cleric unique augment idea

this is just a fun one somewhat based on my last post talking about the oracle bubbles from elden ring as i was thinking about causality and the fact that i have been learning about some interesting quantum science and had the fun thought for a earned either augment or secondary archtype specifically for the cleric with the gameplay thoughts being based on the psijic order line (ik i already made a subclass idea for that but this one is actually moderately differnet and almost goes down a quasi off tank route) where it would be a cleric who 'uses pure divine energy to seperate their very souls from reality and cause and effect so they can thus effect the cause and effect and entropy of others to choose a future path that could heal or protect others and themselves!'

in other words, this class would be a slow burn still healer more focused on defensive boost making them and allies more likely to block and dodge and critical hit as well and doing the inverse to enemies but how this differs from the last iteration is it does away with the dmg side of things and instead grants the other 2 augments being one that allows for healing of allies not by actually healing them but by reversing them through time and cause and effect so if your guy got hit with a poison debuff that has dealt half their health, you would channel your heal which would be near costlless BUT it wouldnt clear the poison nor actually heal them with instead the poison timer would go back up until it hit its max and than at the point just after that, the poison would be gone as your reverted them to before the poisoning ever happened making your healing very powerful and more importnatly, so cost effective that you dont need a bard necessarily BUT of course, the trade off is your healing takes A LOT of focus and can easily be interrupted making this type of healer more of a main tank pocket healer epsecially since the last tree would focus on making specifically yourself more tanking with even landing a hit on your being hard with perhaps there being passives that make it so ANY TIME you heal someone else, your state is rewound as well 'healing' you as you do your work with defensive buffs as well to make this healer work perfectly for even sticking it out in the frontlines with the main tank and making them hard to kill with even the ability to revive the dead just by healing them with perhaps the caveat that they cant heal anyone who has been dead longer than 10 seconds and they need to reverse each second they were dead meaning if they catch it last second, they need to channel the heal for 10 seconds before the target is revived.

all in all i just loved the idea of a true reality manipulator who is basically just a normal person but also someone who exists across all of time in a sense and as such is hard to kill with a unique method of healing not seen elsewhere ;D
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