Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

[suggestion] Please give me a way to reduce and scale down the blinding visual noise of combat

As a tank in these medium to larger fights, I'm trying to see what's going on so I can do proper crowd control by fighting the right monster and pulling aggro off players who need help. I find that with all the great graphics, there is too much of a good thing. Combat is exploding, splashing, and zipping from all around, and I can't see or focus on what's important—too much eye candy for fighting. The larger the party or raid, the worse it becomes.

I can't tell if I'm going to have seizures or if I need more eye drops before, during, and after the combat. I can't focus on what to click on. My screen is awash with visual effects and i can't make out players, landscape or targets. I have become blinded by the visual vomit of large-scale combat graphics overload.
I have gone so far as to buy blue-blocking glasses to see if that helps. I have zoomed all the way out to see if that helps, and it doesn't really. The terrain can become part of the problems; trees, tree branches, walls, and ceilings turn a 3rd person overhead view into a first-person "cant see anything" experience. I can target, attack and shoot but cant see what is happening on my screen.

The graphics are great but i really need a way to turn some things down, off or opaque. Sometimes, great graphics means I just get to see more of the visual noise that is unpleasantly obscuring my gameplay and gives me eye fatigue. Please give us a way to turn down and reduce the blinding visual noise of the "currently great in small batches" combat graphics, but "problematic in large doses" of combat graphics.

I have spoken to other tanks I they all have reported similar problems. None of us have good solutions yet. Some tanks try and zoom out but that doesn't work in many cases.

I don't think it's much of a problem for DPS or healers because they can just hit keys that allow them to target the tank's target or hit keys to select players to heal. Crowd control players have it the worst because there is no single button to hit to identify and target a raging monster. Tanks don't have a really good way to siphon or reduce aggro off people in our group or from raid members in a larger area. Tanks have to see what is going on and what is going wrong.

People don't generally fight in a clump; they spread out. As a tank, I have no way to override the aggro from a single person / party member or redirect area aggro to myself. Please, at least give me a graphic setting to reduce the graphic noise of spells and effects so I can see what is happening.

If you already have those settings, please share them. If you have other useful tactics, I would love to hear them.

Warm Regards for a great game and the to the team who is making it better,
From MrWeapons


  • LodrigLodrig Member, Alpha Two
    edited December 2024
    People have been asking for this for a while now. And their is supposedly a plan for a slider that will tone down effects, but no sign of when it will come.
  • EndowedEndowed Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Tanks are fubard.
    All the systems works against them.

  • MrWeaponsMrWeapons Member, Alpha Two
    Lodrig wrote: »
    People have been asking for this for a while now. And their is supposedly a plan for a slider that will tone down effects, but no sign of when it will come.

    Please God's of Coding make it so... quickly.
  • MrWeaponsMrWeapons Member, Alpha Two
    Lodrig wrote: »
    People have been asking for this for a while now. And their is supposedly a plan for a slider that will tone down effects

    What settings or stratiges have you tried that has made it better... or hud changes have made it better?
  • NerrorNerror Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I'll sign this. when tanking, especially in a raid situation, I practically can't see the mobs I am fighting.
  • GizbanGizban Member, Braver of Worlds, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    As a cleric I agree. It seems like a lot of spell effects are gold, and so is your cursor.
    I've lost my cursor a few times in heated battle where I need to get quick healing sent out. F keys don't help when you have to be mobile.
  • DeadlyDaveDeadlyDave Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    7 of us went into a room in Highway Hill to fight 3 mobs, i ended up putting on my sunglasses.
    This did not solve the problem either, just made my eyes burn less.
    I couldn't see a thing.
    I tell you what i know about Dwarf's.
    Very little
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I have pointed these issues out since a1. Yet, now I see all my old complaints resurfacing in tons of threads. Unfortunately, when you turn a table top game into a computer game the overcompensation of lack of stimulating issues like old Age of Conan where we had to put particle effects to 0 for the entire 1st year of live.
  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Notice the future tense in his statement.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited December 2024
    This weekend my wife and I tested leveling a Cleric and a Tank. When we got level 9 we went to the Church. I have no clue how anyone plays melee in this game. We had a team of 8 and I was blinded most of the time. I could not read mobs tells. Sometimes I could not even see where the mobs were but for their name plates and that does not always give them depth of where they are. I won't be playing melee that's for sure. It too bad because just my wife and I. I enjoyed the Tank skill set.
  • AtashAtash Member, Alpha Two
    the new healing sound and effect are aweful speically the chains XD it can tear down ur ears with that noise and the spell effects are just worse than before i liked how it was before lol
  • PyrololPyrolol Member, Alpha Two
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