Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
please remove blight..

i am not sure who came up with this idea, but adding blight to an already extremely toxic and already insanley harsh corruption system is not the way to go, the fact that you can get blight from a guild war or a node war also just adds salt to the injury, currently we are participating in a guild war and due to accidently killing someone i gained a 1.4 million exp debt because of blight.
i definitely think there needs to be deterrence's from PKing and griefing, but as of right now, and im sure any pvper agree's the corruption system needs an entire re work, there is no reward for the risk, also the fact that you remain flagged after you die so you can accidently kill people with the busted auto attacks does not help.
every patch so far making changes to corruption has just been more and more harsh penalties and now we even have a movement speed debuff, please make atleast some sort of reward for engaging in pvp
i definitely think there needs to be deterrence's from PKing and griefing, but as of right now, and im sure any pvper agree's the corruption system needs an entire re work, there is no reward for the risk, also the fact that you remain flagged after you die so you can accidently kill people with the busted auto attacks does not help.
every patch so far making changes to corruption has just been more and more harsh penalties and now we even have a movement speed debuff, please make atleast some sort of reward for engaging in pvp
You don't need to force attack when under a war dec.
If you are flagging up as a proxy instead of actually invoking a war dec... Well that's the mistake you made.
the war had nothing to do with it, im just stating that the accumulation of blight from a guild war is a stupid mechanic, the reason i accidently killed someone was, we were doing some friendly duels, i died, forgot i was still flagged and killed someone, whilst trying to actually help them with a snare
I'm hoping there's a toggle that just doesn't allow you to harm non-combattants full stop. This way if you toggle that on, you can never accidentally go corrupt.
So I got insulted by someone calling me a looser and stuff .... I killed him and now I am free loot for anyone who thinks he can take me on (mostly people some levels higher). I think the corruption should be applied if you fight the same dude. So the dude I killed get's a buff when he fights me. Which stacks. And make corruption only after I killed the same guy like more than once or something...
But honestly I don't even know who is flagged and who not as I cannot figure that out by the UI... I don't even know that I am flagged myself lol
There shouldn't be toggles for that kind of interaction it should work out of the box.
i agree with you here, For reference, go and stand in a safe area and press Alt and F at the same time, you will see two little swords on your buff bar, that means you are flagged. definitley needs a re work cause it is hard to see, once you attack someone with that buff active you go purple ( also flagged with a timer ) that one is not removable, so pretty much anyone that is purple or has the little sword debuffs
Ya, a sticks and stones approach rather than a hot head would have prevailed here. Test is for learning the mechanics so next time, I am guessing you will weigh the risk vs reward and stick to PVPing those flagged or just bait the other person into flagging against you and coming back for that red kill and taking their loot.
So you are saying it was a skill issue. Perhaps turning off 'force attack' when you die is a better soloution, while keeping blight.
Now, if blight increases during a war (an actual, declared war) that's probably a bug. Actual pvp mechanics shouldn't affect corruption or blight.
You don't need to force-attack during a guild war - all players of the opposing guild are automatically enemies with no force-attack or flagging needed.
Yeah it honestly really sounds like a bug. Steven himself said PvP flagging is probably bugged, and it's still an Alpha. One should make 100% sure they know what they experienced is not a bug, but the intended way before making demands to remove a mechanic.
Remember that corruption isn’t designed to be some anti-hero fashion statement, it’s just a punishment.
there is a quest to get blight down for the future but not atm
if their name is purple or red they are pvp enabled. red you can attack no matter what. purple they can attack you but you cannot attack them unless you flag. if they kill you where they are purple and you are not they then turn red and are marked on map for everyone to see in the area.