Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
[Suggestion] Simple chat and UI features to aide communication for RPers and normies alike

Caveat: These may be planned features for all we know, but if they are not I would like to float these to see how interested people may be to see them.
For the chat-only features:
1. An "emote chat" with the same range as local/say chat. Similar to other games /e or /me, this is a chat that alters the formatting so a message sent appears as an action by Playername and does **not** show up in a chat bubble.
Ex: "/e knocks on the door" shows up in chat as "Playername knocks on the door."
2. A dice roll function! An option to /roll a dice has uses for roleplayers, and also may be great for people to hash out loot distribution. In an ideal world, you should be able to select the range of numbers you are rolling.
Ex: "/roll 10" rolls a random number 1-10, and posts to local chat "Playername rolled a 6".
3. A small (around 100 characters) written blurb you can add to your profile that can be seen by other players when they inspect your character. If inspection is not planned, perhaps this could just appear upon hovering over their tooltip. This could have great utility for non-rpers to showcase things like their artisan skills, if they are seeking a guild, etc.
Ex: " Cooking/Alch main LFW // LF Merchant guild" or "I'm a slow typer, VC preferred" or "<RP> Tim speaks with a heavy Dunir accent, and walks with a cane."
For the chat-only features:
1. An "emote chat" with the same range as local/say chat. Similar to other games /e or /me, this is a chat that alters the formatting so a message sent appears as an action by Playername and does **not** show up in a chat bubble.
Ex: "/e knocks on the door" shows up in chat as "Playername knocks on the door."
2. A dice roll function! An option to /roll a dice has uses for roleplayers, and also may be great for people to hash out loot distribution. In an ideal world, you should be able to select the range of numbers you are rolling.
Ex: "/roll 10" rolls a random number 1-10, and posts to local chat "Playername rolled a 6".
3. A small (around 100 characters) written blurb you can add to your profile that can be seen by other players when they inspect your character. If inspection is not planned, perhaps this could just appear upon hovering over their tooltip. This could have great utility for non-rpers to showcase things like their artisan skills, if they are seeking a guild, etc.
Ex: " Cooking/Alch main LFW // LF Merchant guild" or "I'm a slow typer, VC preferred" or "<RP> Tim speaks with a heavy Dunir accent, and walks with a cane."
[ RP nerd & Dog mom ♥ Always down to hear a good story. ]