Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

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Ash Rarity Drop Rate - Supposed to be This Horrendous??

deskofsjndeskofsjn Member, Alpha Two
Since Dec. 20, I've gotten 2 ash trees that were blue quality. EVERY other one I've got is white/green, with at least 85% being white. Even when I stick to fully adult trees (which I believe should give a better chance of higher rarities, correct me if I'm wrong), the higher rarities just aren't dropping. Everyone else in my guild, even the ones using the Lumberjack clothes that should boost rarity rate, is saying the same thing - blue is exceedingly rare, and everything higher is nearly non-existent.

Every other gatherable seems to be giving us a reasonable amount of rare/heroic/epic/legendary qualities. But ash? It's is ridiculously bad.


  • DrazardDrazard Member, Alpha Two
    edited January 2
    turns out you are rarely finding a rare tree.

    not sure what the confusion is.
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      Recruitment Status: Open
    • VeeshanVeeshan Member, Alpha Two
      Wood kinda horrendous in general even weeping willow seems worst than it was in P1

      but as for oak 3000 oak wood harvested from adult tree, 2790 white oak 195 green and 15 rare oak and thats it
      With a heroic apprentice axe, 3 rarity bags 2 green 1 blue and white lumberjack set.

      t0 wood just gets gutted with rarity drop im guessing due to how common it is to balance it out but i spent 8 hours today logging and best i got was 15 blue oak lol
    • DaaveDaave Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
      Drazard wrote: »
      turns out you are rarely finding a rare tree.

      not sure what the confusion is.

      One way to balance gathering professions is to try and make it so it takes about the same amount of game time to find epic granite, epic copper, and epic ash, despite the varying spawn rates for all of them. So yes rare woods should be quite “rare” because it’s everywhere, however heroic+ wood takes way, way longer to find than heroic+ metal currently, so therefore an adjustment might be needed.

      Still confused?
    • PhamPham Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
      edited January 6
      It's not just trees. I think most, if not all, rarities > white were nerfed in appearance rate for gatherables since P1
      "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." - Ephesians 6:11
    • VeeshanVeeshan Member, Alpha Two
      Pham wrote: »
      It's not just trees. I think most, if not all, rarities > white were nerfed in appearance rate for gatherables since P1

      people cried in P1 that legendary equipment didnt feel legendary enough cause it was to easy to get legendary mats :p
      so seems like coloured resources across the board were reduced by 75% with exception of plants for some reason which still drop more colours that whites it seems :P
    • deskofsjndeskofsjn Member, Alpha Two
      Drazard wrote: »
      turns out you are rarely finding a rare tree.

      not sure what the confusion is.

      I specifically pointed out that ash rarity rate is significantly worse than other gatherables.

      Reading is your friend.
    • TemplariuszTemplariusz Member, Alpha Two
      You will not find many rare+ trees in a forest of that kind of tree. You need to find the single, special ones.
    • Hank_SinatraHank_Sinatra Member, Alpha Two
      You will not find many rare+ trees in a forest of that kind of tree. You need to find the single, special ones.

      This guy chops! Head to a oak forest like in south Jeova / west new aela and find a ash tree in the groups of only oak. Success.
    • VeeshanVeeshan Member, Alpha Two
      edited January 30
      Tree have the same default drop rate as animals the only thing that makes trees bearable is that they have a "god node" which is guaranteed to be green and above usualy it yellow or purple. Oak tree for example use to look different but seems they patched that out last patch and larch and hemlock u could find when they looked out of place, ash and oak is quite hard to find the rare version of cause there so many ash and oak around they dont usualy look out of place anymore. Willows are impossible to find due to the moment somone finds one they camp it on a 4hr timer or let guildies know so no one else will get it. you can still see god nodes very easily in daffodils since they are very clearly visable

      personally i find god nodes realy horrendous atm i did like how they looked visually different slightly so it stop you on your track to harvest when u spot them however with the respawns being set times and same location it kinda makes it impossible to find once somone find it and marks the timer
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