Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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It should be easy to craft low level items

Flashfirez23Flashfirez23 Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Systems in games should be easy to pick up and hard to master. The crafting in Ashes is had to pickup and hard to master. I am totally okay with complex crafting systems. But, it shouldn’t be difficult and complex at the start. It would be better if it gradually got more complex as you level your crafting artisanship skill. And I’m not the only one who has major issues with crafting. Many in the community also have voiced their concerns with the current system. So, it is a genuine problem. I understand that it is an alpha. But, the devs need to know that they need to really rework the crafting system before launch. So, that this feature is way less polarizing than it is in its current state.


  • onewingedangelo1onewingedangelo1 Member, Alpha Two
    And I’m not the only one who has major issues with crafting. Many in the community also have voiced their concerns with the current system. So, it is a genuine problem.

    Just because you found people to support your claim doesn't mean it's right by volume. Take a minute and think of the opposite side. What this does is it enforces, from the beginning, that you won't be an army of one. Much like the combat in this game.

    Ashes has shown that it wants to get away from how 'modern' MMOs do things and go back to the way it used to be. Community driven. The saying, "It takes a village" applies here. From the beginning of your journey bit it combat or crafting, you need others to support you. Now you could do it all your self in the beginning. But as you progress you will steadily learn that more and more you need help of others.

    It's not too complex, it just doesn't hold your hand at the moment. What the issue is currently is that it doesn't explain to you, that well, how you need to go about things or where to find stuff. That it very much can do better.

  • UboonUboon Member, Alpha Two
    The sandboxy element of Ashes requires some planning, effort, organisation and thinking to start crafting. Sandboxes require you to plan your own efforts, so it has to have some difficulty and require some learning, otherwise it becomes just a dumb clicky fetch n click quest.
  • Flashfirez23Flashfirez23 Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Just want to clarify that I don’t think the entire crafting system should be made easier. Just the beginning. Many other people feel the same. Don’t know why people want to gatekeep crafting. But, I think making the crafting system easy to get into then making it more complex as you progressed would be beneficial to the game.
  • onewingedangelo1onewingedangelo1 Member, Alpha Two
    The beginning is the most accessible the crafting will ever be. For everything up to apprentice you can do EVERYTHING. You can do it all yourself. You only need other's help later on. and even though if you plan it right you can do so much alone. The only thing I honestly think they need to do is tweek the numbers (exp rates, number of items per craft, etc). This has to be one of the best crafting systems in an MMO right now once the polish gets added to it. Truely serious crafters will have multiple characters with multiple grand masters and I love the options and restrictions around it.

    Just tweek the numbers (and finish the none complete crafts)
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