Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
My lame opinion
Idk if it's just me but it's kinda upsetting that I pay $150 (3 years ago) and only get access to beta 2 but now people can come in, pay $100 and play in the alpha? You'd think the longer time supporter would at least be appreciated?
You had the option of upgrading that package.
You had the option of purchasing alpha access recently.
You seem to just be after free shit.
This is my personal feedback, shared to help the game thrive in its niche.
Expeditionary pre-order pack for $150:
Access to future Beta-1 test phase
Access to future Beta-2 test phase
4 months of game time ($60 value)
$50 in Embers
Collector's Touch
Sanguine Siphoner
then having to buy (in my case) Bundle 1: First Wave Bundle — $120
Alpha 2 First Wave Key
Game Time: 1 month
Beta One Access Key
Beta Two Access Key
1 month of Subscription time ($15 value)
$15 in Embers
the thing is, by buying the Expeditionary pre-order pack youre getting $110 worth of ingame stuff in the form of game time, shop currency, and even cosmetics. that the alpha key doesnt give. stacked with the alpha key its actually 5 months of game time and $75 in shop credit
So yes you have to pay even more to get into the alpha, which was a bit frustrating. However these two bundles are different and you'd have a lot more stuff, that the alpha key players dont, if you bought the alpha key as well.
so i think its unfair to say that you're not appreciated as a long-time supporter. maybe the alpha-key supporters feel its unfair you get a unique mount skin among other cosmetics just because you bought earlier?
That's just ridiculous alpha is going to run right up until launch beta is going to be a short polish running at the same time as alpha. When you have alpha 2 beta really doesn't have much value. Just curious can't Expeditionary pre-order pack upgrade to a voyager pack?
Yeah, they can upgrade to Alpha-2 for $25.
This is one of my biggest pet peeves with Ashes players. Some have no understanding of what they actually paid for. Others conveniently ignore the details of what they actually paid for.
The beta access key was similar price to the alpha. The ridiculous thing is for alpha testers to have access to both for the same price while beta testers have access to only beta. (not that i have access to any of the 2, but as a standby person this seems like the right way for things to work)
Alpha purchases cost more, begin testing access at the Alpha stage, and continue access into later development
Beta purchases cost less, begin testing access at the Beta phase, and continue access into later development
What about that doesn't make sense to you?
Never did I say I have alpha, that's literally what this post is about lmao
Your pet peeve isn't real. As it has nothing to do with "ashes players" but anyways, thank you for being the only response on here worth reading, as I 100% overlooked the packages and didn't even notice there was a $25 upgrade to alpha option, so thank you, and thank @Zehlan for bringing it up. And sorry to everyone else for my ignorance.
Yes, but you received game related items/perks that those buying the alpha key pack are not getting.
Also, I am pretty sure there were numerous packages available to you and your package listed what you were getting so you were aware that you were purchasing just beta when you hit that purchase button.
Perhaps you could check to see if you can pay more and upgrade to a package with alpha access? Not sure if this is possible this late but worth checking.
Could you not upgrade to the lvl that had alpha access, or was it too costly in comparison?
Blown past falling sands…