Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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A single request for Mage archetype

CwalkCwalk Member, Alpha Two
I'm approaching level 20 as a Mage, and I've enjoyed it thus far. I enjoy how at this point in the leveling process, every level (in addition to gear) makes my character FEEL as if it is getting stronger and hitting harder with his rotations. Love that.

My only criticism that I'd love for Intrepid to explore is that as a mage I think it can be inferred that they are a 'master of the elements.' But what I do NOT feel like, is a master of the elements.

In close quarters (such as almost any primary leveling spot) I find it extremely frustrating to play as a mage. Ball lightning travels far and through walls. Weapon procs (lightning especially) jumps to undesired mob packs that you wouldn't think would jump to - and sometimes even through walls.

TLDR: Consider making a pass at how mage abilities interacts with the structures in the environment. While there are some great niche uses for allowing ball of lightning, chain lightning or weapon procs to go through walls or travel great distance, I find that - especially with the latest increase to NPC density in leveling spots (carph, citadel, etc) that more times than not the abilities and rotations result in unwanted NPCs joining into exp pulls.


  • CwalkCwalk Member, Alpha Two
    I lied, I have one more additional request.

    Allow some type of game setting that allows me to CLICK THROUGH PLAYERS when trying to place an AoE on the ground (Magma Field, Hoarfrost.)

    I find myself trying to do rotations in tight quarters and CANNOT cast these spells easily because I have to click -on the ground- to cast them, but with 6 players on my screen, it can be challenging to find a vacant spot. This normally wouldn't be a huge deal but with shatter rotations, my ball of lightning is already out and moving towards the NPCs and I need Hoarfrost on the ground asap.
  • Savic ProsperitySavic Prosperity Member, Alpha Two
    your post made me think, if we could recast ball lightning while it is traveling to make it 'explode' for bigger damage, could get around the issue of it going too far for close combat fighting
    but i run into the same where the aoe parts of the kit can be an issue
  • DezmerizingDezmerizing Member, Alpha Two
    Cwalk wrote: »
    I lied, I have one more additional request.

    Allow some type of game setting that allows me to CLICK THROUGH PLAYERS when trying to place an AoE on the ground (Magma Field, Hoarfrost.)

    I find myself trying to do rotations in tight quarters and CANNOT cast these spells easily because I have to click -on the ground- to cast them, but with 6 players on my screen, it can be challenging to find a vacant spot. This normally wouldn't be a huge deal but with shatter rotations, my ball of lightning is already out and moving towards the NPCs and I need Hoarfrost on the ground asap.

    I have the samme issue with the ranger AoE root ability. However, I do believe the intention is to press the key, aim it and then press it again. Aka, not clicking.
  • AreannAreann Member, Alpha Two
    your post made me think, if we could recast ball lightning while it is traveling to make it 'explode' for bigger damage,/quote]
    Yes i thought the same thing. I would even be glad of an upgrade that let's me invert the direction of the ball so it comes back to me and then stops.
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