Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Fighter class changes I want + future abilities and talents

1. Make the combat forms not trigger an animation/global cooldown. They should function like Blood Fusion and be usable at any moment and mid-animation. Right now changing stances mid-combat isn't worth it due to the .7 second animation penalty. Any potential gains you get are offset by what you could have been doing during that .7 seconds. Having this be off-GCD would increase the skill expression on the fighter TREMENDOUSLY.
2. Overpower and Brutal Cleave having their cooldowns reset on our third basic attack is just awkward because it devalues any talent that has to do with extended finishers and deadly extended finishers...which is a lot of talents. As a fighter you want to be cancelling your basic attack combo as soon as you proc a new Brutal Cleave. Consider changing how Brutal Cleave/Overpower procs are rewarded and maybe consider having a stackable buff where you could stack 2 charges of free Overpower/Brutal Cleave from your finishers that you could use at any point.
3. Lunging Assault is just terrible. The ability is very inconsistent but even if it was consistent...I still think it would be silly. I'd like to see this ability be reworked to be a mini-Blitz that has a short range and COSTS momentum. This would be a great way for Fighters to trade some damage for uptime.
4. Wallop being purely a damage skill makes balancing this ability almost impossible. The ability will either beat out Berserk or the passive momentum buffs...or it won't. It'll be a great ability or completely unused. Consider adding a utility element to this skill or maybe rework it into something defensive oriented (fighters need defensive buttons!)
1. Move Blood Fusion down to the first or second tier in the talent tree. Everyone is going to be getting this skill....why make Fighters suffer until level 13?
2. Consuming Lethal Blow and Reinvigorating Lethal Blow will need additional benefits at max level or people will not take them
3. Consider decoupling the Fighter's CC break from Berserk. Berserk is an offensive cooldown you really want to use at a specific time under specific circumstances. It's also only useable at 20 momentum. I question if this is a legitimate design design or just a cheap way to reduce button bloat.
Potential Abilities and Talents I think would be fun:
Stance Dancer - Gain a buff for every status effect applied incentivizing you to change to a different stance. Apply a bleed and get a buff on your next stagger application, on your stagger application you get a buff on your next shaken application, on your shaken application you get a buff on your next bleed application
Sweet Spot - Gain a passive buff for remaining at 60-80 combat momentum (this could be a use for a skill like Wallop for tactical momentum dumps)
Hamstring - Spend combat momentum for 3 stacks of snare
Need for Speed - Quickly use momentum for very fast movement speed. You are immune to CC while active.
Kinetic Embrace - Absorb all damage for 3 seconds and convert all damage taken into Kinetic Energy
Killing Machine - Getting a killing blow with Lethal Blow on a player resets it's cooldown (added to additional talent or set bonus?)
Unstoppable Force - Block Breaking / Overshield / Temporary Health smashing ability...maybe on a long cooldown? People who are currently blocking or have active over-health take a ton of damage and are disarmed/silenced
Recklessness - Deal 30% more damage but also take 30% more damage
Tunnel Vision - 100% of all cleave damage for the next 3 seconds is channeled into your current target
Master of Arms - Every attack with weapon 1 grants a buff that empowers your basic attacks with your secondary weapon...and vice versa (maybe extremely fast attack speed through your basic combo?)
Perpetual Motion - Using Blitz, Leap Strike, or Lunging Assault within 7 seconds of each other grants a buff of some kind. (great potential use case for Lunging Assault)
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