in a difficult position.

    Quick question : Did you complain about the price of the cosmetic packs when they were available ? Because they were really expensive.

    Setting the price as it is just respects the pack holders and I'm very glad they put that price tag.

    "you will find a way no matter the price cost"
    thats completely false, if it was even more expensive for sure you wouldnt be buying it.
    Just because it isnt expensive for you it doesnt mean it isnt expensive for others.
  • Saint1 wrote: »
    Smaashley wrote: »
    I can understand your economic struggle. BUT 6 months ago, those who didn't purchase cosmetic packs would not have access to testing phases and therefore there were no plan on adding more testers. Now that Intrepid gives you the chance (that wasn't planned) to get access to A2, you complain about the price.

    Not every country has a healthy economy and we understand that it can be a difficult journey. Some people work really hard even on rich countries to achieve their goal by setting priorities. If your priority is getting access to A2, you will find a way no matter the price cost. That being said, I don't think Intrepid should lower the price because some countries are in a difficult position.

    Quick question : Did you complain about the price of the cosmetic packs when they were available ? Because they were really expensive.

    Setting the price as it is just respects the pack holders and I'm very glad they put that price tag.

    "you will find a way no matter the price cost"
    thats completely false, if it was even more expensive for sure you wouldnt be buying it.
    Just because it isn't expensive for you it doesn't mean it isnt expensive for others.

    I didn't say it wasn't expensive. It is indeed expensive. I actually think that the monthly subscription for the launch is VERY expensive (180$/year). The A2 key is only 120$ for at least 2 years maybe more. Putting that in perspective, it's not that bad considering the Voyager Packs were around that same price cost.

    And if I recall correctly, Steven already mentioned a long time ago that he will tune price cost to match countries actual economy. But for testing phases, I think they sell keys to actually fund the development, because they already have more than 100,000 A2 pack holders as of now, which is enormous already.
  • Saint1Saint1 Member
    Smaashley wrote: »
    Saint1 wrote: »
    Smaashley wrote: »
    I can understand your economic struggle. BUT 6 months ago, those who didn't purchase cosmetic packs would not have access to testing phases and therefore there were no plan on adding more testers. Now that Intrepid gives you the chance (that wasn't planned) to get access to A2, you complain about the price.

    Not every country has a healthy economy and we understand that it can be a difficult journey. Some people work really hard even on rich countries to achieve their goal by setting priorities. If your priority is getting access to A2, you will find a way no matter the price cost. That being said, I don't think Intrepid should lower the price because some countries are in a difficult position.

    Quick question : Did you complain about the price of the cosmetic packs when they were available ? Because they were really expensive.

    Setting the price as it is just respects the pack holders and I'm very glad they put that price tag.

    "you will find a way no matter the price cost"
    thats completely false, if it was even more expensive for sure you wouldnt be buying it.
    Just because it isn't expensive for you it doesn't mean it isnt expensive for others.

    I didn't say it wasn't expensive. It is indeed expensive. I actually think that the monthly subscription for the launch is VERY expensive (180$/year). The A2 key is only 120$ for at least 2 years maybe more. Putting that in perspective, it's not that bad considering the Voyager Packs were around that same price cost.

    And if I recall correctly, Steven already mentioned a long time ago that he will tune price cost to match countries actual economy. But for testing phases, I think they sell keys to actually fund the development, because they already have more than 100,000 A2 pack holders as of now, which is enormous already.

    The problem is that its 180$ per year for a done game. Right now its not even close to be finished and its already being charged 120$ per year to TEST the game, thats the way devs are saying that its a TEST.
  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    You'll be able to provide feedback through watching the non NDA streams.

    And there'll still be key giveaways.

    I don't think this is a value issue since its likely A2 will go for a very long time and you get constant access with the key purchase.

    I get that you want to support and contribute to that first hand but let's be real. Intrepid is a company without a product until the release of this game.

    All their focus and therefore money is going into achieving that critical launch and having viable product to then sell to people. It's counter-productive to development if they have to subsidise testing for certain parts of the world.

    At launch they've said they'll subsidise those regions with the harmonized servers, which is generous.
    The world is beautiful whenever you're here. And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member
    edited August 17
    Saint1 wrote: »
    The problem is that its 180$ per year for a done game. Right now its not even close to be finished and its already being charged 120$ per year to TEST the game, thats the way devs are saying that its a TEST.

    Totally fine.

    If the price point is too high for test playing the game, that’s rightfully your decision given your individual circumstances.

    There’s no obligation to participate in Alpha 2 … the devs have always been clear about that. You don’t lose anything by missing out.

    As Hinotori said, there will still be a chance at key giveaways during upcoming promotions.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    always good to see fellow SA players taking interest in the game :) while I understand the reasons that Intrepid is not focusing on regional servers atm, it would still be awesome if prices could be better for those players for sure! good post!
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  • I think it would be really good for the SA community, I have a lot of friends who are excited to play and test Ashes, but they don't have the purchasing power to pay that amount to pay for access.
  • ReLamasReLamas Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I completely agree with your concerns and suggestions. The pricing model for Alpha 2 access does seem to pose a significant challenge for international players, especially in regions where currency exchange rates and economic conditions make the $120 price tag much more burdensome. It’s crucial that Intrepid Studios considers the diverse financial realities of its global player base.

    Offering alternative pricing options or additional value in the Alpha 2 package could help make participation more accessible and inclusive, allowing more passionate players from around the world to contribute to the game's development. This would not only strengthen the community but also provide valuable feedback from a broader range of perspectives, ultimately benefiting the game in the long run.

    I hope Intrepid Studios takes these points into consideration and finds a way to make Ashes of Creation a more inclusive experience for all its fans, regardless of where they live.
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  • Saint1 wrote: »
    Smaashley wrote: »
    Saint1 wrote: »
    Smaashley wrote: »
    I can understand your economic struggle. BUT 6 months ago, those who didn't purchase cosmetic packs would not have access to testing phases and therefore there were no plan on adding more testers. Now that Intrepid gives you the chance (that wasn't planned) to get access to A2, you complain about the price.

    Not every country has a healthy economy and we understand that it can be a difficult journey. Some people work really hard even on rich countries to achieve their goal by setting priorities. If your priority is getting access to A2, you will find a way no matter the price cost. That being said, I don't think Intrepid should lower the price because some countries are in a difficult position.

    Quick question : Did you complain about the price of the cosmetic packs when they were available ? Because they were really expensive.

    Setting the price as it is just respects the pack holders and I'm very glad they put that price tag.

    "you will find a way no matter the price cost"
    thats completely false, if it was even more expensive for sure you wouldnt be buying it.
    Just because it isn't expensive for you it doesn't mean it isnt expensive for others.

    I didn't say it wasn't expensive. It is indeed expensive. I actually think that the monthly subscription for the launch is VERY expensive (180$/year). The A2 key is only 120$ for at least 2 years maybe more. Putting that in perspective, it's not that bad considering the Voyager Packs were around that same price cost.

    And if I recall correctly, Steven already mentioned a long time ago that he will tune price cost to match countries actual economy. But for testing phases, I think they sell keys to actually fund the development, because they already have more than 100,000 A2 pack holders as of now, which is enormous already.

    The problem is that its 180$ per year for a done game. Right now its not even close to be finished and its already being charged 120$ per year to TEST the game, thats the way devs are saying that its a TEST.

    Paying $180 a year for a finished game is one thing, but $120 just to test a game that’s still in development? That’s a tough pill to swallow, especially when the devs are emphasizing that this is purely for testing purposes.

    I think the main frustration comes from wanting to be part of the process and help SA community to be stronger and a future SA server to be competitive, but feeling like the cost is a big hurdle. It’s hard to justify that kind of price when the game isn’t even close to being finished yet and keeo being postponed.

    I’m all for supporting the devs and helping make the game the best it can be, but it would be great if they could find a way to make it more accessible for everyone who wants to get involved. After all, the more people testing and providing feedback, the better the final product will be.
  • LinikerLiniker Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    people have been extremely vocal about the pricing, across content creators, reddit and discord as well, there has been a negative reception, Steven already announced that now Betas are also included with the A2 keys,

    so I am actually starting to think there could be a possibility that they could adjust prices...
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  • its 120 buy in for 1-3 years or however long the alpha runs for, the longer it runs for the cheaper overall per month it is. i get where people are coming from about the currency conversion and IS has harmonized pricing for subs on release but its alot of head F to harmonize price of keys for an alpha,

    can you imagine the arguments of hey that guy got A2 key cheaper than i did thats not fair just because it was a lower number ( lots of idiots around these days that dont know how currency conversions work).
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    What do you think will happen if Intrepid puts up discounted keys for certain regions?
    Everyone and their cousin will jump on a VPN, create an account saying they are from that region and buy the discounted keys. Then play with the people who paid full price since there aren't any locked servers for testing.
  • What do you think will happen if Intrepid puts up discounted keys for certain regions?
    Everyone and their cousin will jump on a VPN, create an account saying they are from that region and buy the discounted keys. Then play with the people who paid full price since there aren't any locked servers for testing.

  • It's confirmed—we'll have beta access with the Alpha2 Key! This decision has doubled the game's value for us non-Americans, making the $120 price much more justifiable.

    Now, we only need to buy the game once, rather than paying separately for a test version and then buying the game again for beta access.
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