Let’s guess the next livestream topic

JeanPhilippeGungharJeanPhilippeGunghar Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Let’s guess the topic of the next livestream for September. I’ll go first: it might be either a tour of A2 or a presentation video.


  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Sure, I'll guess...

    A timelapsed mini-tour of a node from one of their longer spot tests, as the buildings go up and you see some players doing... whatever one does in the Node, with voiceover from some lofty Narrator (i.e. Steven), that also acts as a sort of 'tutorial, get ready for NDA A2' video.

    (because every Content Creator will cover it by the time A2 actually opens, and reframe the hype).

    Let's go [Insert Node Name Here]!
    Sorry, my native language is Erlang.
  • Archetype 1 + Archetype 2 & augments.
  • Summoner and Rogue, to wrap up the last of the archetypes
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    edited September 4
    My guess it will about A2 and the road map for phase one things we will see. What ever is on that list, they will pick a subject. World bosses was on that list and that's what we got last.
  • arkileoarkileo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    Since it'll probably be the last livestream before A2, my guess is a walkthrough of sorts of the starting experience of A2, creating your character, starting quests, learning professions, etc.
  • They gonna announce the official launch date, I feel it.
  • SpifSpif Member
    It's been a long time since Gathering/Refining/Crafting has been in the spotlight. Not that I care that much about mining ore, refining ore and making swords /yawn. Animal husbandry might be interesting, or updates in general about less common mechanics such as:

    Recipes may have an XP component, where crafting that recipe multiple times can level up the recipe and unlock better results.[33][40]
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