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More than one tank in eight player party is the only class that is redundant in PVE

BarabBarab Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
One tank is all that is needed to pull and/or control agro in full party in PVE. Mages, Rangers, Clerics, and Fighters can each bring added value if more than one of their said class is represented in a party.

As the second tank in a group with a main tank there was no need for me to use any of the taunt/agro skills, my single and multiple target dps was sub par, and my support skills were not needed.

Not sure how to address it honestly. The tank's core kit does its job well enough that only one is needed in a full competent party. In a raid fighting raid bosses off tanks can serve a role but as it stands now we are useless as the second tank in a full group doing PVE content.

The Dünir Hold Mithril Warhammers,Thanes of the Keelhaul, Dünir scourge of the oceans, Warhammer First Fleet Command of The Dünzenkell Nation, friends to the Dünir Dwarves of the Dünhold. Hammers High!


  • ShivaFangShivaFang Member, Alpha Two
    My solution for this is going to be unpopular.

    the 'base' tank archetype should not be able to hold full aggro on more than one or two mobs. The current trend of holding 10 or more mobs while the rest of the party goes full-blast AoE is extremely detrimental overall.

    The 'base' tank kit should be really good at holding 1 or 2 mobs. Beyond that, the rest of the party has a risk of 'peeling'. This should be a risk vs reward mechanic. When doing large farms, the rest of the party must hold back some of their damage, be careful about overhealing, and be mindful of to focus the main target first. A large 6k+ heal should be a great risk to the party's cleric.

    'Adds' should be a huge risk. If you are already fighting one or two monsters and you aggro 3 more - this should be more than a single tank can handle without significant coordination and focus fire. Right now the tank can scoop them all up and it's no big deal as long as you put out more heals and shields.

    This can be accomplished by 'area' threat being divided by the number of targets except for the tank's offensive target.

    This does a few things;
    1) It gives a 2nd Tank a raison d'être. Two tanks means you can hold aggro better and on more mobs. The tanks should coordinate on 2 main targets and keep them in place.
    2) It will give secondary tanks (when available) a purpose. Secondary tanks should be partly to protect the casters if and when they overpull or there are adds.
    3) It will make stun and immobilize more useful than they currently are. right now if there are adds the main tank can scoop them up and you should be able to pull through. Adds should be going for the backline and need to be parked by crowd control - where they won't be attacked. If they are all being scooped by the main tank, stun and immobilize don't have a place since they will just be walloped by area attacks.

    And, most importantly;
    4) It gives tank/tank a particular niche. A tank/tank (Guardian, IIRC) should be able to hold more threat on more targets than any other tank. this is their main and only job when they spec that way - giving up whatever utility or damage they may get from dipping into another archetype.

    Steven has said many times he doesn't want this to be a 'tank and spank' mmo. Lets make this happen. Give the risk vs reward of large pulls that require careful consideration of abilities rather than going full blast 100% of the time. This will be better overall across the board.
  • ELWOWELWOW Member, Alpha Two
    ShivaFang wrote: »
    My solution for this is going to be unpopular.

    tAnd, most importantly;
    4) It gives tank/tank a particular niche. A tank/tank (Guardian, IIRC) should be able to hold more threat on more targets than any other tank. this is their main and only job when they spec that way - giving up whatever utility or damage they may get from dipping into another archetype.

    Steven has said many times he doesn't want this to be a 'tank and spank' mmo. Lets make this happen. Give the risk vs reward of large pulls that require careful consideration of abilities rather than going full blast 100% of the time. This will be better overall across the board.

    I somewhat agree, but I think that Guardian (tank/tank) shouldn't be aoe holder, but more like a world boss/main boss holder. Some mechanics should require to have tank and offtanks (like tank/fighter etc.). I think with designed fights like tumok, firebrand and the scorpion they all require just one tank in 40 man raid. If we want decent spreaded classes (also in the guilds) Intrepid need to give content to more than a one main tank per guild. We will end up needing like 4-5 tanks in a guild just to level fast in groups just to end up needing just one tank in the endgame (at least for now).
  • ShivaFangShivaFang Member, Alpha Two
    edited November 2024
    Why not both (depending on spec). Tank/Tank could be AOE holder or main boss holder, while other tank classes have more utility, damage or off-tank potential.

    Main bosses should have lots of adds to keep squishy players on their toes for plenty of peeling and protection opportunities for other tank/x and x/tanks.
  • EndowedEndowed Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited January 16
    The TANK needs another toggle.
    And/Or changes to Iron Aura.

    With Iron Aura 'off'. (Or a new ability toggle)
    All +threat% (200%/300%/etc) should just drop from abilities. Not on taunt/intimidating tho.
    All damaging abilities should be increased to a % that keeps them just below other DPS classes in throughput, IF they have all the attack abilities. That throughput should be without Grit being used.
    So if they turn grit on, their dps takes that -25% hit.
    This would allow a second tank to be useful, besides in emergency and raid boss situations.
    They would still need to make massive decisions on tanking gear vs. dps gear, and what they wear.

    IronAura also needs to be reworked as it worthless.
    Something along the lines of +4% mitigation, and plus +4% additional mitigation to any player (group/raid/guild) that has landed a melee attack within the last 4 seconds. This would then also help Fighters/Rogues/Bards that need to remain close to the scrum. Right now you would always rather have range - besides a trip/cc - in your party.

  • DaaveDaave Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    In my opinion a secondary tank should be able to add value by supporting the main tank and make AoE farming more stable, couple hypothetical ideas:

    1. Add a buff tanks can give to another player that makes heals much more effective against the receiver. This allows 1 cleric to be more effective so it can be worth the trade-off taking a second tank instead of a second cleric.
    2. Some toggle or active that allows threat they generate/have generated to transfer to someone else (the main tank). Or maybe the other way around, main tank could apply a threat stealing buff to the secondary.

    This would make 2 tank parties more stable in a similar way 2 clerics makes things more stable and would potentially be an even better comp in situations where you are pulling 10+ mobs or something. The second tank could also perform the role of pulling more easily than others if they could just redirect their threat in some way which could further make it worth it to have a second tank instead of having a DPS stop attacking the current pull to pull more.
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