Guide to Alpha Two and more

Hey everyone!

The Alpha Two Guide just dropped, and it's packed with exciting info. Here’s a breakdown of the access dates for Alpha Two:

October 25, 2024: For Kickstarter, Pre-order, Giveaway folks.
November 8, 2024: First Wave Bundle buyers.
December 20, 2024: Second Wave Bundle buyers.
May 1, 2025: Third Wave Bundle buyers.
Now, let’s dive into what we’ll be testing during Alpha Two:

Node System upgrades: Nodes will evolve even more dynamically, and we'll finally get to see Node Sieges in action. It’s going to be wild watching the world change based on player decisions.
PvP and PvE balance: There’s more focus on balancing open-world PvP, so it'll be interesting to see how they make PvP rewarding but not too punishing.
PvE content: We’ve got quests, dungeons, world bosses, and raids coming! The Citadel of Steel Bloom dungeon with the Firebrand Raid sounds epic already.
Caravans: Moving resources across the map with the Caravan system is one of the features I’m most excited for. High-stakes transport is going to create some intense situations!
Weapon Skill Trees: You’ll be able to level up weapons separately from your class, adding another layer of depth to combat. This means even more customization in how you approach fights!
Six Archetypes: At launch, we'll be testing Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Ranger, and Tank. Rogue and Summoner will be added in later Alpha phases.

The map looks huge, and there will be plenty of Points of Interest (POIs) like Lionhold (the tutorial area), Winstead, and Miraleth to explore. Plus, as testing progresses, even more biomes and POIs will be added!

So, what are you most excited about?

Are you going to dive into PvP or focus more on PvE content like dungeons and quests?
Which archetype are you planning to play first?
How do you feel about the balance between PvP and PvE with open-world PvP having consequences?
Anyone else hyped to try out Caravans and see how that whole system works?
Also, what do you guys think about the Node Sieges? I feel like they’re going to be one of the biggest highlights of Alpha Two, but I’m curious if people are more focused on other features like the crafting system or the world bosses.

Let’s get a discussion going! I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts and what you’re most looking forward to.


  • In Phase 1, I'll be seeing how the moment-to-moment gameplay feels. Are the archetypes fun to play, is the questing adequate, is there enough to do in the world, or is there too much to do? Are the dungeons fun, is pvp exciting, will I be drawn to gather for hours like other games? Do caravans have the draw that they need, will playing the markets be enjoyable, are the artisan professions balanced?

    However, I'm most excited for phase 2 with more nodes and higher node levels.

    For Phase 2, I'll be looking at node mechanics, especially how the vassalage system works. What kind of interactions are available between vassal and liege node? What does it feel like to have your node progression haltered by another node leveling? Is the cost a node siege worth the price? Does the housing feel evenly distributed amongst players?
  • PeegerPeeger Member
    I really want to try as many archetypes as I can and give them a good run through. I have no idea what class or even what race I am going to play yet. Every new video I love the new content they show, all archetypes look so great! Also, trying to get into the builds of each should be a lot of fun as they tweek and adjust them!
  • Dragnoon wrote: »
    Hey everyone!

    The Alpha Two Guide just dropped, and it's packed with exciting info. Here’s a breakdown of the access dates for Alpha Two:

    October 25, 2024: For Kickstarter, Pre-order, Giveaway folks.
    November 8, 2024: First Wave Bundle buyers.
    December 20, 2024: Second Wave Bundle buyers.
    May 1, 2025: Third Wave Bundle buyers.
    Now, let’s dive into what we’ll be testing during Alpha Two:

    Node System upgrades: Nodes will evolve even more dynamically, and we'll finally get to see Node Sieges in action. It’s going to be wild watching the world change based on player decisions.
    PvP and PvE balance: There’s more focus on balancing open-world PvP, so it'll be interesting to see how they make PvP rewarding but not too punishing.
    PvE content: We’ve got quests, dungeons, world bosses, and raids coming! The Citadel of Steel Bloom dungeon with the Firebrand Raid sounds epic already.
    Caravans: Moving resources across the map with the Caravan system is one of the features I’m most excited for. High-stakes transport is going to create some intense situations!
    Weapon Skill Trees: You’ll be able to level up weapons separately from your class, adding another layer of depth to combat. This means even more customization in how you approach fights!
    Six Archetypes: At launch, we'll be testing Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Ranger, and Tank. Rogue and Summoner will be added in later Alpha phases.

    The map looks huge, and there will be plenty of Points of Interest (POIs) like Lionhold (the tutorial area), Winstead, and Miraleth to explore. Plus, as testing progresses, even more biomes and POIs will be added!

    So, what are you most excited about?

    Are you going to dive into PvP or focus more on PvE content like dungeons and quests?
    Which archetype are you planning to play first?
    How do you feel about the balance between PvP and PvE with open-world PvP having consequences?
    Anyone else hyped to try out Caravans and see how that whole system works?
    Also, what do you guys think about the Node Sieges? I feel like they’re going to be one of the biggest highlights of Alpha Two, but I’m curious if people are more focused on other features like the crafting system or the world bosses.

    Let’s get a discussion going! I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts and what you’re most looking forward to.

    I'm mostly excited about playing :D

    I want the 2ndary archetypes and augments ugh but I guess ill have to wait. that's what I wanna see the most!
  • PinkchinsPinkchins Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Super hyped, hopefully more archetypes.
  • AszkalonAszkalon Member
    Dragnoon wrote: »
    Node System upgrades: Nodes will evolve even more dynamically, and we'll finally get to see Node Sieges in action. It’s going to be wild watching the world change based on player decisions.

    I said it several times already and i say it again. ;)

    Nodes are going to be k~iiiiinda the "Main Character" of the Game - right next to the Players themselves.

    Our Nodes will be part of our Characters. Of our Stats. Of our "Buffs". Of our Achievements.
    " LITERALLY " of what our Characters own as their Property ingame. :sunglasses:

    ~ " We are destined by the Node. Made Citizens by the Node. Undone by the Node.
    Our Citizenship has yet to come. Fear the new Node. " - Nodeborne. :mrgreen: ~

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    PvP and PvE balance: There’s more focus on balancing open-world PvP, so it'll be interesting to see how they make PvP rewarding but not too punishing.

    Why do i have a feeling like this is going to be a permanently current Topic ? Balancing PvP.
    I just hope Sir Steven and his Team won't go back on what they have originally planned since Years.
    Teamwork above Gear-strength. Numbers above "Elitism".

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    Caravans: Moving resources across the map with the Caravan system is o

    Hands down,
    Caravans will be one THE. MOST. exciting. Features and Contents ingame. If not THE. most. exciting.

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    Weapon Skill Trees: You’ll be able to level up weapons separately from your class, adding another layer of depth to combat. This means even more customization in how you approach fights!

    It will be one of the things that will keep PvP always a somewhat fresh and/or flexible Experience.
    Me like. :sunglasses:

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    Six Archetypes: At launch, we'll be testing Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Mage, Ranger, and Tank. Rogue and Summoner will be added in later Alpha phases.

    GRRRR. :mrgreen:
    Of Course my desired Archetype comes only on May 1th in more than half a Year. >:)

    Doesn't matter. I will test the everliving Essence out of Verra anyway. :sunglasses:

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    The map looks huge, and there will be plenty of Points of Interest (POIs) like Lionhold (the tutorial area), Winstead, and Miraleth to explore. Plus, as testing progresses, even more biomes and POIs will be added!

    This is another Hands down-Moment here when we just admit :

    - The huge Map is one of the very Reasons if not THE. Reason. why Ashes of Creation is going to be one of the most ambitious MMORPG's of all time until now.

    This is not going to be something like Classic WoW. This is something where the whole Map - > every single Biome -> in every single of the four Seasons some Biomes can have,

    will be an Experience that Players can discover and explore the wondrous World of Verra for several Years. ;)
    At least "Casual" Players, that is. We all know some People will do their "FREAK-Runs" of trying to uncover everything in a single Year or below. :sweat_smile:

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    So, what are you most excited about?

    " The Alpha Two ".

    I don't mean this in a sarcastic way. I mean this quite literally.

    I will finally be able to see, how this Game i saw first in the likes of 2018 or so -> will F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. piece by piece, hammered and forged into Existence. ;)

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    Are you going to dive into PvP or focus more on PvE content like dungeons and quests ?

    Caravans will effectively force the likes of me to either defend, or attack. So Yes. :smile:

    Imagine someone nearby moving a powerful Relic that could also be very well inside your own Node and support your People will a bit of Extra-Power and Strength,

    or see some Ressources that could help your Node grow -> or could be used to build Ships -> or other Projects : and some People think they can just move it to their own, little Hillbilly-Vassal Node nearby. Hahahah. Time to enter Bully-Mode.

    ( I am kidding a bit, but i think Everyone catches on what i mean. Some Opportunities to make some quick Cash for your own Node by sacking another Caravan will be just pure Provocation. ^.^ )

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    Which archetype are you planning to play first ?

    I am stuck with Ranger and Fighter for the Beginning. Probably going to test the Mage as well.

    Because the other Archetypes i want to test and "play" the most - will come in only later. I am also very confident the "Rogue" is still being adjusted to Nodes regarding Utility-Skills like climbing Walls and so on.

    This is probably one of the Reasons the Rogue will take longer. ;)

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    How do you feel about the balance between PvP and PvE with open-world PvP having consequences ?

    " Finally ".

    This is the best Word to describe it. This is completely missing even in WoW, now isn't it ?

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    Anyone else hyped to try out Caravans and see how that whole system works ?

    We have a very good Impression from the January(?) Caravan Live-Stream Presentation.

    Prepare for trouble and make it double (lol) - because apparently People around the World of Verra and/or at LEAST in the same Biome will me "magically alerted" to when a Caravan spawns somewhere. :mrgreen:

    Effectively making Caravans easier to being attacked. Always. ;)

    Dragnoon wrote: »
    Let’s get a discussion going! I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts and what you’re most looking forward to.

    Speaking of Discussions and so on, :

    - I think we should make many Screenshots of AWESOME Sights of both Locations and Lighting. This Forum deserves way more of these nice Pictures. ;)
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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