Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
My PERSONAL opinions and Feedback from what i've seen on Alpha 2
Before you come and tell me that it's just an alpha etc etc. I think feedback is important from what I have personally been able to see from this.
My feedback and personal opinion **FROM WHAT I'VE SEEN FROM ALPHA**
Game needs to be less grinding mobs and more quest oriented. I hope when questing works that it will be the primary way or a GOOD alternative way to level.
Grinding mobs endlessly is not a fun nor engaging way to level up. This will drive a lot of players away.
Saying that 1-25 should take 100+ hours will definately have an effect on the playerbase. It will leave you with a small and hardcore playerbase, me among them. However for a MMO to work with this vision of 100 vs 100 node wars ETC just wont work with a too tiny playerbase and eventually lead to many servers dying out.
Wether you like it or not, a casual playerbase is needed to contrast the more hardcore playerbase. They complement eachother in different ways. As i've mentioned before, it feels like a Western MMO trying to be an Asian MMO, grinding mobs for 24 hrs is not fun or engaging for most.
The mob tagging system wont work in the long run. Here is the thing. I was trying to get a quest mob solo for a few hours however even after doing 50% of its health a group of 5 were able to steal it from me. Just saying OH JUST GROUP UP YOURSELF is not always possible.
The PVP system is fine.
I really hope Steven takes the effort to rethink some of the design choices. **NOT FULLY** but in a general way.
Overall I really enjoyed my time in the Alpha 2 test. The game has SO much potential. But it's not 2001 anymore. I wanna repeat that the time to level is alright. But sitting at a camp for 4 hours to get 1 level below lvl 10 just isn't it.
My feedback and personal opinion **FROM WHAT I'VE SEEN FROM ALPHA**
Game needs to be less grinding mobs and more quest oriented. I hope when questing works that it will be the primary way or a GOOD alternative way to level.
Grinding mobs endlessly is not a fun nor engaging way to level up. This will drive a lot of players away.
Saying that 1-25 should take 100+ hours will definately have an effect on the playerbase. It will leave you with a small and hardcore playerbase, me among them. However for a MMO to work with this vision of 100 vs 100 node wars ETC just wont work with a too tiny playerbase and eventually lead to many servers dying out.
Wether you like it or not, a casual playerbase is needed to contrast the more hardcore playerbase. They complement eachother in different ways. As i've mentioned before, it feels like a Western MMO trying to be an Asian MMO, grinding mobs for 24 hrs is not fun or engaging for most.
The mob tagging system wont work in the long run. Here is the thing. I was trying to get a quest mob solo for a few hours however even after doing 50% of its health a group of 5 were able to steal it from me. Just saying OH JUST GROUP UP YOURSELF is not always possible.
The PVP system is fine.
I really hope Steven takes the effort to rethink some of the design choices. **NOT FULLY** but in a general way.
Overall I really enjoyed my time in the Alpha 2 test. The game has SO much potential. But it's not 2001 anymore. I wanna repeat that the time to level is alright. But sitting at a camp for 4 hours to get 1 level below lvl 10 just isn't it.
The game s at best 18months from release. If you thought you got a look at anything remotely resembling the final product, then you should probably read the Ashes of Creation Wiki for a while.
We are currently congested into 7 nodes, and at launch we will have 85-100. If this is still there in Beta1 then you may have a point.
As I said this is my personal feedback and my concerns are definately valid.
We will see but grinding mobs for hours upon hours as the only viable way to level up isnt it.
Heya mate, I am fine with it taking long. There just needs to be different ways TO level as I mentioned. Grinding the same mobs for 10 hours just isnt fun.
I think a lot of people, myself included, PREFER the grinding and lack of quest-focused leveling, complete with stories, fetches, and mini-games a lot just don't care for. Plenty of MMO's that already do that.
I personally hope the quests eventually encourage players to group for them instead. Most of the systems in AoC seem to be trying to funnel players into playing with other players, a novel approach for an MMO now days.
If questing is solo and even half the leveling speed as group grinding, a lot of players will put their introvert hats on and take that route instead.