Alpha two on Oktober 25th vs wave 1 on November 8th

Hey. There is no clear answer to what covers what when it comes to access on these two tests. Will the people with access on the 25th have access to all further testing? (Wave 1,2,3)


  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    If you have A2 as part of a previously purchased Intrepid package or Kickstarter, you have access to all further testing from October 25th onwards. (Unless of course those dates get pushed as they have so often in the past.) There were no packages that didn't have B1 and B2 access in them. The only case would be those that won A2 access through some process, or friends with extra B1 or B2 keys from their Kickstarter backing level assign them to friends without purchased access to them later. But if you bought one that had A2, you gucci.
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