You dropped the ball.

The game looks bad. Overdesigned with magical effects that are small, underwhelming, all that run together and unnoticeable in a crowd. Soft, rounded edges on every surface. Glowing lights to block the need for detail. This game looks like some fantasy for a 5 year old. Who exactly are you trying to appeal to? Frankly it looks like you sold out, maybe trying to get some of those wow players to switch sides. Aesthetics copied from guild wars 2. Never when I was listening to the dev commentary only a year ago did I think it would be headed down this road. Now with the alpha playtests I think it might be too late to stop this train. I guess I will go back to what I was already doing. At least I won't have to worry about anyone telling me to go touch grass, the shame.


  • mkct790fpebv.png
  • Bax_1993Bax_1993 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Sorry that it does not appeal to you personally. That's just how it is. I do understand that this can be disappointing, I had a similar experience with lost ark. Waited for years for it to release and in the end I didn't play more than a few hours to realise it wasn't for me. Feels simply bad, but in the end it was my own idealisation of the game.

    Ashes does appeal to quite a lot of people and they like what it looks like. You might find different opinions than yours.
    I guess I will go back to what I was already doing.

    I think this is a good idea. Maybe you'll come back one day and realize it has changed in a way that you enjoy, maybe not. Anyways I hope you find a place where you can experience the joy of gaming you are looking for.

  • PendragxnPendragxn Member
    edited October 13
    I hope they make it more detailed as well as gory I’d like to see blood and darker themes in the game. The style is not terrible even though I’m not a fan of WOW as it looks cartoonish but it’s a very old game in comparison. I think Ashes looks better than New World at least especially the game world. Still we have years to go before the final release so nobody truthfully knows what will change in that time.

    Although out of all my favourite styles I would say Final Fantasy with what we have. I do like T&L in some respects though not overall across the board it lacks polish and refinement. GW2 again another really old game so hard to compare it to AOC. I think finding that balance between Western and Eastern MMO styles though not sure if anyone has achieved that perfectly.
  • he effects are too big, too slow and their progression is flat and uninteresting

    see people have very different opinions
    PvE means: A handful of coins and a bag of boredom.
  • CawwCaww Member
    At some point there will be sliders for various graphic adjustments, spell & combat effects usually can be adjusted, up to a point.
  • I spy with my little eye...
    People that don't know what "Development Alpha" is.
  • You dropped the ball

    ... ... ... :mrgreen: ... ... ...


    Please just wait for the Alpha Two and give the Game a Chance to impress You until then. You can get the best Impressions probably as a Tester yourself - but You can safely look forward to many Videos popping up from around October 25th to 26th and later on.
    ✓ Occasional Roleplayer
    ✓ Kinda starting to look for a Guild right now. (German)
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