Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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What was your most memorable/favorite MMO moment?

koltovincekoltovince Member, Settler, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two
Heard this question in the last live stream and I thought it would be a cool question to ask to the Ashes community. I will get it started.

In SWTOR, back in the day me and my buddy were bored and decided to forcibly flag PVErs for PVP and kill them in a daily quest zone. They rightfully got upset and got friends to help fight us both. We decided to get help because we couldn't kill an entire group of people alone, and things scaled so massively that in an hour the daily zone was filled with max sized raid on both sides trying to slaughter each other. The battle went on for a few hours with no clear winner, but the minor act of ganking spawned such a massive event sticks out in my mind.

So, what is your favorite/most memorable moment?


  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Buying an item on the market that had two zeroes missing in its price. That item let me farm mobs soooo much faster.
  • I was messing around in WoW early one Sunday morning and ran into a guy who was going to raid Orgimmar. It seemed rather ambitious for a PUG but it went off without a hitch. The Hordies were caught completely by surprise and we slaughtered every NPC in their capital city and anyone else "brave" enough to try and stop us. It was the most fun I ever had in WoW.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    edited September 2024
    My most memorable, favourite MMO Moment was - when i took the " Sword hilt of Quel'Delar " from the WoW Expansion Wrath of the Lichking,

    a Quest-Item that lets Players forge a neat, nice Runeblade - around the Time of Mists of Pandaria,

    and while People were " SELLING " this Sword Hilt in the Auction House for around 60.000 Gold every Piece each, effectively forcing People to pay a hefty Amount of Gold if they wanted to have that nice Runeblade anytime soon,

    ... ... ... ... ... - > i gave it to a Death Knight Player FOR. FREE. !! 🤣 . 🤣 . 🤣 - AND let the whole Server back on that Day know of it, in the City Trading Chat. 🤣 . 🤣 . 🤣

    My Conditions to give this kinda/very "rare" Quest Item back in the Day for FREE to another Player, was ... ...

    ... ... ... ... the Player needed to have the "right Race" - AND a respectful sounding Name, which sounds to me like it could have easily been original from the World of Azeroth.

    Deathknights appeared in Warcraft III the first Time. They appeared in Lordaeron. They were usually slain Silverhand Paladins revived in the Scourge's Service. ;)

    So the correct Lordaeron-Races of the Alliance in WoW - were for me only - > Dwarves - and Humans.
    For the HORDE ... ... ... ... i would have given it only to either a Forsaken/undead Human - or a Bloodelf.

    No "Tauren",
    No "Orcs",
    No "Nightelves",
    No "DRAENEI",

    not these unfunny Jokes as a Deathknight-Race - known as Goblins - or GNOMES !! x'D

    edit : Forgot the Worgen here. They were disqualified, too. For obvious Reasons.

    People can disrespect the Lore of Warcraft III as much as they like. I am not in any Position to tell People what to do. But People can count on ME respecting original Warcraft III Lore. :sunglasses:

    So my Sword Hilt wandered into the Hands of a "Dwarf" Deathknight ... ...

    He wasn't named " Bratwurst " -> not named "Kartoffelbrei" (Potato Puree), or what else for outright disrespectful and ridiculous Names were cruising around back then on my german Server i played on,

    no !! I gave it to a Player who gave his Character a Name a male Dwarf could have actually had - in the World of Warcraft. ;) and not a super-duper-dwarvy sounding Name. Just a realistic seeming Name for the Standarts of Azeroth.

    So i told in the City Trading Chat, what i did ... ... ... ... :mrgreen: ... ... ... ... People were not believing me at first. But that was okay. I wasn't trying to convince People of my Deeds.

    But then the fun thing happened. :D The Death Knight was JUST AT THAT MOMENT in a City and saw my Comment because he had his Focus and Eyes on the Chat Window as well.

    He confirmed my "mischievous" Deed which i did ONLY TO TRIGGER all those People who always loved to "RIP PEOPLE OFF" of their hard-earned Gold : to try to make some quick Cash ingame only because they got their hands on some Rare Items and/or Mats that others might want to have. ;)

    No blackmailing and/or extorting THAT Deathknight into paying a huge Sum of Gold. :mrgreen:

    That Day - > i enraged a HUUUGE Amount of People on my Server - and i think at least around 71 People or so put me on their Blocklist back then. :mrgreen: . 🤣 . 🤣 . 🤣 . :mrgreen:

    There were more wholesome Moments of mine in my long, many Years of playing WoW - but the butthurt i generated back then among completely asocial People - was delicious. :mrgreen:

    Long live the Lore.

    Long live respectfully created Characters.

    For Lordaeron.

    For Warcraft.

    Whoever loves the Fantasy Universe of the Game i also love and play in, will always have me as an Ally.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • My most memorable moment was when I successfully managed to complete my "Judgement armor" set, also known as "Tier 2 Paladin set" from Vanilla WoW, with my raidgroup of 39 other people in "Blackwing Lair".

    I played "Preliator" to it and ended up where I belonged. On top of the world. ( Preliator )
  • LaetitianLaetitian Member
    edited September 2024
    Sorry if this goes against the intention of the thread, but I'll answer generally; partly because none of the memorable moments that come to my mind most prominently are ones that would be worth sharing details of with others who weren't there:

    - Getting to know on a personal level, and eventually be on eye-level with, the clan members that outranked me. Just always felt like such a special privilege.
    - All the people I started supporting with my healer while they were farming. The weird ones and the nice ones. Following them into battle when they were done, and seeing how they play and where they go, just tagging along and adjusting my playstyle.

    There were lots of memorable glorious competitive sieges with my clan.
    In some of them we pulled off hilariously clever, daring, or silly strategies.
    But none of those fights were as meaningful as the times when I got to know new players and discover their unique character traits.
    The only one who can validate you for all the posts you didn't write is you.
  • Some of my most memorable moments come from my time in Albion Online. I had the chance to meet some really cool people, as well as encounter a lot of interesting players with unique personalities. Whether we were defending our zones or launching attacks on others, there was always a strong sense of brotherhood and belonging within our groups. Over time, I picked up skills in PvP, ganking, and coordinating teams, and eventually, I found myself diving into shotcalling, where I learned the intricacies of strategy, tactics, and large-scale macro gameplay.

    The first time I ever called a large-scale ZvZ fight, the pressure was intense—like all eyes were on me. I was nervous about messing up and causing everyone to lose their gear, but I knew what needed to be done. Sometimes, you just have to get thrown into the deep end. We ended up winning that fight, and I realized it wasn’t a fluke. Having everyone follow my calls, listen, and ultimately succeed was an incredible feeling. It showed me that I could handle the responsibility and pressure, and that moment really stood out as a turning point in my Albion Online experience.
  • FlankerFlanker Member, Alpha Two
    Fighting against 2 other guilds for a chance to farm the world boss Antharas in Lineage 2

    3 guilds

    400-450 players in total

    4,5 hours of fighting

    We didn't win that time but it was an insane and dramatic battle

  • AszkalonAszkalon Member, Alpha Two
    During the Time of Mists of Pandaria,

    i played a "Pandaren Rogue" - called Visul. She was my Combat Rogue - and VEEERY Ninja-like in Appearance. I successfully put together a lot of Stuff just to let her look like a very cool Ninja.

    So some Time after Mists of Pandaria launched, " Zandalari Warscouts " were roaming the different Landscapes of Pandaria. They are tall Zandalari Trolls who "sneak" a little while walking, but walk their Routes in an effective Speed.

    If you were not careful, they could ambush You - like a LOT. Especially at the Beginning when You didn't know their Routes where they roamed around.

    So when i was Maxlevel - > and geared up somewhat - > my Combat Rogue was starting to get to strong for a single one of them. Without fail, i would finally be able to beat the everliving crap out of every single One of them and never get defeated again.

    But when You were not Max-Level at the time - and didn't had certain Quality Gear as your Armor and Weapon : they were quite the Threat and could kill You quite easily and quickly.

    So one Day in "Jade Forest" - the Area in the East of Pandaria - i saw a Bloodelf Player. A Sorcerer. And would You look at that !! She was already down to like One Third of her Life - and her HP Points sank quickly.

    I was farming these Warscouts for WEEKS now already - because they regularly dropped nice Loot which i could sell. If they dropped an Epic Piece AND a blue/rare Piece together - then murdering even a single One would secure me a nice Ninety/90 Gold per Kill.

    So i came in flying fast - finding the Warscout about the Place i always find him. But oh Bummer - he was gray. He was already flagged/touched by the other Player. I had no Chance to get the Loot this way. That Bloodelf Player would successfully hinder my " ALLIANCE PANDAREN " Rogue to get my sweet, sweet Loot.

    Wouldn't it be nice if i waited just a f~EEEEEW more Seconds ? Like Five at most ? She was between 30% and 10% Life - tried to jump but was "slowed down" by the Mob striking her from behind.

    Would i wait ? After all - why would an Alliance Player like me go out of their way to save a Horde Player from being murdered ? Also the Mob would reset and i could finally kill it to get my Loot.

    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... n~AAAH !! >;-) - i am going to quickly MURDER that accursed Mob right here and there !

    Not only did i hate the Warscouts with a burning Passion for being so much of a Pain in my behind until i finally got strong enough to bust the everliving crap out of them with my equipped Knuckledusters,

    but honestly and hands down here. WHAT IS MORE exciting ??

    To always get what You want ? Or to TAKE AN UNIQUE MOMENT AND CHANCE !!!!! And turn the Tides of Battle in these SUPER-RARE Moments where You come along and can make the Difference if another Player lives or dies by PvE ??? >;-)

    I " QUICKLY " jumped the Zandalari Warscout - threw my blinding Powder (Rogue Ability) into him - stunning him so that the Bloodelf Mage could gain a bit of Distance - and then used my other Stun-Ability on him which requires no Combo Points.

    I then proceeded to beat the everliving CRAP out of the Mob - "again" - same as usual - with a mischievous Glee that is probably not really mentally healthy. :smile: . >:)

    The Horde Player sure was baffled and puzzled for a Second when the Mob went down which 100% sure WOULD have killed her a few Seconds later.

    But i wasn't done yet. >:) - because since Vanilla i play on Roleplay Servers and my cool, edgy Stylishness wouldn't let it end here.

    I turned to the Horde Player and quickly pressed my " /Bow "-Macro Button - letting my Visul make a stylish Bow like only female Pandaren Characters can do it,

    and then pressed my "VANISH"-Ability quickly ... ...

    ... ... ... ... ... and just like that - my stylish, mysterious Pandaren Rogue was gone as quickly as she dashed down from the Air from my flying Mount - almost as if she had never existed in the first Place. >;-)

    But despite it being over -> the Story didn't even really end here. :open_mouth:

    Five Minutes later - > i am continuing my Search to look for Zandalari Warscouts to beat the everliving crap out of.

    A Person whispers me and is so ridiculously happy and thankful. It was nigh absurd but i won't act like i don't understand the Player.

    " WoW !! Why did You do that ? Thank You so much for saving my "B11e" (<- Meaning Blut/Elf/e) <- (German)
    it would mean something like "Blood/Eleven" in English),

    -> I was thanked by this Player who found this Incident and Event happening so goddamn cool - > and was send TWO-Hundred Gold from this Player as a Thanks.

    It was to this very Day one of the most wholesome Experiences i had, when i was playing WoW. :smile:

    I admit it is different when trolling People in the Auction House who treat their fellow MMO Players like absolute Garbage and Scum, >:)

    but this kind of Events and Experiences to make in a wondrous Fantasy-World, are Fun, too. :mrgreen:
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
  • NateDogg187NateDogg187 Member, Alpha Two
    So many good memories from Lineage 2 like killing heroes solo or with an under leveled friend, stealing castles from the top alliance in the final minutes of sieges or hunting clan war targets or meeting members of my clan in Vegas when I was 21 and 22. After the Goddess of Destruction update (aptly named for ruining the game) me and my best friend were playing on many private servers. We had been dueling and I found out that the Confusion skill worked on this server. Every other server I can remember it was a dud skill. Anyway we were raiding a boss in TOI inside of a room and a pvp/raid group showed up and started attacking us. Archers must have been flavor of the month because they were hawkeyes (human) and we were ghost sentinels (dark elf). We each had support/healers. So we each casted confusion on the archers and proceeded to watch them automatically change target and be forced to attack their teammates for like 10-15 seconds. Fully buffed archers hit hard and they had no idea what was happening because likely it had never happened to them, no matter how long they had played. They were screaming and cussing in chat and helped us kill their whole group. I think they came back one more time and we did it again, dying laughing the whole time.
  • so many good memories on MMOs ... but more spreadsheet oriented ,... galaxy networks, ogame and others like tribes ... last few years i mostly played state of survival mmo ... but i really am sick of that pay to win aspect of it ... so im looking forward to ashes not beeing pay to win at its core ... i had some great moments playing wizard 101 with my son... played a little wow and a lot of ftp asian mmorpgs ... ashes will be the first time since the launch of og wow that i spend money on an mmorpg ...
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  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I've encountered these moments in every MMO I've played, where mechanics can be cleverly used to gain an advantage.

    In Ragnarok Online, as a Wizard, I discovered a trick with Ice Wall. Normally, you couldn't trap creatures inside it. But by kiting them strategically from the south or west, you could freeze them in place. Then, by placing a second Ice Wall behind them, you could negate the knockback effect from Jupitel Thunder, or you could lay down a large AoE to farm them effectively. It was a fantastic farming method that took full advantage of the game’s mechanics.

    In World of Warcraft, as a Mage, you could double-dip on the Shatter talent, which gave a big crit chance against frozen targets. First, you’d hard-cast Frostbolt and immediately follow with Fire Blast for massive damage. Another Mage trick was using Blink to negate fall damage, and Priests could time Shadow Word: Death perfectly to reflect damage (since the target wouldn't die), making it a sneaky way to dispel Polymorph. As a Rogue, especially in Subtlety spec, you could use Sprint to close the distance and sap mobs that could normally see through stealth.

    All of this reminds me of a Beethoven quote: "Don't only practice your art, but force your way into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine." These little tricks and techniques feel like glimpses into the hidden mastery of a game, turning you from a player into a true artist of your craft.

  • VarganVargan Member, Alpha Two
    Giran Siege in Lineage 2.
    Using our clan's Dominators to chain-cast Flames of Invincibility while our Dreadnought leader was channeling Seal of Ruler on the throne. Followed by the mass killing of the remaining defenders.

    We did it with 36 people, while the defenders we're 90+
    Too bad, you lose! The correct sequence was blood - blood - blood.
  • AreannAreann Member, Alpha Two
    Getting the world first t3 bounty hunt on GW2. Killing the revamped Tequatl and the Marrionet. So in short times when the entire guild was focused on figuring something out and organizing a succes.
  • Arya_YesheArya_Yeshe Member
    edited October 2024
    Hinotori wrote: »
    My first Titan fight as a Titan pilot in eve...

    Hearing those magic words: "All Titans undock and jump to cyno."

    Followed by a front row seat to a 6 hour long laser Floyd light show.

    I'll never forget it. The rush... knowing months and months of planning and countless battles led to this moment.

    Knowing that if you lose, you may just lose the whole campaign along with all your space.

    this is lit, this the momment we know there's no turnning back, it is kill or be killed and everything is at stake
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • SunboySunboy Member
    edited October 2024
    Two random Italian guildmates singing "Let the bodies hit the floor" and yes, i sung along xD
  • FlankerFlanker Member, Alpha Two
    Xit wrote: »
    Giran Siege in Lineage 2.
    Using our clan's Dominators to chain-cast Flames of Invincibility while our Dreadnought leader was channeling Seal of Ruler on the throne. Followed by the mass killing of the remaining defenders.

    We did it with 36 people, while the defenders we're 90+
    We did that as well. But those guys, how come they didn't manage to cancel the effect though? With Cancellation from any mage, Insane Crusher from Hell Knight or steal it by any Soul Hound?

    P.S. I remember winning our guild winning the siege by completing the cast 7 seconds before it was over
  • PhamPham Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2024
    In Asheron's Call,

    The shadow war story arc where asheron, elysa and all the players aligned with them fought against bael'zharon and all the players aligned with him in a great battle in a place called "plateau". Classic good vs evil moment.

    Chronicled here, in the wiki:

    If some of the names in the transcript seem like player names, that's because they are. This wasn't a scripted event. This was a real-time, dynamic live event in which the monarchs (guild leaders) of all the top allegiances (guilds) on the server were enlisted by a GM playing asheron, to help in the battle against bael'zharon (also played by another GM).
    "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." - Ephesians 6:11
  • VarganVargan Member, Alpha Two
    Flanker wrote: »
    We did that as well. But those guys, how come they didn't manage to cancel the effect though? With Cancellation from any mage, Insane Crusher from Hell Knight or steal it by any Soul Hound?

    +CON dyes and Earring of Antharas, baby.
    Too bad, you lose! The correct sequence was blood - blood - blood.
  • RedLeader1RedLeader1 Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2024
    The first time on my WoW realm that a Southshore PvP Battle started. I joined about 9pm, It was going at 3am when I logged off, and when i logged on the next morning a guildy I was fighting with was still there. It finally petered out around noon.

    There were no rewards at all for the fighting, it was just fun.
  • OtrOtr Member, Alpha Two
    koltovince wrote: »
    What was your most memorable/favorite MMO moment?
    When I stepped through the portal to enter Verra.
    It happened later this month! :o
  • LudulluLudullu Member, Alpha Two
    Otr wrote: »
    When I stepped through the portal to enter Verra.
    It happened later this month! :o
    Are you like a time traveller? Do you like to go backwards?

    p.s. I just rewatched Primer yesterday and it had a funny line of "I haven't eaten since later this afternoon", and this reminded me of that :D
  • tinukedatinukeda Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Rolling 99 for the Leviathan trophy in AA :smile:
  • mxomxo Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2024
    Too many, but all of them in World of Warcraft. From the first time entering Orgrimmar until the fall of Arthas in his Icecrown Citadel with all fun, entertainment, drama and too many playing hours in between.

    Open World pvp at Tarrens Mill, weekend-long Alterac Valleys, raiding alliance cities and getting "For the Horde!" achievement (and the black war bear!), getting the first epic (Perdition's Blade) and legendary items (Warglaives of Azzinoth), reaching gladiator in Arena, receiving the Nether Drake Mount after weeks of farming, beating hard raid bosses after weeks of trying and progressing. Too many good memories.

    That was without a doubt in all means the best MMO time I've ever experienced for myself, together with my friends and guildies at this phase of my (gaming) life.

    Lok'tar Ogar.
  • mxomxo Member, Alpha Two
    edited October 2024
    ariatras wrote: »
    In World of Warcraft, as a Mage, you could double-dip on the Shatter talent, which gave a big crit chance against frozen targets. First, you’d hard-cast Frostbolt and immediately follow with Fire Blast for massive damage. Another Mage trick was using Blink to negate fall damage.
    Yeah, shatter combos. Or leap from warrior (negate fall damage). Or relfecting sheeps with spell reflection as a warrior - priceless. Nice memories, ariatras.

  • ariatrasariatras Member, Founder, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited October 2024
    Chaliux wrote: »
    ariatras wrote: »
    In World of Warcraft, as a Mage, you could double-dip on the Shatter talent, which gave a big crit chance against frozen targets. First, you’d hard-cast Frostbolt and immediately follow with Fire Blast for massive damage. Another Mage trick was using Blink to negate fall damage.
    Yeah, shatter combos. Or leap from warrior (negate fall damage). Or relfecting sheeps with spell reflection as a warrior - priceless. Nice memories, ariatras.

    I didn't count spell reflection, as that didn't feel like a "secret tech" as it was in the spell description itself.

    I more meant things like duelling a rogue, and running in a straight line away from said rogue (after having exhausted the roots and waited out CoS if applicable) and then jump, turn 180 degrees Cone of Cold, and turn back, all in the same jump. Your forward momentum doesn't change and the Rogue gets blasted by Cone of Cold (was my favourite way to practically nullify sprint and win the duel. Relying on frost armor was faulty, because you'd get blasted with a shiv and a 100% poison application it did :D

  • mxomxo Member, Alpha Two
    I've been playing rogue for years (and had a mage twink) so I can see and feel your described situation by full memory (from both side, so also the painful side eating the damage :smiley: )
    Also smart situations were if a blind could be vanished miliseconds before, which was good portion of luck, but still was possible. To anticipate the blind of the enemy rogue by vanishing just right before was lot of fun, but I was only in a position to do this a handful of times, because it was difficult and good luck was needed as well.
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