[EU] | Silver Oath | [PvX] | [18+] | [Semi-Hardcore]


Recruitment is open again!

Guild Overview:
Silver Oath strives to be a 50 member, familial guild for semi-hardcore & casual players. We want an intimate group of friends where everyone knows each other; a place to call home, to build each other up, the guild is family! Whether you are always online or can only play a few hours due to commitments, that’s not a problem! You'll be welcome here at Silver Oath.

Guild Direction:
Silver Oath is a mercenary guild with a code we adhere to. If you have the coin, we will provide support to your guild - from escorts to diplomacy and anything in between. During your darkest hours, we are the Light that walks in the Dark.

Currently looking for:
Artisans (Crafting/Gathering/Processing)
Scouts (Map Markers, Espionage, Guides)
Warriors (PvE/PvP fanatics)

What you can expect:
A welcoming community that will be there for you. We dont want anyone feeling left out, you will be heard - suggestions are always welcome. We also offer game nights & movie nights, aswell as monthly meetings to stay in touch with the guilds' progression and a chance for the members to discuss what's on their minds.

Our unique pathway structure to please every interest you may have:
Join the way of Exploration and become a Scout. Adventure has always called out to you and the thrill of the unknown, what mysteries have birthed since our retreat from Verra?
Join the way of Crafting and become an Artisan. The desire to push the very boundaries our world has to offer allures you, what masterpieces will be birthed from your labour?
Join the way of Warfare to pursue the meaning of a Warrior. Each mercenary has a reason to fight, what is it that drives you to reach the pinnacle of combat?

What we expect:
Be active within the community.
Follow the guidelines and rules.
Strive to improve every day, you have so much to offer!

Requirements for joining:
You must be 18+.
Please speak decent english.
No MMORPG experience required! If Ashes of Creation has caught your eye but you're new to MMO's, no worries, we will help you learn the ropes!

To join us:
Contact - Guild Masters Oceans1648 & Mutability on discord for any queries and info!



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