Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
ROGUE release

I am sure this issue has been brought up before, but I want to make sure it has as much visibility as possible. The highly anticipated Rogue needs to be released WAY BEFORE a wipe. It gives everyone a chance to mess around with it and decide how they feel about it. Otherwise, if it is released with a wipe or a weekend before, half of the server population will be rolling rogue and this will DESTROY the game's class balance. I think the best time would be a few weeks or a month after the December 20th wipe, as long as we do not expect another wipe until Phase 3. Leveling is a long journey in Ashes, and if everyone rolls rogue on fresh servers, they will likely be unwilling to drop it due to time investment when they realize half of the server went rogue. Let people decide if they want to main it way before a fresh start, for the love of God. Then, only dedicated rogue players will level up all the way and main rogue, which will be fine! Class balance will be safe. We will be behind, but gear is BoE. Roll a ranger and give your dude the gear. No big deal.

"The gods do not fear death. They greet death as an old friend. When your time comes to return to the ashes, move forward knowing death is merely one of many paths to a new adventure."
Like you already realized on your own, there is also no balance in which class people are playing. And if there is a new class, it's totally fine that "everyone" is testing the rouge, cause that's the point of an alpha. Besides thst iam pretty sure that there are enough people not interested in the rouge.
I do think when they release the Summoner, they will have half the player base trying it. That is the class I am much looking forward too.
I'm currently playing a bard while I wait for rogue, so that's already -1 bard +1 rogue on rogue entry day.
'wannabe's taking up raid slots?' get off your high horse. If you're so worried about the 'class balance'... why don't you join me in playing something other than rogue? Or wait... let me guess... you deserve to play the class you want, but everyone else should do what's best for party comp 😂
And remember this is an alpha test not an actual game. More testing = better end result.
i agree with his take, not yours.
A lot of classes are underrepresented already, and we are in ALPHA 2 ffs. They can, and SHOULD add rogue as soon as its ready. Some classes are only being picked because groups feel they need them for content, not because they actually DO need them for content. everything you typed was your personal opinion, and not fact at all. Responding how you did, invalidates anything you said afterwards, IMO.
I see way more Bards than Clerics. I mean a decent team has 1 Bard and 1 Cleric. An Awesome team has 2 Bards/1 Cleric. Anyway, the entire point of Alpha is testing and adding new systems/classes/features add the rogue whenever its ready. Worry about final balance in BETA. imo ofc.
The Rogue is the PVP class and high DPS class.
Intrepid needs to get a handle on the basics of PVP mechanics and balancing other classes before releasing the rogue.
You could title, Alpha 2 Phase 2, "The Hour of the Rogue", because nearly everyone is going to roll a rogue. It is likely going to be a bit of a pvp mess for the first few weeks of Phase 2.
Maybe a lock pick ability for shortcuts? or an AOE short duration stealth cloak for the team to stealth passed mobs?
I agree. The permanent stealth ability, but lighter armor would keep it in a separate role from the fighter.
you all need to stop focusing on pve when you are thinking about classes. something simple as "always stealthed" can break pvp.
Oh dear Morgalf. If you think Rogues will be behind -> wait for " MY " Archetype which will release only first on May first in 2025 ... ... ...
✓ Occasional Roleplayer
✓ Maybe i look after a Guild sometime soon
Well my comment has a gif of one of the best Rogue PvPers of all time 😂
I remember watching Reckful live, he would purposely que into 2v2 rated arena and 1v2 as a Rogue, there was another time where he was playing 3s and using the old legendary warglaives in a newer expac and literally winning. He was insane to watch in the Arena
Wow pvp is the epitome of what i hate in a pvp mmo. even classic was trash, retail is just plain horrible. I personally do not even like tab target. I would much prefer to have to aim abilities/spells. darkfall online was probably peak pvp imo. too bad the devs let the game die.