Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Looting feels BAD: Here's why, and my ideas for solutions
The current loot system is maddening in a way that IMO does not add to the game.
In order to get any loot I need to:
1) Actually notice the tiny subdued glow around a body in the middle of a ZILLION spell effects.
2) Walk over to it to loot it, and hit F.
3) If there's glint, hit F again.
4) If there's an item, because I tank in action combat, I now ALSO need to press Z.
5) Click need or greed on all the items as applicable.
6) Hit Z AGAIN to get back to combat and hope it doesn't glitch my mouse out.
7) Wait for everyone else to roll, and hope I see that I won before it scrolls past and I HAVE TO HIT Z AGAIN TO LOOK.
8) Either I've been standing around, or now I need to go back to the body to loot (I hope there aren't respawns)
9) Loot the body.
10) Hit I to open inventory and PRESS Z AGAIN to use my inventory.
11) Equip the item.
12) PRESS Z AGAIN to get back into combat and hope it doesn't glitch my mouse out.
13) Continue tanking.
This just seems like a LOT of work for something so simple, especially when it's happening in the MIDDLE OF COMBAT because people are LOOT GOBLINS!
A couple ideas:
1) It would be so, so nice if when any group mate loots glint, it just gets split amongst the rest of the group. As it stands I'm often very busy tanking and just missing out on being able to loot at all.
2) Can we get some kind of auto loot to inventory when we win a roll?
3) Can we allow keybinds for needing/greeding on items as they appear in the loot window?
4) Can we create auto need and auto greed lists for basic item drops like droppings, emblems, etc. that don't have variable stats like gear does? I'm getting REALLY tired of *Z *click click* Z* every other fight because poop and river runes keep dropping.
5) Can we allow any group member to loot on green+ items because they're gonna get rolled on anyway? It's unclear to me if this is already possible, but every time I've seen green on a body, it doesn't go to rolling until I personally click on it, no one else ever does it first.
6) Can we extend the timer on loot opening up to other players? It feels like at present it opens up within the normal duration that a fight could take, and people can come by and be loot goblins.
In order to get any loot I need to:
1) Actually notice the tiny subdued glow around a body in the middle of a ZILLION spell effects.
2) Walk over to it to loot it, and hit F.
3) If there's glint, hit F again.
4) If there's an item, because I tank in action combat, I now ALSO need to press Z.
5) Click need or greed on all the items as applicable.
6) Hit Z AGAIN to get back to combat and hope it doesn't glitch my mouse out.
7) Wait for everyone else to roll, and hope I see that I won before it scrolls past and I HAVE TO HIT Z AGAIN TO LOOK.
8) Either I've been standing around, or now I need to go back to the body to loot (I hope there aren't respawns)
9) Loot the body.
10) Hit I to open inventory and PRESS Z AGAIN to use my inventory.
11) Equip the item.
12) PRESS Z AGAIN to get back into combat and hope it doesn't glitch my mouse out.
13) Continue tanking.
This just seems like a LOT of work for something so simple, especially when it's happening in the MIDDLE OF COMBAT because people are LOOT GOBLINS!
A couple ideas:
1) It would be so, so nice if when any group mate loots glint, it just gets split amongst the rest of the group. As it stands I'm often very busy tanking and just missing out on being able to loot at all.
2) Can we get some kind of auto loot to inventory when we win a roll?
3) Can we allow keybinds for needing/greeding on items as they appear in the loot window?
4) Can we create auto need and auto greed lists for basic item drops like droppings, emblems, etc. that don't have variable stats like gear does? I'm getting REALLY tired of *Z *click click* Z* every other fight because poop and river runes keep dropping.
5) Can we allow any group member to loot on green+ items because they're gonna get rolled on anyway? It's unclear to me if this is already possible, but every time I've seen green on a body, it doesn't go to rolling until I personally click on it, no one else ever does it first.
6) Can we extend the timer on loot opening up to other players? It feels like at present it opens up within the normal duration that a fight could take, and people can come by and be loot goblins.
As for glint, I am all for it being shared. That is however simply due to the fact that I am unlucky, and keep getting much less glint than everyone else. X] that is however not a game breaking thing for me. RNG will RNG.
It's exactly as @Fippy said, you need to locate the dead mob (which is sometimes not easy to find among rubble or ground verticality), you need to notice you winning the roll (good luck, when the screen is scrolling), then you have to walk over to the mob corpse again (probably in the middle of the fight) to loot the item. All through this, the screen is full of untoggleable effects caused by your group, which makes finding the corpse even worse.
Then there are things like, some items never get rolled on. At some point, a melee just picks them up without having rolled for them. This happens when the mob corpse has more than 3 things, and you'd have to scroll inside the mob corpse loot list to bring it up.
Here are some suggestions for a compromise:
- make a big, fat screen system message on the roll winner's screen: "Congrats, you won [wooden training sword]!"
- make the corpse stand out a LOT more, it has to compete with your group mates' spells
- if the item doesn't get looted within 2 minutes, put another broadcast out to the winner: "You have 2 minutes left to loot your [wooden training sword]!"
Also, fix all loot-related bugs, and maybe add an easy, mouseover way to see which loot system is active (maybe mouseover your own target frame?).
That being said, personally, I find this instance of "risk vs reward" is as useful as a third leg. It adds too little for the inconvenience it causes. I'd do away with it completely, get it all fixed up neatly, then send the item to the inventory of the winner.
You forgot step 0: wait for the death animation to finish and the game to finish generating the loot on the corpse (or not) and while you're waiting wonder if you're wasting your time waiting for loot that will not appear or whether this corpse is going to eventually spawn loot on it or not.
For action combat I like the idea of keybinds that the op suggested. I'd also like a smaller loot window (like elvUI on wow).
And because it's worth saying again.
Split glint
Auto loot won loot rolls
Let anyone "loot" a corpse if it has a rolled for item on it
Winning a roll in a group when you are busy and especially potentially going to wipe means you need to stop helping the group try to recover or in less severe cases stop dpsing run to some random location or into melee where you do not want to be as a ranged to loot an item again fast because it will open up to anyone if you do not.
Both of these things are annoying, I understand the reasoning for devs to want the ability for pvp to happen when loot is dropped but this is just a hinderance to all players especially ranged. I prefer this is not a thing ever, but if it is so important that people fight over loot, make it quality locked to certain qualities only or mob locked to bosses or something.
Why is there so much plate, why is there so much spell gear, it is really hard to get appropriate gear for some classes and really easy for others.
The other issue is the need/greed system (with no common sense enforcement) and players, people who think they can roll "need" for everything like for example a Warrior need rolling a Spellbow or a mage rolling for a physical greatsword, maybe it will make sense with the multi class thing in the future but right now it's just greed.
A great example we had for this is our pug groups cleric wanted a spell power item, a warrior rolled need on it and said I want it for my guildy..... you could hear the sighs from everyone else however I just left the group because next time it might be me so I choose not to group with people like that.
I have been astonished at the people rolling need for friends. Where did this trend come from? So far, everyone has been very openly opposed to that idea when people say that's why they are rolling need. Absolutely not as far as I'm concerned.
Yeah, when that happens and they don't give the item to the highest roller that actually needs it themselves after being told, I tell them that I have a guild too and will roll need on everything until they stop.
Those ppl are then the only ones not getting anything I roll highest on (everyone rolling normal gets it via trade when they have actual need).
If its my group, I instantly kick the person - no matter the class.
I'd rather look for another tank than deal with this crap. I also tell my guild, so they don't get invited by us anymore.
A tank should NOT have to walk over to grab the glint/drop ever.
Already thew worst earning class, now before mobs can even die they have to watch other people grab their loot.
*or run the mobs through everything and mess up the positioning.
Best question ever. Plate drops literally at any farming spot and the level 20 cloth gear with amazing set bonuses can at the very least commonly be found at Steel Bloom.
Where do people who want medium armor go? >.<*