Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Dot Class?
Just curious if anyone has heard of any DoT based class yet?
Summoners might go that direction though. In theory it the talent tree options of the mage could allow us to specc our spells to deal more continuous damage rather than burst. But as of now I'm not aware of anything conclusive about this.
Thou keep in mind we are early days yet, and many skills have yet to be implemented, and most archetypes atm are fairly basic. This will probably change in time.
I would expect that you could combine a primary and secondary to build around DoT's if your so inclined.
Steven already mentioned in the fighter class preview that you will be able to build him with focus on the bleed. Increasing max bleed stacks, more abilities that apply bleeds and ect.
Not nessarily, while it's true Summoner kind of needs something to do if they don't fight directly. They could do several other things then cast DoTs. Some ability to tactically command summons "flank that guy" "defend this area" etc would make sense and make you feel like your really commanding your minion. Also supporting them in the forms of buffs and heals rather then damage makes sense, or if they are damage dealing debuffs on enemies they work by amplifying your summons damage rather then just replicating what a mage can do. A DoT basically has no interaction with summoned creates so seems like a very poor choice of a Summoners kit.
Tell that to my EQ1 Necro. Long boss fights. No class could beat my DPS once I got my dots layered and timed. Used to solo raid trash mobs to get exp.
While no class has been specifically stated as being a DoT class I suspect most if not all the classes will be able to be turned into DoT classes through augment systems.
The Summoner is meant to be a filler class, able to fill any role by summoning the right spirits/pets. So if you want the widest range of different kinds of DoTs that would probably be your best bet. But best to wait till we know a bit more detail about the augment system before settling on any particular class.
Rogue with poison/bleeds, Fighter with bleeds, Mage with elemental dots like ignite, Cleric will also probably have ignite, etc.
Now whether you will be able to solely focus on DoTs, vs it just being a supplement to your damage, we don't know yet.
Personally, I'm a fan of DoTs, but they can easily be very boring - just re-stacking same 4-5 DoTs on a target is just dumb gameplay loop imo. They need to be more interactive.