Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Can't really Alpha Test with my computer - UI Discussion
I'm not really sure whats causing issues. I have turned down almost everything in the game to Low. I tried all types of Resolution settings. Sure it gets better at lower resolution qualities, but I feel as though I should be getting more out of my hardware....
32GB RAM DDR4 2133MHz
3060 GeForce RTX 12GB
AMD Ryzer 7 3700X 8Core
Aside from all of the lagging in populated areas, the only other gripe I have currently is about the UI. Having to look at my minimap just to get proper information about whats in front of me in the world and figuring out where quest givers are, as well as crafting stations. I genuinely feel a little disconnected from the world. The npc's names and models are too similar's to other players, there is no indicator on my mouse to talk to the npc, its only when i get close i can hit a button to interact with them. Which also means that I dont know if an NPC can be interacted with until im right next to them. Why not let me gather information from further away? A little more color and contrast needs to be added to important features in the game to make them stand out a bit more like the crafting benches, npc's, gatherable resources. Yes... having some shiny things for your players to see isn't just for dopamine, its quality of life. Its information gathering for our eyes as players. We need visual feedback to naturally direct ourselves where we want to go in the game. Right now it feels like im searching way too hard on my screen for what i'm looking for. Its disconnecting enough to where i kindof just sit there sometimes in town and go... hmmm.. what should I be doing again? Id rather be bombarded with a few more bright lights, like a flat compass at the top of my screen with certain blips and objectives i'm currently on. Or just an exclamation mark over an NPC's head way off in the distance.
More informational visual effects to drive the player's actions would be very beneficial.
32GB RAM DDR4 2133MHz
3060 GeForce RTX 12GB
AMD Ryzer 7 3700X 8Core
Aside from all of the lagging in populated areas, the only other gripe I have currently is about the UI. Having to look at my minimap just to get proper information about whats in front of me in the world and figuring out where quest givers are, as well as crafting stations. I genuinely feel a little disconnected from the world. The npc's names and models are too similar's to other players, there is no indicator on my mouse to talk to the npc, its only when i get close i can hit a button to interact with them. Which also means that I dont know if an NPC can be interacted with until im right next to them. Why not let me gather information from further away? A little more color and contrast needs to be added to important features in the game to make them stand out a bit more like the crafting benches, npc's, gatherable resources. Yes... having some shiny things for your players to see isn't just for dopamine, its quality of life. Its information gathering for our eyes as players. We need visual feedback to naturally direct ourselves where we want to go in the game. Right now it feels like im searching way too hard on my screen for what i'm looking for. Its disconnecting enough to where i kindof just sit there sometimes in town and go... hmmm.. what should I be doing again? Id rather be bombarded with a few more bright lights, like a flat compass at the top of my screen with certain blips and objectives i'm currently on. Or just an exclamation mark over an NPC's head way off in the distance.
More informational visual effects to drive the player's actions would be very beneficial.