Tiny Relics ... ... ... huuuge Relics ... ... ...

Did we ever hear from Sir Steven or someone else working at Intrepid how huge the Size Difference for Relics can be ?

Would be amazing if some Relics are so small that You can put the tiniest almost into your pants' pockets or so -> and the biggest Ones are so huge they barely fit on the Cargo Area of a Caravan Vehicle.

Imagine You come into a huge Room on a Scientific Node or Divine Node or whatever -> and You see this HUUUGE, blue Gemstone barely stable floating above a Pedestal -> supporting your Node and the Lands around it with it's powerful Energy and Influence,

thus giving all Citizens of your Node and maybe even your Vassals a certain, tiny Buff or something. Who knows ? The Gem could be double to three Times the Size of your Player Character. ;)

Yes. My Imagination is running crazy yet again. I regret nothing, lol.

✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)


  • And another relic is so tiny it might fit on your finger... :smirk: and turns the user invisible. ^^
  • Many real life relics are said to be fallen meteors. So just how big of a meteor could you carry in your caravan? I suppose there’s all kinds of relic crap spread across Verra.
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