Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Flying Mounts

Please add event with Flying mounts on the end of phase 1 for everyone near with 20 december, it would be great ! i Think everyone wanna try fly system , not only watching this on streams , Thank you for attention and hope you will listen my request !
Blown past falling sands…
This. Gliding yes, flying no.
as for event i think it fine for like last weekend or day to let everyone experience flying mounts.
however i do agree flying mounts need to be limited in some way i think either of the following would help
1 - Can only go so far away from the node your mayor of so they can be used strategicly to keep look out around your node aswell as node wars and so on
2 - Cant carry materials and fly on a flying mount it a bit busted that mayors can quickly transport large quantity of materials across the map 100% safely or come down kill people loot them and fly off to safety :P
3 - they can only fly for a duration before needing to rest for a period of time.
They probaly need a mjor HP reduction too tbh
They definetly need some nerfing thats for sure. There spose to be used for node wars and thing for getting layout of the battle field more and thing to co ordinate things not an every day use to abuse systems :P
I personally they should either not exist at all, or if they do, limited flight ability, not outside of the own node borders or something alike. Even for the finished game.
I just think they're way too strong.
However, giving everyone the opportunity to try and see how it actually is like I think it would be great to grant them to everyone on the last day b4 the wipe. First because it's still an amazing feeling to fly, but also because I was able to discover lots of bugs etc because of the flight ability that were probably not noticable as easily without a flying mount.
not a fan of how animal husbandry is - but GM animal husbrandy should be required to provide and give access to the mayor the mount. Mayor should also do a quest to ensure they can mount on it before the GM animal husbrandry begins to "tame it".
It's weird just winning a town gets you access to a flying mount. what is the lore, logic behind that. Where did they come from. Why did this town have this mount?
These mounts should still need to be found, 5 in the world in random location.
At that point, i might be ok with how it currently functions. When a mayor loses, the mount "dies" and a new one spawn somewhere in the world, not in the same location, allowing all other mayors to begin racing for it's existence.
Need to be more specific on what you are praying for.