Disable Transmog/Cosmetics

I think it would be very cool if there was an option for individual accounts to disable the transmog/cosmetics. That way the player can make their character look however they want but other players have the option to just view the real art of the gear.

One of my favorite aspects of MMOs in the past was visual progression, finding that upgrade that makes your character look that little bit cooler. Knowing if you stand a chance in PVP when you see someone coming towards you based on their gear.

I also find that transmog/cosmetic heavy MMOs tend to lack interesting gear throughout the leveling process. Oftentimes new pieces of gear are just a different color of the same model.

I feel like if players have the option to wear fake gear to add to their role play immersion I should have the option to turn it off for mine.


  • I would love an option to turn off other people's cosmetics, but I do not really see Intrepid doing that.
  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    No way. Everyone needs to see me in this.

    The world is beautiful whenever you're here. And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • CaerylCaeryl Member
    Absolutely not. Character customization is important, as in it’s important to the players when they’re portraying their character a particular way, that it’s the way the character appears in the game space flat out.

    The only place that should turn off cosmetics is the large scale events like sieges where there’s a reason for more anonymity as a baseline. Very simply, you can’t sell someone something that others can turn off.
  • That’s a valid point. But if it’s enabled for you and for the people that want it enabled why does it matter if others want to play with it disabled? The player with the cosmetic/transmog they want to display would be unaffected by anyone with it disabled. And the players that leave it enabled could still see their transmog/cosmetic skin. It’s like enabling or disabling a profanity filter. Not everyone wants profanity but some don’t care either way.

    I guess my main argument is that cosmetics and transmog take away from the enjoyment of gear progression (for me) and takes away from the immersion of the individual gear pieces having their own unique appearances with meaning other than cosmetics. You can visually see a piece of armor and know if it’s got high stamina or strength or if it’s more for mana or mage builds. While a cosmetic skin or transmog is strictly visual with no indication of the stats applied to the character.

    I love seeing a big axe and knowing it’s powerful instead of the (I would say rare exceptions) that like to transmog their gear to look incredibly weak or funny to hide their power level.

    Just a thought and an idea to leave more options to allow players to play the way that they prefer.
  • Zeterium wrote: »
    .I guess my main argument is that cosmetics and transmog take away from the enjoyment of gear progression (for me) and takes away from the immersion of the individual gear pieces having their own unique appearances with meaning other than cosmetics. You can visually see a piece of armor and know if it’s got high stamina or strength or if it’s more for mana or mage builds. While a cosmetic skin or transmog is strictly visual with no indication of the stats applied to the character.

    You've tried to make it look that way, but I imagine the actual main argument boils down to this bit:
    "Knowing if you stand a chance in PVP when you see someone coming towards you based on their gear.

    Intrepid have said that there will be inspection tools, so you'll still be able to pick your gank-targets. And, once you're attacking them, they likely won't have time to inspect your own gear, so you'll still have the advantage you want.
    This link may help you: https://ashesofcreation.wiki/

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqLlZQmepY4

    I had already suggested this back then at another time, right ? It should indeed be an Option if some People are so inclined to have it. Make it so that People - (who have most likely not bought any Pre-Order Cosmetics) - can decide for themself if they want to be able to "see" the Comsetics of other Players.

    Then we will have most likely salty Topics like " Look here !! Dygz's/Hinotories/Aszkalons/etc.'s true Looks of their Characters " or so : when they make Screenshots of whatever Cosmetics our Characters wore at the time being deactivated. :mrgreen:

    Because i have truly the impression of these slightly bitter and salty Vibes here. No Gen-Z-pun intended. Maybe if that Option would be withheld, it should be withheld only so to increase the butthurt more of everyone who would hate to see Cosmetics on someone else. >:)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
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  • BlipBlip Member
    Hinotori wrote: »
    No way. Everyone needs to see me in this.


    Well it is prety bad ass i will give you that.
    But i do agree with OP.
  • OrymOrym Member
    Does anyone know how apperance/cosmetics are gonna work atm? Like can a mage wearing cloth have heavy armor as apperance? If so then I agree with OP 100%

    If not then I think it's fine. I just want the build and class to somewhat match the apperance, atleast with armor type. If someone wants to transmog their gear to lvl 1 cloth on a lvl 50 mage it's all good. I still know it's a lvl 50 mage i'm fighting.

    I think it's a good part of the game that you can appear weak when you are strong. It adds an extra layer of mindgames and roleplay.

    I do not like the idea of some people seeing version A and others see version B.
  • HinotoriHinotori Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Orym wrote: »
    Does anyone know how apperance/cosmetics are gonna work atm? Like can a mage wearing cloth have heavy armor as apperance? If so then I agree with OP 100%

    If not then I think it's fine. I just want the build and class to somewhat match the apperance, atleast with armor type. If someone wants to transmog their gear to lvl 1 cloth on a lvl 50 mage it's all good. I still know it's a lvl 50 mage i'm fighting.

    I think it's a good part of the game that you can appear weak when you are strong. It adds an extra layer of mindgames and roleplay.

    I do not like the idea of some people seeing version A and others see version B.

    Ashes has a complicated cosmetic system.

    People who use costumes will be able to look like whatever gear the costume is from level 1. The plate outfit I posted earlier can be used by a rogue or a mage at level 1. Costumes can't be mix and matched though... it's the whole costume or it's nothing.

    Then there's also appearance slots. Where you can stick items into the appearance slot of another item and it will change to look like that item. AKA transmog. And you'll have to earn both items for that.

    The world is beautiful whenever you're here. And all the emptiness inside disappears.
  • daveywavey wrote: »

    You've tried to make it look that way, but I imagine the actual main argument boils down to this bit:
    "Knowing if you stand a chance in PVP when you see someone coming towards you based on their gear.

    Intrepid have said that there will be inspection tools, so you'll still be able to pick your gank-targets. And, once you're attacking them, they likely won't have time to inspect your own gear, so you'll still have the advantage you want.

    I apologize I didn’t mean to make it appear I had sinister intentions hidden behind other reasons. But no, PVP is not what I’m looking forward to in Ashes. Haven’t PVPd in an MMO since 2014 and I just remember that aspect of transmog being an annoyance so I added it to the list. It really just ruins immersion running around questing low level zones and someone in the same gear looks like a fully kitted legendary end game character while I am wearing rags.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    That will mess up in game screen shots 😂
  • Zeterium wrote: »
    I think it would be very cool if there was an option for individual accounts to disable the transmog/cosmetics. That way the player can make their character look however they want but other players have the option to just view the real art of the gear.

    One of my favorite aspects of MMOs in the past was visual progression, finding that upgrade that makes your character look that little bit cooler. Knowing if you stand a chance in PVP when you see someone coming towards you based on their gear.

    I also find that transmog/cosmetic heavy MMOs tend to lack interesting gear throughout the leveling process. Oftentimes new pieces of gear are just a different color of the same model.

    I feel like if players have the option to wear fake gear to add to their role play immersion I should have the option to turn it off for mine.

    You kidding they not going to kill their cash cow!
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  • WarthWarth Member
    lol, won't happen
  • SolvrynSolvryn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    No one needs to know what gear I’m rocking, that’s my business.
  • I disagree with disabling cosmetics. It undermines the reason for the cash shop for one thing, and it prevents players from presenting their character how they like.

    Some games I'm familiar with would lose players without being able to disable some of the immersion-breaking cosmetics (World of Warships for example) and others have decided cosmetics affect PVP negatively (Albion Online) but for a game like this I think it is important that players be able to make their player look how they like.
  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member
    edited August 25
    Zeterium wrote: »
    It really just ruins immersion running around questing low level zones and someone in the same gear looks like a fully kitted legendary end game character while I am wearing rags.

    What if I said it ruins my immersion when players aren't allowed their full bandwidth of expression when creating their character ... regardless of what level they are?

    The whole point of cosmetics is to be seen by other players.

    Allowing the option to "turn off" your appearance devalues the in-game achievement (or cash shop purchase).

    Nemeses wrote: »
    You kidding they not going to kill their cash cow!

    Whatever term is given for the cash shop, I think most agree that it's not unique to Ashes of Creation. It's a trend amongst many MMOs that isn't going away anytime soon.

    Fortunately, the devs have promised many in-game achievables that will be similar (or in some instances better) to what's in the cash shop.
  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder
    Honestly, I don't think we'll ever convince them to not add cosmetics and transmogs/glamours at this point. And quite honestly, I think that's okay, as long as they keep a consistent artstyle and add things that belong in the world and thus won't stick out like a sore thumb.

    That said. I do want an option to toggle it off. I'll write down some quick bullet points. I could elaborate on each one. But I'm sure it'll be easy to follow. These are reasons why I would be against a transmog system

    Class Identification
    Gear Level Assessment
    Consistency with Lore and World-Building
    Visual Representation of Achievements
    Gear as a Status Symbol
    Fairness in PvP by Reducing Deception
    Skill vs. Appearance
    Visual Consistency
    Earning Your Look

    These are all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm sure there's others. But all these things, in one way or another, have been very important to me in the past, most of them still are.

  • BlipBlip Member
    Lets just shit on anyone wearing a cash shop skin. :D
  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder
    Blip wrote: »
    Lets just shit on anyone wearing a cash shop skin. :D

    Ah yes, so they can disable /spit emotes :D

  • Thought they’ve stated that to use the skin you have to meet the requirements for the skin. So if everyone starts in rags, I don’t think they qualify to use the skin at that point in their character development.

    Also most of the cosmetics they sold are NPC gear. To me it sounds like the player wearing said gear would want an NPC nameplate if they intended to use the cosmetics to role play or are using it as a disguise to infiltrate a node. I think the novelty of the cosmetic wears off pretty quickly, especially if there’s better gear to be acquired in game. All it really says is “I bought this limited time cosmetic” or “I paid real money for this rather than earn it through gameplay”.
  • I am sure that if the developers in pvp do not want to reveal the enemy’s HP, and show HP from 4 bars, then transmog either should not exist at all or it should have a very strict link to both the armor class and its level. Otherwise, you can get both a weakling dressed like a rooster and, on the contrary, an overgeared character dressed as a homeless tramp.
  • I disagree as well. I want people to see what I've been grinding for.
  • SpifSpif Member
    In a game where crafting can make the highest end gear, and the crafting system has appearance/style choice, then you're never going to be able to identify how good a player's gear is by seeing it. There are plenty of games like this. Transmog will also hide how good gear is, but you can't toggle off a max level epic crafted to look like a training sword

    Class is going to show on the player's name plate. There's no hiding that. Weapons are going to be visible no matter what the costume. Armor type?...we don't know.

    I believe IS wants some level of deception. Hence hiding exact health amount or %. They want you to be unsure if you overgear someone before you attack them. Using D&D terms: is that a +1 longsword or a +5 longsword? You don't know, and that's the point. Mess with them if you really want to find out.

    If someone is ganking (by tricking others to go purple, not getting corruption), then I think there should be a way for another player to pretend to be weak and try to turn the tables on them.

    At the endgame you'll learn who matters and who doesn't by their name anyway.
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