Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Caravan bugs this weekend

Hello There,
Some of the bugs we found over last weekend:
1. There is not interface, keybind or other hint i could find that you can turn the "convert to Raft" and "convert to caravan" placement with the mouswheel.
2. when placing 2 distinct caravans ontop of each other with "convert to raft" or "convert to caravan" even when delayed they became entangled and bounce around and become a problem. maybe disable nearby placement while an other caravan is converting
3. When having multiple caravans in ones vicinity there is a bug that you cant accept all the defens or attack rolls and the event requests , sound and banner run on loop, even after relog. happened with 6 and more for us, never tried between 6 and one
4. Caravan crashes on serverworker switch
5. caravan dissapers after placement (happened once), relog didnt help, had to run 100m away (unload area localy) and run back to find my caravan
6. Blinking by a Mage through a driving caravan lets the client of the driver freeze for a few frames, up to 1 sec
7. the speedbuff of the ranger (party strider if caravan driver is in party) and strider directly is working on caravan, not sure if intendet
8. The speed of Beast of burden and Wheels do not seem to work propperly. One of us had Legenday Whillow wheels and a best of burden and was sloweras someone with a worse beast of burden (both no speed buffs)
9. Once a caravan is converted twice someone who is not the owner now can drive the caravan. no matter if in party, out of party, the owner is online or offline or out of range or standing nex to caravan. this works in raft and caravan form. When the caravan is delivered to a destination it works as if the owner delivered it and the owner can see the caravan inclusive of cargo now.
10. one can not buy a new caravan (10silver at caravanist) while a caravan is launched and in ones inventory
11. Launching a caravan (getting the item into inventory) and logging out or crashing stops you from placing it back down. (known issu afaik)
12. driving 2 caravan into each other sometimes produces client crashes for the drivers
13. the hitbox of the caravan is the horse but the damage number and the trajectory of spells go under the caravan
14. Attacking a Caravan in the lawless zone had a non repeatable bug for a whole group of 6 that for 8/10 seconds the caravan was green (not attackable) even though we had chosen attacker and were flagged in the lawless zone
15. One can not see Name / Guildname of the driver
16. when being at the edge of the player rendering distance the caravan dissapears but the driver is still rendered and flying of the ground
Some of these I reported ingame but as i did not keep track id rather write them all again than missing them. at lest for number 9 I know i forgot them.
Feel free to add some of your bugreports to this discussion
Some of the bugs we found over last weekend:
1. There is not interface, keybind or other hint i could find that you can turn the "convert to Raft" and "convert to caravan" placement with the mouswheel.
2. when placing 2 distinct caravans ontop of each other with "convert to raft" or "convert to caravan" even when delayed they became entangled and bounce around and become a problem. maybe disable nearby placement while an other caravan is converting
3. When having multiple caravans in ones vicinity there is a bug that you cant accept all the defens or attack rolls and the event requests , sound and banner run on loop, even after relog. happened with 6 and more for us, never tried between 6 and one
4. Caravan crashes on serverworker switch
5. caravan dissapers after placement (happened once), relog didnt help, had to run 100m away (unload area localy) and run back to find my caravan
6. Blinking by a Mage through a driving caravan lets the client of the driver freeze for a few frames, up to 1 sec
7. the speedbuff of the ranger (party strider if caravan driver is in party) and strider directly is working on caravan, not sure if intendet
8. The speed of Beast of burden and Wheels do not seem to work propperly. One of us had Legenday Whillow wheels and a best of burden and was sloweras someone with a worse beast of burden (both no speed buffs)
9. Once a caravan is converted twice someone who is not the owner now can drive the caravan. no matter if in party, out of party, the owner is online or offline or out of range or standing nex to caravan. this works in raft and caravan form. When the caravan is delivered to a destination it works as if the owner delivered it and the owner can see the caravan inclusive of cargo now.
10. one can not buy a new caravan (10silver at caravanist) while a caravan is launched and in ones inventory
11. Launching a caravan (getting the item into inventory) and logging out or crashing stops you from placing it back down. (known issu afaik)
12. driving 2 caravan into each other sometimes produces client crashes for the drivers
13. the hitbox of the caravan is the horse but the damage number and the trajectory of spells go under the caravan
14. Attacking a Caravan in the lawless zone had a non repeatable bug for a whole group of 6 that for 8/10 seconds the caravan was green (not attackable) even though we had chosen attacker and were flagged in the lawless zone
15. One can not see Name / Guildname of the driver
16. when being at the edge of the player rendering distance the caravan dissapears but the driver is still rendered and flying of the ground
Some of these I reported ingame but as i did not keep track id rather write them all again than missing them. at lest for number 9 I know i forgot them.
Feel free to add some of your bugreports to this discussion
1. I completed a caravan and was never given credit after unpacking in a new node. This is after receiving the countdown and all other indicators that I completed the caravan. The quest however would not complete.
2. Multiple crashes when there were multiple caravans on screen. I am running a 3090 with 5950x and 128GB of RAM, should not have any issues running the game to have multiple crashes that were experienced.
I have a video detailing the journey available here.