character concept idea: The Abyssal Heart

been a REAL long while since i made one of these but i think i have finally settled on my ACTUAL first character concept i will be trying to make probably with most classes at least once to see which i like the most being as the title states, the Abyssal Heart. this is a concept i made based on my understanding of the concept of the abyss i started learning about with elden rings lore with actually i also think i know as a sidenote what the abyss truly is in elden ring for those who heard it once in the stars of ruin spell description.

now for the description i will be trying to build towards making something as close as i can to, The Abyssal Heart is a human and nothing more with the only difference between any other human is his understanding of what it means to be alive and to continue living. To most, they only see black and white and life and death and think all that is good and that life exists within the light side and everything against that is in the darkness and while there is truth to that, its also wrong at the same time as the dark isnt evil nor is it all that is bad.... the dark IS life seperated from the energy that constitutes everything and each of us is our own sphere of darkness within the current of life consuming all the energy of life around us as to live requires one to devour life itself to continue ones own life..... this is something so many consider the truest base sin of devouring others light for ourselves and most of all, the taking of others lives all together.... in truth, life is chaos unending with no deliniation between anything as it is nothing more than the stream of energy that all that exists, exists within being the embodiment of chaotic order as it is all that exists but without any order... the darkness and the abyss conversely is orderly chaos and is what devours life but also gives the infinite light of life differentiation the the different hues and colors that make most consider life worth living and though for the abyss to exist entails that the possibility to suffer just as much as to feel joy must exist, most everyone for a good reason would never think that the darkness should be destroyed totally. it is in light of this that the Abyssal heart who has stared into his own personal abyss and understood everything that constitutes it and more importantly that its nature is to devour life itself and thus does his duty to prevent life from stagnating and decaying in its own unwillingness to change and thus channels the power of death to end life all together and take its power for himself.


  • Ace1234Ace1234 Member
    edited August 20
    The concept sounds interesting.

    Just some friendly advise that I learned from my own walls of text- you might get more engagement in your threads if you make it a bit of an easier read, with more punctuation, less run-on sentences, more paragraph separation, etc.

    Stuff like that would help keep your thoughts more organized and easier to read and understand.

    Cool idea though.
  • LodrigLodrig Member
    Frankly it sounds like you were watching the movie the Crow (the original not the remake) while high as a kite.
  • RookkRookk Member
    Lodrig wrote: »
    Frankly it sounds like you were watching the movie the Crow (the original not the remake) while high as a kite.

    XD i have seen an add for that once and it looked trashy XD
  • I think if anything I think Druid will probably be the first new class to be released
  • LodrigLodrig Member
    Animikii wrote: »
    XD i have seen an add for that once and it looked trashy XD

    Agreed, I hate remakes, particularly an attempt to cash in on a cult classic, even if it is mostly famous for a tragic death and being a butt of 90's Emo jokes.

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