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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Tailoring (and all that is wrong with it).

in Artisanship
So I have been invested in tailoring quite heavily this test (SlaptonTheWhaler on Arioch) and there's somethign that has been bugging me namely how punishing it is to craft anything within the tailoring tree. Especially when talking about apprentice level crafting and higher.
I do understand the goal of having to cooperate with other crafting professions in order to get more advanced items in line however the basic ratio of resources seems completely out of line for tailoring.
First thing: apprentice level crafting requires bolts as a main component the problem is bolts are crafted in conjunction with lumbermilling To craft a single item a bag for example one require 20 bolts and 1 thread. The problem lies within the ratio, 20 bolts require 20 willow bords which is apprentice level lumbermilling this involves also apprentice level lumberjacking while only one moonbell thread which is native to herbalism (main resource for novice level of tailoring). To get the willow board one has to process willow wood twice increasing the whole time of acquiring materials by a large margin. It also generates cost outside of the spec. Now let us compare requirements for similar items.
Apprentice Lumberjacking Basket -- Crafted with Carpentry
20 weeping willow warp
1 Bluebell bolt
Steps to craft:
1. Chop willows to get 21 wood (Lumberjacking)
2. Craft One Weeping Willow Timber (Lumbermilling)
3. Craft One Weeping Willow Board using Willow Timber (Lumbermilling)
4. Gather 1 bluebell (Herbalism)
5. Craft 1 Bluebell Bolt (weaving)
6. Craft 20 Willow warp using 20 raw willow wood (Weaving)
7. Craft the basket (Carpentry)
Gathering resources required:
Lumberjacking - 21
Herbalism - 1
Processing required:
Weaving - 21 minutes
Lumber Milling - 1 minute
Time to craft: 21 minutes (warp is crafted from raw willow, bolt has to be crafted on the same station; board can be crafted at the same time as warp)
Apprentice Lumberjacking Bag (or any bag for that matter) -- Crafted with Tailoring
20 Bluebell Bolt
1 Bluebell Thread
1. Chop Willows to get 20 wood (Lumberjacking)
2. Craft 20 Willow Timber (Lumbermilling)
3. Craft 20 Willow Boards (Lumbermilling)
4. Gather 21 Bluebells (Herbalism)
5. Craft 1 Bluebell Thread (Weaving)
6. Craft 20 Bluebell Bolts using Willow Boards and Raw Bluebell (Weaving)
7. Craft the bag
Gathering resources required:
Lumberjacking - 20
Herbalism - 20
Processing required:
Lumbermilling - 40 mins
Weaving - 20 mins
Time need to craft: 60 minutes (Timber is required for boards, boards are required for bolts; thread can be crafted while the boards are crafted)
Based on this there's also an exponential increase in cost while crafting higher rarity items as crafting legendary bolt requires both legendary bluebell and legendary willow. Having to use 20 of the bolts causes it way more difficult to offset lower quality with tailoring gear (which needs a mention as well).
The same problem persists in terms of crafting equipment.
Lets compare requirements for armour this time with leatherworking:
Howling wolf garb vs Bluebell Garb (i think it's the same level of items)
Howling wolf garb:
1 Leather Polish (vendor, doesn't affect quality)
4 Howling Emblems (Drop from monsters, doesn't affect quality)
8 tanned wolf hides (Hunting and Tanning)
1 Spiders Silk Thread (Hunting and Weaving)
Gathering resources:
Hunting - 9
Drop - 4
Vendor - 1
Processing resources:
Tanning - 8 minutes
Weaving - 1 minute
Crafting time - 8 minutes (weaving and tanning are done on separate stations)
Bluebell Garb:
8 Bluebell Bolt
1 Tanned otter hide
1 Bluebell thread
Gathering resources:
Herbalism - 9
Lumberjacking - 9
Hunting - 1
Processing resources:
Weaving - 9 minutes
Lumbermilling - 18 minutes
Tanning - 1 minute
Crafting Time: 28 minutes
Just like with bags the issue is the same. It requires a lot more effort to craft with two back to back lumbermilling processes required only to be able to start another weaving process. On top of that crafting same rarity garbs requires double the materials for Bluebell Garb since willow needs to be of the same quality as Bluebell.
And while it may stack similar to Forsaken Blades Breastplate (Armorsmithing) in terms of difficulty of getting higher rarity, again Armorsmithing requires mainly mining materials to craft and while slate armour mold might look kind of challenging it is very easy to offset its lower quality with Armorsmithing clothing as the mold is only a single that constitutes to 10% of the crafting materials needed.
Forsaken Blades Breastplate
4 Forsaken Blades Emblem (Doesn't affect rarity)
8 bronze
1 Tin Fragment
1 Slate Armour mold
Gathering resources:
Mining - 28
Drop - 4
Lumberjacking - 1
Hunting - 1
Vendor - 2
Processing resources:
Stonemasonry - 6 minutes
Smelting - 25 (copper and tin can be smelted on separate stations)
Tanning - 1 minute
Lumber Milling - 2 minutes
Craft time: 25 minutes (Tanning, Lumber milling and stonemasonry use different stations)
This is probably the most complex blueprint of all, mostly due to the mold but as I said before it's still possible to offset the mold by armorsmith clothing, even buying a low quality (rare) mold or ingredients for thereof shouldn't strain the purse as much as a processing cost for the boards required in tailoring.
Another thing is... Tailoring vendor is missing basic apprentice tailoring clothes and how much does it do? A lot. Using it for carpentry to craft a legendary bow has let me get max stats on a bow while using an epic ingot. Crafting a novice legendary Shirt while wearing heroic tailoring shirt (+11 crafting quality) and using 10x Legendary flax + 1x rare wool allows you to craft the item as legendary with lowest rolls for the tier while only epic when crafting without.
Reassuming, tailoring is screwed. Please fix. Probably just swapping the ratios between bolts and threads would sort the issue.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
I do understand the goal of having to cooperate with other crafting professions in order to get more advanced items in line however the basic ratio of resources seems completely out of line for tailoring.
First thing: apprentice level crafting requires bolts as a main component the problem is bolts are crafted in conjunction with lumbermilling To craft a single item a bag for example one require 20 bolts and 1 thread. The problem lies within the ratio, 20 bolts require 20 willow bords which is apprentice level lumbermilling this involves also apprentice level lumberjacking while only one moonbell thread which is native to herbalism (main resource for novice level of tailoring). To get the willow board one has to process willow wood twice increasing the whole time of acquiring materials by a large margin. It also generates cost outside of the spec. Now let us compare requirements for similar items.
Apprentice Lumberjacking Basket -- Crafted with Carpentry
20 weeping willow warp
1 Bluebell bolt
Steps to craft:
1. Chop willows to get 21 wood (Lumberjacking)
2. Craft One Weeping Willow Timber (Lumbermilling)
3. Craft One Weeping Willow Board using Willow Timber (Lumbermilling)
4. Gather 1 bluebell (Herbalism)
5. Craft 1 Bluebell Bolt (weaving)
6. Craft 20 Willow warp using 20 raw willow wood (Weaving)
7. Craft the basket (Carpentry)
Gathering resources required:
Lumberjacking - 21
Herbalism - 1
Processing required:
Weaving - 21 minutes
Lumber Milling - 1 minute
Time to craft: 21 minutes (warp is crafted from raw willow, bolt has to be crafted on the same station; board can be crafted at the same time as warp)
Apprentice Lumberjacking Bag (or any bag for that matter) -- Crafted with Tailoring
20 Bluebell Bolt
1 Bluebell Thread
1. Chop Willows to get 20 wood (Lumberjacking)
2. Craft 20 Willow Timber (Lumbermilling)
3. Craft 20 Willow Boards (Lumbermilling)
4. Gather 21 Bluebells (Herbalism)
5. Craft 1 Bluebell Thread (Weaving)
6. Craft 20 Bluebell Bolts using Willow Boards and Raw Bluebell (Weaving)
7. Craft the bag
Gathering resources required:
Lumberjacking - 20
Herbalism - 20
Processing required:
Lumbermilling - 40 mins
Weaving - 20 mins
Time need to craft: 60 minutes (Timber is required for boards, boards are required for bolts; thread can be crafted while the boards are crafted)
Based on this there's also an exponential increase in cost while crafting higher rarity items as crafting legendary bolt requires both legendary bluebell and legendary willow. Having to use 20 of the bolts causes it way more difficult to offset lower quality with tailoring gear (which needs a mention as well).
The same problem persists in terms of crafting equipment.
Lets compare requirements for armour this time with leatherworking:
Howling wolf garb vs Bluebell Garb (i think it's the same level of items)
Howling wolf garb:
1 Leather Polish (vendor, doesn't affect quality)
4 Howling Emblems (Drop from monsters, doesn't affect quality)
8 tanned wolf hides (Hunting and Tanning)
1 Spiders Silk Thread (Hunting and Weaving)
Gathering resources:
Hunting - 9
Drop - 4
Vendor - 1
Processing resources:
Tanning - 8 minutes
Weaving - 1 minute
Crafting time - 8 minutes (weaving and tanning are done on separate stations)
Bluebell Garb:
8 Bluebell Bolt
1 Tanned otter hide
1 Bluebell thread
Gathering resources:
Herbalism - 9
Lumberjacking - 9
Hunting - 1
Processing resources:
Weaving - 9 minutes
Lumbermilling - 18 minutes
Tanning - 1 minute
Crafting Time: 28 minutes
Just like with bags the issue is the same. It requires a lot more effort to craft with two back to back lumbermilling processes required only to be able to start another weaving process. On top of that crafting same rarity garbs requires double the materials for Bluebell Garb since willow needs to be of the same quality as Bluebell.
And while it may stack similar to Forsaken Blades Breastplate (Armorsmithing) in terms of difficulty of getting higher rarity, again Armorsmithing requires mainly mining materials to craft and while slate armour mold might look kind of challenging it is very easy to offset its lower quality with Armorsmithing clothing as the mold is only a single that constitutes to 10% of the crafting materials needed.
Forsaken Blades Breastplate
4 Forsaken Blades Emblem (Doesn't affect rarity)
8 bronze
1 Tin Fragment
1 Slate Armour mold
Gathering resources:
Mining - 28
Drop - 4
Lumberjacking - 1
Hunting - 1
Vendor - 2
Processing resources:
Stonemasonry - 6 minutes
Smelting - 25 (copper and tin can be smelted on separate stations)
Tanning - 1 minute
Lumber Milling - 2 minutes
Craft time: 25 minutes (Tanning, Lumber milling and stonemasonry use different stations)
This is probably the most complex blueprint of all, mostly due to the mold but as I said before it's still possible to offset the mold by armorsmith clothing, even buying a low quality (rare) mold or ingredients for thereof shouldn't strain the purse as much as a processing cost for the boards required in tailoring.
Another thing is... Tailoring vendor is missing basic apprentice tailoring clothes and how much does it do? A lot. Using it for carpentry to craft a legendary bow has let me get max stats on a bow while using an epic ingot. Crafting a novice legendary Shirt while wearing heroic tailoring shirt (+11 crafting quality) and using 10x Legendary flax + 1x rare wool allows you to craft the item as legendary with lowest rolls for the tier while only epic when crafting without.
Reassuming, tailoring is screwed. Please fix. Probably just swapping the ratios between bolts and threads would sort the issue.
thank you for coming to my ted talk
theres a lot of weird crafting costs across the board imo
I see two easy changes that could help this out. First would be a small numbers tweak. Could easily be 10 bolts instead of 20 and I don’t think that would make it too easy in relation to anything else. But more important, I don’t think it should rely on willow lumber. Since that’s super difficult to find in quantity, which I’m ok with in principle. Scarcity is good. But maybe the second option of this is to use a different wood. Since it’s the most plentiful thing in the game by far.
why is that bad?
or is the price of crafting the items the concern? if so just increase your market price? i dont folow at all lol