Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Guild Themes

Guilds present themselves as hardcore, casual, semi-hardcore, family, a guild formed playing RuneScape together, PVP guild, etc, I have wondered if different criteria could be a way to form a guild. I have thought about guild themes that I would appreciate but I don't know if it makes sense. Because the typical criteria doesn't tell you anything about the people you will spend your time with. Maybe it's just me but here are some unique guild themes that I think would bring like-minded people together.
--Shared music interest guild. You might have different views about gameplay but shared music interests automatically means you will have something in common.
--Outsiders only guild. Opposed to conforming to the political systems. That might be Pirates or it might be Anarchists, etc.
--Gathering guild. They protect each other in the field and likely make deals with bigger alliances for their supply.
--Older players. Just players 50 and older. That's their common ground.
--Mafia type. Focusing on extorsion or within the game rules, darker methods to control markets.
--Dictatorship, Democratic, Oligarchy, etc Some will have structures like this in "normal" guilds and you might not even know it when you join. I'm suggesting guilds who are up front about their particular unique politics as a way of dealing with Vera or within the IRL members structure.
--Militia type. Guilds with a military style command structure. I have seen some like this that were open to the public that were interesting.
What types am I missing? Maybe I'm overthinking it and creating such a themed guild doesn't work. I think about this idea since I go lone wolf a lot but I would like to be in a guild of people with similar interests. Especially one that is part of a large Alliance and the small/medium guild provides a service for the Alliance such as farming rare items far away from the Alliance main area, providing protection to trade routes, etc. All of that without having to be in a super large guild yet part of something bigger too.
I'm presenting two concepts. Shared interest irl as a guild type and unique in-game interests as a guild type.
--Shared music interest guild. You might have different views about gameplay but shared music interests automatically means you will have something in common.
--Outsiders only guild. Opposed to conforming to the political systems. That might be Pirates or it might be Anarchists, etc.
--Gathering guild. They protect each other in the field and likely make deals with bigger alliances for their supply.
--Older players. Just players 50 and older. That's their common ground.
--Mafia type. Focusing on extorsion or within the game rules, darker methods to control markets.
--Dictatorship, Democratic, Oligarchy, etc Some will have structures like this in "normal" guilds and you might not even know it when you join. I'm suggesting guilds who are up front about their particular unique politics as a way of dealing with Vera or within the IRL members structure.
--Militia type. Guilds with a military style command structure. I have seen some like this that were open to the public that were interesting.
What types am I missing? Maybe I'm overthinking it and creating such a themed guild doesn't work. I think about this idea since I go lone wolf a lot but I would like to be in a guild of people with similar interests. Especially one that is part of a large Alliance and the small/medium guild provides a service for the Alliance such as farming rare items far away from the Alliance main area, providing protection to trade routes, etc. All of that without having to be in a super large guild yet part of something bigger too.
I'm presenting two concepts. Shared interest irl as a guild type and unique in-game interests as a guild type.
The way the game is being built, focusing on a single aspect of the world might be a valid way of playing.
I did see someone start an Orc only guild, which is what I like to see. Hope that works.
They will get rolled when stepping foot outside of their node, and then take to the forums to complain about the corruption system.
The types of groups OP is describing will naturally take form inside of a larger overall guild (i.e. an RP dedicated guild).