Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Can we meet in the middle and make it so we can group up with people 5 levels apart?

Flashfirez23Flashfirez23 Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
The leveling change that punishes players that are more than 3 levels apart from each other by reducing exp was a horrible change. It rightfully has been panned by the community. As it has already made the game less social and making finding groups way harder than it needs to be. Social MMOs need to promote players to play together not disincentivize players from playing together! I understand the team is worried about power leveling but the change has only made the game worse not better. Intrepid needs to figure out a better solution to power leveling instead of punishing people from grouping. In the meantime can we please at the very least broaden the range that players can group together to allow for us with players that are 5 levels apart from us. So, we can actually play with our guild members and friends. This is only a bandaid fix as the system needs to be overhauled completely to support players grouping together and promoting a social environment.


  • GizbanGizban Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
  • AndiAndi Member, Alpha Two
    If you're not in the wave right at the start of a server, when there are lots of groups available in the same level range, soloing becomes the best option. Unless you're a tank (and even then), it'll take so long to find a group, and so hard to maintain it through members leaving over time and replacements not available, that you're now locked out from 8man content.
  • ChicagoChicago Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    +1 fix this, horrible change
  • DreikDreik Member, Alpha Two
    edited December 2024
    5 levels seems like reasonable proposal.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think exp should just scale in a way there is no PL happening. Let us team with who ever we want. Let us decide if the level 10 Cleric helps or hinders.
  • FippyFippy Member, Alpha Two

    This change made it much more difficult to get groups. I for one basically immediately had to stop grouping with some people I'd been playing with every weekend because I was suddenly not the right level range.

    IMO A level 14 and a level 19 grouping is within the realm of normal, especially considering dynamics like tanks wanting to be over leveled, and groups often allowing under leveled healers.

    Everquest, which FWIW also had a level 50 cap to begin with, allowed a 6 level difference with no change to EXP, and at a 7 level difference, the lowest level person simply stopped gaining EXP at all, while everyone else still did.
  • wakkytabbakywakkytabbaky Member, Alpha Two
    honestly im fine with the level disparity and that atm, the only thing that needs to happen is there needs to be a viable solo way to level via quests and such which will happen when its implemented.

    come later phases / release when node level affects POI enemy levels you will have a clear picture on where you should be grinding and that place would always be filled with the same level people so grouping would be easy
  • Flashfirez23Flashfirez23 Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Fippy wrote: »

    This change made it much more difficult to get groups. I for one basically immediately had to stop grouping with some people I'd been playing with every weekend because I was suddenly not the right level range.

    IMO A level 14 and a level 19 grouping is within the realm of normal, especially considering dynamics like tanks wanting to be over leveled, and groups often allowing under leveled healers.

    Everquest, which FWIW also had a level 50 cap to begin with, allowed a 6 level difference with no change to EXP, and at a 7 level difference, the lowest level person simply stopped gaining EXP at all, while everyone else still did.

    Yeah other games that have dealt with this were a lot more generous with who you could group with. Ashes needs to take the same approach because it’s hurting the social aspect of the game.
  • VeeshanVeeshan Member, Alpha Two
    edited December 2024
    i do think 5 level difference is the best, 3 a little to restrictive EQ was the same was allowed 5 level difference early on but i think it goes to 7or 8 level difference at higher lvls too
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