Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Bard: Reading the Room

V_V_VV_V_V Member, Alpha Two
I'm not sure how the respec system will work long-term (this was my first-weekend playing, and I haven't dove in yet), but I hope we are given some serious versatility to change on the fly.

To be the best bard we can be in any situation, we'll need to adjust our specs constantly.

Specializing for solo play is much different than the skill/song choices you make in small groups (tank/healer/you). The right skill/song choices for specializing for Groups / Raids is significantly different than the solo and small groups.

Solo - there are more damage skills that you might consider (that you would have / need in a group).
Small Group - There are single target choices that make sense
Large Groups / Raids - AoE is life

I'm oversimplifying here, but generally on purpose.

Bard on, Friends.

Bard On, Friends.



  • FutuereFutuere Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I agree, changing on the fly between fights will probably be too much. Or at least a cooldown between respecs, we at least need presets to save for different specs when we can change on the fly.
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    level up bro, aint a problem.
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • V_V_VV_V_V Member, Alpha Two
    novercalis wrote: »
    level up bro, aint a problem.

    That makes sense, I did only hit 10...
    Bard On, Friends.

  • V_V_VV_V_V Member, Alpha Two
    Futuere wrote: »
    I agree, changing on the fly between fights will probably be too much. Or at least a cooldown between respecs, we at least need presets to save for different specs when we can change on the fly.

    I agree 100% with this. I am hoping we can store "Specs" and call them up when we need them.
    Bard On, Friends.

  • ShivaFangShivaFang Member, Alpha Two
    I definitely hope we can store specs and change them at a Node. I don't need 'on the fly changing' as long as there's a way to rebuild for whatever my purpose is without too great a cost.
  • MissionCreepMissionCreep Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited 2024 14
    A game with meaningful choices and on-the-fly respecs are diametrcially opposed. I played something with infinite respecs like GW2 or Rift (I forget) and I HATED it. (Also Diablo 3). Everybody was everything, no one was anyone.

    I came to AOC for a game where I have to work and earn things and where I can distinguish myself from my peers with my build and the choices I've made. If build choices are meaningless then that takes a lot of the shine off working to develop my character. If not all of it.

    I'm not anti-respec; people should like their characters and be able to change them if they don't. But I am extremely anti-respec on the fly and it's almost impossible for me to imagine them going that route.

    Also, once everyone has respec on the fly, why would they need Bard? Nobody needs a versatile class if everyone has versatility. Just to be a mana battery, I guess.
  • ShivaFangShivaFang Member, Alpha Two
    Definitely not advocating for 'on the fly' repeccing like we have now. Definitely at bare minimum have to go to a node.
  • novercalisnovercalis Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    for now, it's alpha I am okay with infinite respec - but during BETA and LIVE - respec should come at a cost/quest... something.
    {UPK} United Player Killer - All your loot belongs to us.
  • SmileGurneySmileGurney Member, Alpha Two
    edited 2024 29
    |'m 20+, I still dislike the constant change between single target and AoE. Those skills should be made held abilities like on ranger to allow for a streamlined switch between single target and AoE options. This is a PvX game, situations can change rapidly.

    The range and trajectory should be also visualised for damage / heals / mana / buffs abilities alike before firing. At very least this should be an option.

    Discordance especially needs work, I'm tired of not being able to use one of our main damage dealing abilities in group setting, because the projectiles go after unexpected targets 20-30 meters away.
    My lungs taste the air of Time,
    Blown past falling sands…
  • AndiAndi Member, Alpha Two
    There should just be an NPC in town you talk to in order to respec. Money costs or convoluted quests would be terrible and lead to cookie cutter builds with metas.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think a big part of the problem is Bards have more skills and passives for skills then any other class. Some classes can almost click everything. Bards buffs don't stack so two Bards need to change what skills they using. So I see two options.

    1. Make skills you click do more things and give us less abilities.
    2. Give us more skill points. There is just to many options on the type of Bard you are. Healer, CC heavy, DPS, mana battery, buffer.

    Like other classes I should be able to click almost, most of my skills.
  • onewingedangelo1onewingedangelo1 Member, Alpha Two
    Personally I think the skill point issue would be fixed by just giving us access to all songs with 1 point. You still can only have access to one at a time, without specing into Counterpoint, and wouldn't require you to respec all that much.

    The Single Target/AoE issue could also be fixed by just giving us both with the skill point and we can choose which one we want to use. We don't even have 2 skill bars worth of skills with a full build, so there wouldn't be skill bloat to deal with.

    I 1000% agree with respecing should be free but only done so in settlements once we reach Beta and beyond. You play the game different in groups than you do solo than you do in PvP, respecing is going to be a major thing in this game, and the game taxes you enough.
  • sciffer2014sciffer2014 Member, Alpha Two
    edited 2024 27
    I believe that bards should expect to experience some limitations as a tradeoff for their versatility, especially during their leveling process. For example, it’s reasonable for bards to have a few skills that feel situational or less useful at certain points in their journey. By level 10 or 11, when group content becomes more common, bards should ideally have access to two songs. This would make them more effective in a group that includes another bard, even if it means sacrificing a skill point. Additionally, they should unlock a third song at a point when they’re able to run multiple songs simultaneously, for the same reason. This would help enhance their utility and highlight their unique role.

    In my opinion, some aspects of the bard’s mechanics should be revisited, particularly the proc system. Either it shouldn’t exist, or it should be designed purely for the bard’s own enjoyment, rather than giving other players too much influence over their playstyle. That said, I don’t think the idea of bards having to specialize in either single-target or group-focused skills is inherently bad. It allows players to tailor their character to their preferred playstyle without making the bard feel irrelevant or ineffective.

    While solo bards, group-oriented bards, and PvP-focused bards have different expectations, the skill tree offers enough flexibility to cater to those roles "well enough" without requiring constant respeccing. This adaptability ensures that bards can handle varied content reasonably effectively without becoming a liability to their group, even if they aren't perfectly optimized for every situation.

    This being said, I don't see adding a cost for the respeccing of the bard as such a bad thing. ||EDIT|| Except maybe in the early level (9 and minus) - where it is hard to get a feel for your playstyle.
  • CalibixCalibix Member, Alpha Two
    Personally I'm not stressing it too much. The skill tree isn't complete, and we don't have secondaries yet.

    Instant respec is fine for now.
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