Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Phase Two Test Realm Update Notes - December 17 - 19, 2024
These are update notes for the Alpha Two Phase Two Test Realm! More information about this stress test is in Discord here.
As a reminder, if you come across bugs during this test, please report them to us in-game using /bug
As a reminder, if you come across bugs during this test, please report them to us in-game using /bug
- Dünir and Vaelune player races are now in the character creator!
- Befallen Forge, a new dungeon, is now available!
- Added three new Nodes in the Sandsquall Desert, Aithanahr (Economic), Sunhaven (Military), and Azmaran (Divine). Significantly adjusted the world around these Nodes
- Added the ability to purchase Freeholds
- Added the Marketplace and Marketplace vendor
- Happy Holidays! Added some holiday spirit to Verra!
- Characters will now stay in the world for 15 seconds after they log out
- Ranger's Airstrike has updated performance
- Bard's Stories have updated performance
- Tank's Charge, Desolate, Grapple, Grit, Iron Aura, Tomahawk, and Tremoring Bellow have updated visual fidelity
- Optimized projectile performance
- Node Sieges can now be declared with a Node Siege Declaration Scroll
- Adjusted the position of workbenches in some Node layouts
- Mounts now require line-of-sight in order to be interacted with
- Mounts can no longer be summoned higher than your own height
- Fixed the ability for mounts to be dismounted through walls
- Fixed an issue allowing for multiple turn-ins for the Quest Tower and the Wolf
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the completion of the Quest The Warhelm Curse
- Fixed multiple bugs with the Hills Have Knives and Titan's Ring events
- Updated the way that Glint is distributed to better handle inventory limits
- Fine Paper is now available
- Updated the behavior for a variety of enemies
- Adjusted some enemy and NPC world placements
- Added missing rewards to some enemies
- Fixed a bug causing some NPCs to spawn underground
- Fixed minor bugs with a variety of enemies
- Added a launch fee to Caravans
- Added a logout timer for Caravans
- Items can now be dragged into Caravan Crate menus
- Fixed a bug with Caravans unstuck ability
- Fixed a bug that would cause Caravans to spawn fully underground
- Fixed a bug causing rafts or Caravans to sometimes kill players on spawn
- Fixed a bug causing crashes when looking at cargo inventories
- Fixed a bug causing Caravans to be undeployable after relogging in or if your destroyed Caravan was still in the world
- Fixed a bug which stopped non-Caravan owners from crossing server boundaries
- Updated the environment in and around Sephilion, Daragal, Sandsquall Desert, and Church of the Seven Stars
- Updated the visual generation of granite, basalt, daffodils, and snowdrops
- Fixed a visual bug causing issues with the appearance of fog
- Fixed and polished a variety of visual details for equipment
- Adjusted the blend of visual effects during atmospheric transitions
- Fixed the visuals for a large variety of mounts, NPCs, and enemies
- Adjusted the location of looting options from the party management window
- Adjusted some lobby UI to be more clear when waiting to connect to a realm
- Fixed a bug causing Mayoral Node menus to revert in some situations to the non-Citizen Node menu
- Fixed a bug causing the commodity trader's Cargo menu to sometimes be unavailable
- Fixed a crash related to having commodities in storage
- Fixed a variety of typos
- Fixed a bug causing the lumber mill north east of Briarmoore to float
- Fixed multiple bugs with the loading screen
- Fixed a bug with resurrect not working all the time
- Fixed a variety of server and client crashes
- Improved overall performance of game servers
- Fixed a server crash that would occur when digging up treasures

This discussion has been closed.
- Adjusted the positioning of environmental hazards in the Befallen Forge
- Fixed a bug with certain areas in the Befallen Forge that could instantly kill characters on contact
- Added additional holiday cheer to Verra
CHARACTER, ARCHETYPES, AND COMBAT- Fixed a bug which would cause issues with character data and inventory when characters disconnected and logged in quickly
- Cleric's Resurrection will not longer require line of sight after initial activation
- Ranger's Thundering Shot will now properly apply silence and consume the dazed debuff. Reduced the duration of the stun from 4 to 3 seconds and reduced the duration of the silence from 5 to 4 seconds
- Fixed a bug causing Guard to be stuck sometimes when switching in and out of action mode
- Fixed a bug which prevented dead Combatants from being resurrected
- Negative health reduction effects will now properly kill a target
ARTISANSHIP & ECONONY- The purchase price of Marketplace items will now also account for taxes
- Crafted Befallen Forge gear now has stats
- Adjusted the size of Ethereal Essence to be 1x1
- Added new recipes, and items to the Befallen Forge
- Fixed a crash associated with gatherables
FREEHOLDS- All Freeholds now cost 100 gold
- Added additional Freeholds
- Added plantable trees to Freeholds
- Removed some foliage which was overlapping with Freeholds
- Fixed a bug with Freeholds not properly loading
ENEMIES & NPCs- Increased the respawn time for Howlers
- Adjusted the population for the Western Sunhaven region
- Adjusted Tumok the Wretched's leashing distance
- Fixed a visual bug with the Magma Golem's Bursting Charge
- Fixed a bug which caused zombies to be unable to attack targets down a slope
- Fixed a visual bug which caused zombies to sometimes not play their movement animations
- Slowed the patrol rate of Administrator Crucia
CARAVANS- Fixed a number of bugs with the placement and transition of Caravans from water to ground
INTERFACE- The Befallen Forge map and minimap has been updated
- Environmental hazards will now show their damage similar to how other received damage is shown
- Fixed a bug causing the Journal to be broken
VISUALS- Updated the visuals in the Befallen Forge and Sandsquall Desert
- Improved the visuals for a variety of equipment
AUDIO- Adjusted the audio for being at low health
- Reduced the spammy audio for Wolves and Skinwalkers
- Fixed an audio bug which occurred when crossing between indoor and outdoor locations
- Player movement has been further smoothed and improved
- Adjusted penetration calculations
- Fixed a bug that would cause fall damage to apply before hitting the ground
- Fixed a bug causing weapon combos to provide extra fireball stacks
- Fixed a bug associated with Raining Death causing the next projectiles to fail to fire
- Fixed a bug causing Disengage to launch you in a direction infinitely
ENEMIES & NPCs- Significantly reduced the HP multiplier for 3 and 4-star elite enemies
- Lowered the level of the enemies in the areas around Honorsworn Tower
- Updated the population for the Befallen Forge
- Fixed several bugs causing NPCs to become stuck if the target is behind line of sight blockers
- Fixed a bug causing the Dünir Fighter and Forgemaster to use abilities much less frequently than intended
- Adjusted the behavior of the Dünir Fighter and Forgemaster
- Increased the damage and changed some behavior for Forgelord Zammer
- Slightly reduced the damage and adjusted the behavior for Bellowsmasher
- Adjusted the visual effects for the Undead Dünir Cleric
- Added Befallen Forge loot to the Flame Element and Hoarders
ARTISANSHIP & ECONONY- Added Basalt and Granite to the Sandsquall Desert
- Fixed a bug with the Marketplace showing the incorrect price per unit
- The Marketplace list item button will now be disabled if requirements are not met
- Fixed a bug causing treasures to provide unlimited loot
- Adjusted the drop chance of treasure maps
- Balancing pass over player commodities been performed
- Fixed a bug with some tiers of glint merging incorrectly
NODES- Adjusted the Node Experience required to level up to be significantly higher
- Fixed a bug that prevented NPCs from properly spawning in Azmaran, Sunhaven, and Aithanahr
FREEHOLDS- Freehold gatherables may now expire
- Additional gatherables have been added to Freeholds
- Additional Freehold recipes and items have been added
EVENTS & QUESTS- Fixed a bug preventing the Horns of Betrayal event from providing its intended rewards
- Fixed a number of bugs preventing quests from being completed
ENVIRONMENT- Improved visuals pass for the Sandsquall Desert
- Fixed a black square that would be present the some flat areas
- Updated lighting for the Befallen Forge
- An additional visual pass has been done on the Befallen Forge
- Adjusted the location of lava in the Befallen Forge
- Various environmental asset fixes and improvements
INTERFACE- Updated the map and minimap
- Removed quest callouts from the chat log
- New icons for Azmaran, Sunhaven, and Aithanahr Nodes have been added
- Experience debt stat dampening will now display its effects correctly