Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Toggle for in-world right click menu

TheAshenWolfTheAshenWolf Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
While I can understand the usefulness of this menu, when right-clicking someone to mark them and such, I am really not a fan of it.

Half the time in battle I right click to move my camera, I am clicking on mobs and bringing up the mark menu, or worse, clicking on players and sending trade requests, because I tried to change target at the same time.

I would like to request a setting toggle for this "In-world r-click menu".
A toggle, which enables whether you can show this menu when clicking the target in the world, or only when r-clicking them in the target window.
I think I am broken.


  • PyrololPyrolol Member, Alpha Two
    I want to be able to change my right click to something else other than mark and better yet change the key bind for mark
  • eemuteemut Member, Alpha Two
    I agree with this.
  • While I can understand the usefulness of this menu, when right-clicking someone to mark them and such, I am really not a fan of it.

    Half the time in battle I right click to move my camera, I am clicking on mobs and bringing up the mark menu, or worse, clicking on players and sending trade requests, because I tried to change target at the same time.

    I would like to request a setting toggle for this "In-world r-click menu".
    A toggle, which enables whether you can show this menu when clicking the target in the world, or only when r-clicking them in the target window.
    Don't you keep your right mouse button held down while you adjust the camera? In most games, a held mouse button used for a dragging movement doesn't trigger a basic click action. Does this not work that way in Ashes? That definitely sounds like something they should fix.
    Sorry, don't have Alpha access.
    Pyrolol wrote: »
    I want to be able to change my right click to something else other than mark and better yet change the key bind for mark
    This is gonna happen anyway.

    The only one who can validate you for all the posts you didn't write is you.
  • TheAshenWolfTheAshenWolf Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited December 2024
    Laetitian wrote: »
    Don't you keep your right mouse button held down while you adjust the camera? In most games, a held mouse button used for a dragging movement doesn't trigger a basic click action. Does this not work that way in Ashes? That definitely sounds like something they should fix.
    Sorry, don't have Alpha access.

    Naturally, indeed I do. The problem happens when I start the dragging; the initial click and hold shows the UI. Just hovering over the characters while the mouse is held does not trigger this.

    Edit: It occurs when releasing the hold; The interaction should be changed from "OnReleased" to "OnClick"
    I think I am broken.
  • LaetitianLaetitian Member
    edited December 2024
    Yeah, that shouldn't behave like that, good thing to bring up in feedback.

    That should make the toggle a lower priority, though they have promised a lot of customisability, so I would expect that to come, too.
    The only one who can validate you for all the posts you didn't write is you.
  • kromm1kromm1 Member, Alpha Two
    I agree with this too!
  • KyetheguyKyetheguy Member, Alpha Two
    Has there been a solution for this yet? Still having issues mark coming up all the time so annoying. This one issue makes me want to quit constantly having to click out to move. Have almost died many times bc of it
  • insomvoirakinsomvoirak Member, Alpha Two
    I was looking for a thread like this and I'm glad to see it here.
    Right now I'm always worried to accidently block somebody or leave the party, while in battle, just because we don't have a toggle for that right-click menu nor is there an option to choose another key for it.

    Is there so far any statement, that this will be taken care of at some point?
  • elxelx Member, Alpha Two
    I have the same problem, guys. This should be done, for example, as ALT + right click (RMB). I think it’s not just us who are annoyed by this, but many other players as well—they just don’t talk about it.
  • elxelx Member, Alpha Two
    It would take them just five minutes to fix, and it would make the gameplay much more enjoyable.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Once you have you get used to it. It's very helpful. It's fast and simple to use.
  • XeegXeeg Member, Alpha Two
    This happened to me a lot. Constantly leaving party or accidentally right clicking a character in the middle of trying to swivel around.
  • VolgarisVolgaris Member, Alpha Two
    Very bad design, even for an alpha state, missing things like no hot keys for marking makes sense for alpha, but having a bad feature that can't be changed is bad design.

    Being able to mark with hot keys would be extremely useful, and give use more symbols. maybe some numbers, the alphabet, ect. right clicking to mark is slow and clunky, hotkeys win everytime.
  • XeegXeeg Member, Alpha Two
    Volgaris wrote: »
    Very bad design, even for an alpha state, missing things like no hot keys for marking makes sense for alpha, but having a bad feature that can't be changed is bad design.

    Being able to mark with hot keys would be extremely useful, and give use more symbols. maybe some numbers, the alphabet, ect. right clicking to mark is slow and clunky, hotkeys win everytime.

    You can mark with hotkeys.
  • VolgarisVolgaris Member, Alpha Two
    Xeeg wrote: »
    Volgaris wrote: »
    Very bad design, even for an alpha state, missing things like no hot keys for marking makes sense for alpha, but having a bad feature that can't be changed is bad design.

    Being able to mark with hot keys would be extremely useful, and give use more symbols. maybe some numbers, the alphabet, ect. right clicking to mark is slow and clunky, hotkeys win everytime.

    You can mark with hotkeys.

    oh! awesome. is that new? during phase 1 i couldn't find the setting for that. i normally set f1-fx to mark. thanks for letting me know. i'll have to jump back on and try it out.
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