healers in open world

juvianjuvian Member
edited August 31 in General Discussion
I wanted to have general idea if anyone can help me with that , how will healers be in open world and pvp overall , will they be useless on their own and only needed in a party ? , so if I go outside any city I must be in party , or will I be able to survive in open world normally as healer , this is really something important , I hope this is taken into consideration when balancing open world pvp overall , that healers and tanks are not only needed in group content and that they can survive on their own


  • At least in Alpha One cleric had some dps abilities, you can still find info about them on the wiki, there was a whip and spear like attacks. I have to say I haven't seen them in the recent footage, but then you can select specific abilities for your build. So far bard looks the weakest from the perspective of doing damage, it seems to be too one themed...pun intended.
  • Taleof2CitiesTaleof2Cities Member
    edited August 30
    Combat balance in Ashes of Creation is designed around an 8-person group, juvian … not solo gameplay.

    There’s another thread going around that has a quote from Steven that the Support classes will be able to stand alone when playing solo.

    To be tested in Alpha 2 of course.
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