Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Two core bard abilities every group hates

You know exactly what abilities I'm talking about. Get Off the Stage and Discordance. Both abilities add to the bard's synergies, utility and provide a lot dps, thanks to the average 25 seconds ability cooldown on all bard abilities 
Sadly due to those 2 abilities unpredictability most groups will straight out tell you to NOT use them, and that is understandable.
How would I fix it?

Sadly due to those 2 abilities unpredictability most groups will straight out tell you to NOT use them, and that is understandable.
- Get Off the Stage knockback can be useful to herd enemies to the tank, and obviously to Disarm them. Sadly in group settings the knockback can be a hindrance, as it can spread out mobs, possibly make the tank work harder.
- Discordance - the bounce on the projectiles CAN be a bit unpredictable and risky, especially in a setting where groups of mobs are packed tightly together.
How would I fix it?
- Make the knockback an optional FREE upgrade, you can enable and disable at will, without any cost or travel time (I'm thinking the incoming respec changes).
- Discordance is more tricky, we could lower the distance at which projectiles are able to bounce, but I suspect this is going to be a small nerf for the pvp setting, unless the projectile is able to bounce back at the previous target if it hasn't reached it max bounce limit.
- A possible Discordance alternative would be a bigger redesign, making it a Ear-Piercing Scream / Piercing Shriek like ability. Turn the skill into a held ability like rangers Scatter Shot, so you can alternate between single target and AoE, without the constant hassle of respecing.
My lungs taste the air of Time,
Blown past falling sands…
Blown past falling sands…
Blown past falling sands…
Blown past falling sands…
Parties only hate it when bards use it wrong.
Never kick enemies away from the melee. You kick them towards the melee. It's basically an additional grapple for the tank - bard has to get behind the enemy and kick towards the tank.
Honestly the ability should be renamed 'Get ON the stage!'
If the bards intent is to weaken enemies - maddening dance was changed to apply Humiliated at the end of the cast - that provides plenty of damage mitigation to assist those taking damage.
There are multiple abilities in the game I feel could benefit from alternate mode which would allow you to quickly switch between being single target / AoE. With GotS this could allow you to switch between "damage and disarm" mode to "damage and disarm and knockback". A bit like the Ranger's Scatter Shot held ability, just an instant fire mode switch.
Blown past falling sands…
Pull with spellbook
When its close "get of the stage"
Then spell book for a few seconds
Then tomate to trip
More speelbook
One star dead without hitting me once 😅
Both issues are addressed in my post. I don't want to nerf GotS in the pvp, I simply want to give players control over when knockback is applied. Whatever that is addressed by free talent you can enable/disable at will, or alternate fire mode, other options, its up to the developer.
Blown past falling sands…
As much as I would like Discordance to be changed to like Ranger's Scatter Shot, where holding it changes it. With Discordance it would start out with a small AoE area where the notes can bounce from, you hold it down to increase the range in which they can bounce to. That would make the move more cumbersome in PvP though. Maybe doing the reverse where it defaults to max range and holds to reduce the range of the bouncing?
Blown past falling sands…
Not sure what's unsolicited about it since that's what this thread is about. Creating a discussion invites all opinions.
Also, get of the stage scales physical damage - so it's not really a skill that's good in our rotation unless you are just trying to proc an extra resonance. It's very much a situational skill for kicking things towards your melee line. (or you are creating a very rare physical based bard - which I can dig)
I admit i didn't read it properly
I don't think either of these need to be fixed. I've never played a game where it's generally considered to be a good idea to use knockbacks or untargeted AoE abilities in a raid, or difficult dungeon. Each has plenty of other applications.
When it comes to GOTS, I got tanks I play with regularly to appreciate its value in some situations. I would still prefer if the knocback angle was shallower. It looks a bit weird, like you just applied anti-gravity to the target.
Blown past falling sands…