Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Opinion on the Ranger and its Single-Target DPS: Mixed feelings

After the weekend I’ve noticed there are divided opinions on the ranger and their single-target DPS. While there seems to be a general consensus that the Mage and Fighter perform well in terms of DPS, opinions on the Ranger are more mixed. Some say their single-target DPS is excellent and the best of all DPS classes while others think otherwise and rate it as low DPS.
I’m opening this thread so those who have played as a Ranger can share their views. It's important to remember that many factors come into play: gear, level, skill tree... Some players might not be using it correctly or might not have allocated their talents effectively.
I’d like to stress that I'm specifically talking about single-target DPS, as I understand the Ranger is more focused on this type of ranged DPS, while the Mage is more specialized in AoE damage.
So, for those who played the Ranger, ¿What’s your opinion? Can you say which lvl you got, gear, talents used?
After the weekend I’ve noticed there are divided opinions on the ranger and their single-target DPS. While there seems to be a general consensus that the Mage and Fighter perform well in terms of DPS, opinions on the Ranger are more mixed. Some say their single-target DPS is excellent and the best of all DPS classes while others think otherwise and rate it as low DPS.
I’m opening this thread so those who have played as a Ranger can share their views. It's important to remember that many factors come into play: gear, level, skill tree... Some players might not be using it correctly or might not have allocated their talents effectively.
I’d like to stress that I'm specifically talking about single-target DPS, as I understand the Ranger is more focused on this type of ranged DPS, while the Mage is more specialized in AoE damage.
So, for those who played the Ranger, ¿What’s your opinion? Can you say which lvl you got, gear, talents used?
Sadly it's also just a strictly worse mage at this time. Unless they actually change how the class functions or just giga pump the DPS I don't think they will see play long-term/post honeymoon period.
It does fine in pve. But majority of the game will be pvp environments. Especially where it counts.
Ranger main here as well, reached level 13 so far. The damage is kind of okay when it comes to solo PvE, but after ~3 elite mobs you need to sit and eat 2-3-4 rations to fully recover, if you spam abilities (even with passive for mana regen)
Blown past falling sands…