Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Unflagging mid combat at low HP before death, combat timer not working?

I attacked a combatant and got them low health, then all of a sudden they turned from purple to white despite being in the middle of combat and took their last bit of damage to die while white, giving me corruption.
1) A friendly caravan was getting attack halfway across the map, so we got invited to their group and I made my way over.
2) The people already at the caravan could not defend the caravan because they got no popup to choose attack/defend, they were unable to fight the people freely attacking their caravan.
2) Upon nearing the caravan I got no popup to attack or defend the caravan either, which made defending it a bit of an issue. I am unsure if joining a group that were currently doing a caravan after they started being attacked caused or is related to this unflag issue, so just making note of that here. Also the driver of the caravan was in the group, but not party leader
3) Despite not being able to opt in to defend the caravan, multiple enemies appeared as flagged as combatants and were purple, so I flagged up too and attacked them.
4) When getting to low health, one of those players turned from purple to white despite having been attacking people and being attacked by me while purple. The crossed swords still showed on their player buffs, but they were no longer a combatant all of a sudden.
5) That player then dies as a non combatant and I gain corruption even though the fight started out as both of us being combatants.
Expected Result
I believe it is intended that if you have flagged for PvP and attacked someone or are being attacked, you cannot just instantly unflag and go from a combatant to a non combatant. I expected that the player I attacked and killed should have remained purple after I attacked them. If I attacked and killed one of the people who were non combatants from the start it would make sense and would've been my fault for using AoE, but the player who died should have remained flagged for the duration of combat.
Actual Result
In this situation, the above did not happen and instead they turned from purple to white mid combat with seemingly no timer to keep them flagged until out of combat, and then gave me corruption when they died. I am not 100% sure if the timer for staying a combatant is already implemented, I asked around and was told by people that it is and it seems to be working for me when I unflag and stay purple for x amount of time if I have hit someone or been hit, and that should have been what happened here, so I figure what happened here is not intended and is a bug.

1) A friendly caravan was getting attack halfway across the map, so we got invited to their group and I made my way over.
2) The people already at the caravan could not defend the caravan because they got no popup to choose attack/defend, they were unable to fight the people freely attacking their caravan.
2) Upon nearing the caravan I got no popup to attack or defend the caravan either, which made defending it a bit of an issue. I am unsure if joining a group that were currently doing a caravan after they started being attacked caused or is related to this unflag issue, so just making note of that here. Also the driver of the caravan was in the group, but not party leader
3) Despite not being able to opt in to defend the caravan, multiple enemies appeared as flagged as combatants and were purple, so I flagged up too and attacked them.
4) When getting to low health, one of those players turned from purple to white despite having been attacking people and being attacked by me while purple. The crossed swords still showed on their player buffs, but they were no longer a combatant all of a sudden.
5) That player then dies as a non combatant and I gain corruption even though the fight started out as both of us being combatants.
Expected Result
I believe it is intended that if you have flagged for PvP and attacked someone or are being attacked, you cannot just instantly unflag and go from a combatant to a non combatant. I expected that the player I attacked and killed should have remained purple after I attacked them. If I attacked and killed one of the people who were non combatants from the start it would make sense and would've been my fault for using AoE, but the player who died should have remained flagged for the duration of combat.
Actual Result
In this situation, the above did not happen and instead they turned from purple to white mid combat with seemingly no timer to keep them flagged until out of combat, and then gave me corruption when they died. I am not 100% sure if the timer for staying a combatant is already implemented, I asked around and was told by people that it is and it seems to be working for me when I unflag and stay purple for x amount of time if I have hit someone or been hit, and that should have been what happened here, so I figure what happened here is not intended and is a bug.

It seems to me that there should be a setting to attack only flagged players
It should refresh if you get into pvp combat and should not expire with the corruption system being a thing because it is not fair to corrupt someone that attacked a purple (flagged) target only to have them time out near death.
They also really need to add that feature in to not attack non combatants.
I will however say it is really weird watching that clip and hearing "I got corruption somehow" before you actually got corruption and only had normal pvp flag at the time.
If people are attacking a caravan or healing someone who is they should all be flagged as attackers and be fair game as well.