Class Fantasy Question

Im just curious if there are plans to have a katana weapon type, followed up by if there will be a class+mage combination that would have lightning flavored slashing style abilities.

Purely biased and selfish question ofc.

If there are no plans, I will dedicate myself to being the best weaponsmith. Hatori Hanzo incoming.


  • LodrigLodrig Member
    I would expect something that looks like a Katana to exist, Ironically as a 'traditional orckish blade' as orcs got asian theming in this game. As for class that can do lightning slash, I think your right that mage secondaries are likely to provide that, probably Fighter/Mage. But their was also a lighting arrow ability on Ranger that might become a melee attack under augmentation so maybe Ranger/Rogue gives you more Ninja like play?

    Also because combat and Artisan development is seperate it should be possible to do both.
  • Totally unrelated and selfish comment on this. I wish more game developers actually hired some HEMA consultants. Yes I know its a fantasy games with dragons and magic, but I breaks my heart every time I see those silly weapon movesets. You are swinging a 3kg greatsword, not a 30kg sack of potatoes.
  • Lodrig wrote: »
    I would expect something that looks like a Katana to exist, Ironically as a 'traditional orckish blade' as orcs got asian theming in this game. As for class that can do lightning slash, I think your right that mage secondaries are likely to provide that, probably Fighter/Mage. But their was also a lighting arrow ability on Ranger that might become a melee attack under augmentation so maybe Ranger/Rogue gives you more Ninja like play?

    Also because combat and Artisan development is seperate it should be possible to do both.

    Range/Rogue would be really cool, with the stealth, arrow+close combat themes, definitely ninja-esque. I will absolutely be doing the crafting, its one of my favorite things to do in MMOs.
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