Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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I'm putting this here as I only notice this on Bard

onewingedangelo1onewingedangelo1 Member, Alpha Two

9 of my 10 visible buffs tell me nothing I need to know in combat. 4 Buffs are zone benefits not pertaining to combat. 2 are my bard passive which I always have and don't need to know they are active because they always are, and 3 are the same buff repeated and could be collapsed. But even that last one aside as if they were the same it would be important to know... I can't see the most important buff... my melody. I have no way of knowing if my melody is on or not unless I go to use my song to trigger my discordance passive.

This game really needs a class specific UI to manage a lot of this. OR Give us customizable buff and debuff windows. For both Target and Self. Final Fantasy XIV does this beautify. I'm not saying steal it, but use it for inspiration. This game has the privilege of seeing what others do well and able to integrate it.... do that.


  • QuentusQuentus Member, Alpha Two
    I totally agree. A customisable buff/debuff window would be amazing and really help to micro manage your archetype efficiently.
  • sciffer2014sciffer2014 Member, Alpha Two
    Actually I don't want to see node buff in there at all. They should probably be in the equipment window for your character or something. Same with food buff that last long.
  • SmileGurneySmileGurney Member, Alpha Two
    edited 2024 28
    Whilst we at it the way Resonance stacks are communicated has to change also. It's a core bard resource and I should not be forced to squint to see my current stack count. Making the use of the "wheel" which displays tank and fighter resources is the obvious choice here.
    My lungs taste the air of Time,
    Blown past falling sands…
  • CalibixCalibix Member, Alpha Two
    Whilst we at it the way Resonance stacks are communicated has to change also. It's a core bard resource and I should not be forced to squint to see my current stack count. Making the use of the "wheel" which displays tank and fighter resources is the obvious choice here.

    Couldn't agree more.
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