a possible unique secondary class for summoner: Voidman

Its been a long while since my last post cause a lot of games have come out taking my attention for a while but one thing i have seen recently in a manhwa i started reading basically exemplified a thought i have had for the same style of my hidden subclass ideas where doing quests can earn you a unique secondary class for one specific class granting you a unique subclass that could be more differentiated than the original class than your standard subclass BUT with no varaibility to make it easier to make and balance with in this case, this ONLY is availble for summoners with it also takes over your normal summoner augment chioces and leaves you with just 4 augment choices with actually i thought this could be more unique by giving you 6 augments at the cost of the standard summoner augments with each augment being a element of wind, earth, fire, water, light, and dark. Now than, to get to what the subclass would look like, it would be more like a fighter than a summoner with you wouldnt techinically summon ANYTHING gameplay wise as what you would be doing instead is 'summoning demons to possess you' and thus giving you unique abilities based on what the summon is which could just use the fact that the summoner ALREADY would have this system as we have been told where each summon adds its abilities on your bar. Lastly the biggest things that will differentiate this from fighter, tank, ranger, and rogue will be that the Voidmans survivability WONT come from being extra fast or stealthy or tanky, or necessarily being super long range but instead, ridiculous self healing that works as quasi immortality BUT with the limitation that instead of a health bar, you have a 'pain threshold' where after you exceed it, you actually become a liability for your team and do still die as you 'die' and a the last demon you were using is summoned fully in your place basically spawning a strong ass demon in your place that would be closest to your team and most likely to go for them as the demon would target ANYTHING close to it.

For an in depth look on the content im basing this on, https://astrascans.org/series/voidman/ heres a link to the manhwa and reading just the first few chapters gives you the whole vibe of the class as when you summon a demon, you create a image of the demon your currently using behind you before than you apperance might possibly change based on the demon your using and what power it has with also a clear indicator in general in terms of a basic baseline appearance change when you are currenty using a demons power to make sure the enemies do always know when your a serious threat with i also think that Voidmen should be UNABLE to be healed meaning voiding unecessary damage and death that would only boost your current pain limit and make hurt how much pain you are taking to summon demons already with maybe actually the 'pain threshold' would actually take your mps place meaning you can avoid increasing you current pain by not dying making it less punishing but still dangerous if your not careful.


  • " Shadowmancer " seems already to be the darkest, though.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
  • KilionKilion Member
    Honestly, I don't dig the whole idea about special subclasses, for as long as Intrepid has not proven they can make the 8x8 class system work.
    The answer is probably >>> HERE <<<
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