Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Gathering system is terrible

xthisuxthisu Member, Alpha Two
I get that it's Alpha, but this seems pretty basic.

- It makes zero sense that I can gather legendary material with a starter tool.

This makes for unintuitive progression and fills your starter bags with too many different colors of the same resources. It would make much more sense if you could only gather the color based on your current tool's color or lower. This would give staring players the opportunity to try various different gathering professions at the same time to find their preference. This would also give players the time to progress bigger containers to accommodate all the colors of material.

Right now you mine a couple of nodes of copper and granite and a couple of trees and your bags are full. Terrible design.

- Can't harvest while moving error.

This should be way more forgiving when you run up to a node and hit the key to harvest...coming to a complete stop first is way too annoying.

- Why do I have to looked down at a 34degree angle to even be able to click on a node.?

Make the gathering range 1-2 meters and work even if my camera is pointing to the sky...and apply this to looting bodies too while you're at it.

- Can't move while gathering.

This is way too sensitive. Go copy what New World does. You should "stick" a bit to the node so you don't get off and have to start over gathering just moving your mouse wrong. Tons of different options here, like New World the node could stay partially finished if you get off. You could have free movement around it while gathering if you stay within range of it. Anything other than the current system.

- No tooltip on nodes

When I highlight a node that I cannot gather, it should tell me what level is needed before I can gather it. Having to go search through that dictionary to find what I can gather is bad. I can't even sort by level :/

I can't imagine I'm the first with all this feedback, but all these micro annoyances are gonna add up real fast if they don't get changed. My first day spent gathering only and it ended with having had more frustrations than fun.


  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    You’d need to be able to harvest +1 tier relative to the tool, otherwise you will not be anle to upgrade the tool. Other than that, reducing the resulting Tier to the following would make sense:

    Tool rarity = n
    Resource rarity = 1-6

    0 < N < N+1
  • AzheraeAzherae Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    CROW3 wrote: »
    You’d need to be able to harvest +1 tier relative to the tool, otherwise you will not be anle to upgrade the tool. Other than that, reducing the resulting Tier to the following would make sense:

    Tool rarity = n
    Resource rarity = 1-6

    0 < N < N+1

    Hopefully this is coming. I can see why there would be a delay on the implementation for some of this, considering the 'spreadsheet work' that would need doing, but it's Alpha, right? If anything I'd have hoped they poked all this before starting the Economy development phase.

    I'm gonna be really interested in the video Dev diaries from this particular period...
    Y'all know how Jamberry Roll.
  • EndowedEndowed Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited December 2024
    These things are not "terrible".

    I don't seem to have the problems you take issue with.
  • BlightuponusallBlightuponusall Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    xthisu wrote: »
    Right now you mine a couple of nodes of copper and granite and a couple of trees and your bags are full. Terrible design.

    What? You get better bags as you level up your crafting, and you get specific bags for your crafting. It seems fine to me.
    xthisu wrote: »
    - Why do I have to looked down at a 34degree angle to even be able to click on a node.?

    No disrespect genuinely, but that's where the node is. I wouldn't feel good about being kind of close to something and then clicking to harvest without potentially knowing where it is.
    xthisu wrote: »
    When I highlight a node that I cannot gather, it should tell me what level is needed before I can gather it. Having to go search through that dictionary to find what I can gather is bad. I can't even sort by level :/

    It tells you when you try to harvest it. I agree that it should maybe be red if you can't, but it would feel wonky if there were numbers under the interact button.
  • DarkZeroUnitDarkZeroUnit Member, Alpha Two
    gathered mats should be 1 way no hq or uncommon or better its just common quality.

    there should be a way via a profession to turn the common quality to uncommon and uncommon to another tier.
  • CROW3CROW3 Member, Alpha Two
    there should be a way via a profession to turn the common quality to uncommon and uncommon to another tier.

    Hard disagree. The eventual power curve of top end crafted gear requires it’s manufacturing to be hard. It doesn’t need to be easier to get higher level crafted gear.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I like the concept of the crafting system. It's based off SWtOR crafting system that I loved. I don't enjoy the current iteration of the crafting system as a whole. I'm a crating at heart so I hope there is come big changes.

    I don't find the amount of clicking just not fun. Allot of it seems complex for the sake of being complex.
  • DroshiDroshi Member, Alpha Two
    I agree that gathering needs work, I spend a LOT of time doing it, but it needs more polish.

    Snap to node, and only cancel gathering if you press a hard key like Esc/Del and not if you move slightly.

    Better sounds, some ding or something when you hit an epic, and a better one when you hit legendary.

    This doesn't even address the spawning issues. T2+ nodes shouldn't even spawn when a node isn't leveled up, and they should really only spawn in places that are higher level and ideally in places you have to fight to get. Essentially mobs protecting them. Seeing a field of T4 nodes near lionhold feels like an epic design fail.

    Also broken spawns under the world or too high on Z axis. They have allowed us to gather at a higher Z axis but more needs to be done to make the hitbox larger in all directions. Some herbs spawning under world have been fixed, but I can still see very far nodes of mining underground by spamming F near known node areas. Maybe copper does exist and it's just half underground now.
  • EndowedEndowed Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Terrible is the proper moniker.
    Woodcutting is the only decent gather.

  • SathragoSathrago Member, Alpha Two
    Endowed wrote: »
    Terrible is the proper moniker.
    Woodcutting is the only decent gather.

    afk fishing is mostly fine, i just would rather it be a bit faster between catches. I guess better gear will reduce this issue but the crafting side of stuff being cucked by which node you get and what mayor you get kind of sucks.

    Commissioned at
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