" Run out the sweeps ... ... "

AszkalonAszkalon Member
edited September 7 in General Discussion
Whoever watched a very certain, wonderful and golden Movie Series called Pirates of the Caribbean, or "Curse" of the Caribbean,

will probably remember this notorious Scene and Moment where Captain Barbossa ordered his Crew in the first Movie to use very long Oars and row diligently to give the Black Pearl a Speedboost ontop of the Wind in their Sails.

I know Ashes of Creation will have Ship Classes - > ONE of these Ship Classes being Galleons.


And are some People here in this Forum who kinda want the same thing as me ? No matter how many or few People/Players You can put on the biggest Ships for Ocean Content - (and Piracy) - > don't You also want to know if you can kinda "overload" the Ship with more Players/Characters on Board than usual ?

And even better - > can You modify, equip, "build" - or otherwise alter some Ships/Galleons - so that for Example an unnatural, higher Number of Players on a single Ship could help this Ship out ?

Like for Example something like - " the long sweeps " ... ... ;)

Imagine You can from afar let a single Ship ( Gally ) look like a - well - normal Galleon. But in Truth it is like double or three times as strong in Player-Power/Numbers - and the Moment some unsuspecting Challenger and Opponent comes near - a scary Surprise might await them,

as numerous Players storm out from the Entry to a lower Deck - going full YAAARRR on their unlucky Victims. :mrgreen:

Might me just my Imagination - but i have the Impression People in this Forum are very shy and hesitant to express themselves whetever they want to participate in Ocean/Open Seas Content, or not. :smile:
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)


  • edited September 7
    Is it only me who isn't that crazy about open seas combat, and would rather have some solid ground under their feet in a Lawless Zone with open pvp?

    For me to make seas interesting, they would have to invest a lot of time into design and dev, to make ship combat deep enough for stuff like ship characteristics actually matter beyond "our ship is larger so we win". I hope that at least stuff like ship speed, manoeuvrability, number of cannons, and maybe different speed characteristics depending on the direction of wind will matter to spice things up. Then we could talk about different cannon ammunition type, boarding tactics and counter play, and being able to target different parts of a ship.

    Do we know anything about whatever we will be able to land on any islands, to obtain some rare resources or go after any interesting objectives?
  • Is it only me who isn't that crazy about open seas combat, and would rather have some solid ground under their feet in a Lawless Zone with open pvp ?

    Naaah. Not just you.

    What however do You think about the Open Seas, Voicest ? Will You give it a shot and look if you like it, or will you put it beside and focus only on Land Content ?
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • Is it only me who isn't that crazy about open seas combat, and would rather have some solid ground under their feet in a Lawless Zone with open pvp ?

    By the way,

    Lawless Zones might be removed somewhat sooner or later. This doesn't seem like something that was planned since long ago and with the Intention to stay.

    I agree with those who want to make high-Ingredients/Ressources farming-Spots into Lawless/PvP-Zones however, if this can be reasoned nicely in the Game's Lore.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • That sounds neat. To have an army hidden below deck, waiting for the time to strike.

    I also think it would be cool to see ships almost be like another character. Where a cleric (group of clerics) could cast a bubble shield around the ship. Or summoner (group of summoners) could call forth the zombie oars
  • rollox wrote: »
    That sounds neat. To have an army hidden below deck, waiting for the time to strike.

    Right ? :sunglasses:

    rollox wrote: »
    I also think it would be cool to see ships almost be like another character. Where a cleric (group of clerics) could cast a bubble shield around the ship. Or summoner (group of summoners) could call forth the zombie oars

    Ohhhhh. I like the Idea of "summoning" something like ghostly Oars or so - or several Clerics being able to produce/cast a Shield-like Bubble around a Ship.
    ( Or maybe Tanks ? But they seem not to be Casters )

    I haven't even thought about some Possibilities. Damn the Imagination of that alone is cool.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • Hmm yea the more physical types.I wonder what impact a tank wall built in deck would have in blocking or absorbing damage?

    Rogues being able to provide the ship some stealth?

    Rangers giving the ship additional ranged attack through arrow volleys.

    Mages enhancing elemental cannons or giving the ship, like the gallon pictured, giving that ship a fire breath attack. What about a ship blink?
  • There aren't a lot of talks about ship battles aroun here, since we have no clue about how Intrepid wants to approach this. There was a good thread about this last year with tons of ideas, but we have no idea if such ideas are close to what Intrepid is planning internally.

    So, that's it, we have no idea about anything
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • edited September 10
    Aszkalon wrote: »
    Is it only me who isn't that crazy about open seas combat, and would rather have some solid ground under their feet in a Lawless Zone with open pvp ?

    By the way,

    Lawless Zones might be removed somewhat sooner or later. This doesn't seem like something that was planned since long ago and with the Intention to stay.

    I agree with those who want to make high-Ingredients/Ressources farming-Spots into Lawless/PvP-Zones however, if this can be reasoned nicely in the Game's Lore.
    Yeah, I'm aware, but I will be sure to voice my opinion about it. I like Lawless Zones as an optional high risk high reward area where there is very little rules. For some reason it reminds me of the STALKER games Zone, must be the name. I would like them to stay, and allow you to hunt for some rare resources, mobs and same very rare rewards/artefacts which spawn once a week etc. I'm borrowing the artefacts from STALKER for a reason. Items which could give you a character / node a temporarily buff, or used in crafting so there is a reason to search for it again.

    I'm not saying no to open seas pvp, but if this will be limited to shallow ship combat, and some boarding action with very small arena for group fights I can see it getting boring fast. I like games were terrain can be utilised in combat.
  • The sea dosn't have to be featureless, blobs of kelp, fog banks, sand bars which inhibit deep draft ships, currents and changing winds can provide some tactics to a sea-chase, and then once ships are within grappling range the ships themselves al the terrain over which fighting is occouring. I'm sure this was all already discussed in prior threads.

    Given that Intrepid has shown currents in rivers which varried I would find it very surprising if they were not on the oceans and much stronger to boot. This will create prefered 'trade routes' through the ocean and also increse the likelyhood of piracy along them. One of the big dangers of ship combat is that the ocean is simply too big and ships never come within firing range or even sight of each other so countering that should be the first priority in the naval gameplay development. Then if the seas are too hostile they can back off if needed.
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