Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Should Intrepid just start selling more Voyager $250 packs and scrap the Alpha key sales?

The best thing I've heard suggested is they should scrap the alpha keys and just start selling Voyager packs again for $250. Then people couldn't complain anymore. It'd be the same deal people got years ago (not even increased/adjusted for inflation), and it wouldn't be a slap in the face to early backers. No one could say you're having to pay $120 for an incomplete game because it'd be literally the same backer proposal they offered in the past to people, and people who don't like them can simply...not buy them.
Sound good?
Sound good?
If they add the $250 they should add the $375 too again.
Could be that from Intrepid Studios perspective the packs gave more rewards to compensate risks of not knowing when the Alpha 2 starts and distrust that may even start while we are alive.
They rewarded the trust in the company and willingness to support them early.
No matter how we look at it, these late comers feel that they miss out from something fun while Intrepid Studio keeps saying that Alpha 2 is for testing not for playing.
But having so many testers makes testers feel useless and they can lose motivation..
So devs should generate enough unique bugs for everyone!!
Whenever a boss is about to die, let players client crash and loose progress.
Disconnects in the lawless zone will be fun too with some cryptic error messages written in Tulnar language.
Each such occurrence should give some tester experience and progression which would reduce the chance of them happening but they should get also nastier when they happen (like getting corruption when picking up rare drops).
Of course these generated bugs should be mentioned as a guaranteed reward for paying for the Alpha 2 access (for kickstarters and voyager pack owners too). Standard tester experience for everyone.
Better not.
Not a good Idea to change Sales yet again. People are already bitching and complaining and whining enough as it is.
Plus and i don't wish to sound like a Douchebag over here - > it is just not worth trying to please the ever-complaining Crowd.
Why ?
Because they are not even true Ashes-Fans either way. From what i have observed :
- Many of these People either never heard of Ashes of Creation before,
- Didn't attentively watch the last +12 monthly Live-Streams/Presentations,
- Don't seem or don't " WANT " to understand what True Alpha means and what is demanded from someone who is going to be a Tester and not just a "Player",
- " SOMEHOW " manage to overhear the many times repeated Words of Sir Steven that Alpha Two is not going to be an early Version of a Game - but a testing Phase.
It is just of no use.
To many of these Folks don't want to "test". They want to be spoiled with an Early Access Version of the Game. This is why they seem to be so upset about the Prices.
It is like " SOMEWHERE " in the backs of their Heads they realise it is indeed "NOT" an Early Access Version,
and they are salty and absolutely REFUSE TO SEE IT - why they should pay 120 Dollars to test a Game and not play a Game. They are not the Testers that dear Intrepid is looking for.
Let them bitch,
let them whine,
and maybe they come around in the next Years when the Game is finished and released already.
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon