Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
when will the 64 classes be discussed in depth?
I would like to start this off with the fact that I am super excited about this game!
With that being said, I have some unsteady feelings about the 64 classes that are going to be in the game. I know it's been said that the secondary class will work as an augment of the first class. No new active skills, simply augmenting the skills you already have and will receive in the future as you level further. I have a specific taste for classes I enjoy playing in games, which is why not many MMO's attract my attention. When I saw the NECROMANCER!!!! On the list of classes I was excited, but the more I look at it's layout, and where it lies on the list the less enthusiastic I am about it.
I am concerned that the class will be just a cleric with skulls. Will my heals have spooky skulls and provide a buff? Will My bolt of light just turn purple or teal? Will I really gain the ability to raise the dead as the class name suggests? These things make me feel a bit uneasy with the system, I really want it to work, and each class to have it's own uniqueness that sets it apart from each other. While I know these things will be an extraordinary amount of work, I've seen Intrepid do a lot more than anyone ever expected.
I will still support and play the game regardless of the outcome since I've already been watching silently for the past 3 years as this game has developed. I just hope I'm not a reskinned cleric with a bone staff casting healing spells all while being nicknamed - Necromancer.
With that being said, I have some unsteady feelings about the 64 classes that are going to be in the game. I know it's been said that the secondary class will work as an augment of the first class. No new active skills, simply augmenting the skills you already have and will receive in the future as you level further. I have a specific taste for classes I enjoy playing in games, which is why not many MMO's attract my attention. When I saw the NECROMANCER!!!! On the list of classes I was excited, but the more I look at it's layout, and where it lies on the list the less enthusiastic I am about it.
I am concerned that the class will be just a cleric with skulls. Will my heals have spooky skulls and provide a buff? Will My bolt of light just turn purple or teal? Will I really gain the ability to raise the dead as the class name suggests? These things make me feel a bit uneasy with the system, I really want it to work, and each class to have it's own uniqueness that sets it apart from each other. While I know these things will be an extraordinary amount of work, I've seen Intrepid do a lot more than anyone ever expected.
I will still support and play the game regardless of the outcome since I've already been watching silently for the past 3 years as this game has developed. I just hope I'm not a reskinned cleric with a bone staff casting healing spells all while being nicknamed - Necromancer.
And from this comes the second point: We don't know what abilities besides the summons the Summoner will have so assessing how the class will play is virtually impossible at this stage.
I wish they just stick to their 8 classes and expand them with in those 8 classes class-fantasy.
Even though 64 class would be amazing, I don't think they should focus on developing it. It will either be very underwhelming for the players or very overwhelming for the developing team now and in the future.
Steven always mention the 64 class system and is already in the official game website, better you prepare yourself
Very true, and I know that they will not change this. I'm just concerned with the outcome and hope they at least take a step back and look over the system they try to make, and the possible future complications about the system.
We've had teasers about some of them scattered across different showcases but we really need to see the range of different augments that will be available and to what extent they can be done.