Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Bye Ashes

After this video my hype is now zero.
It was low after Asmons video and lower based on the replies of the community when i voiced my concerns.
I will try this game, because i've paid hundreds for it, even though i wasnt able to test because my computer thought it was a virus and made me restart and do a full scan.
But normally when you go into a game already not liking it, you dont stay for long.
Very sad, i wish the devs had been smarter and more honest.

It was low after Asmons video and lower based on the replies of the community when i voiced my concerns.
I will try this game, because i've paid hundreds for it, even though i wasnt able to test because my computer thought it was a virus and made me restart and do a full scan.
But normally when you go into a game already not liking it, you dont stay for long.
Very sad, i wish the devs had been smarter and more honest.
That's trusting a moron who weaves lies and truth together to make alternative facts that are not real. Game is better off without him. Sad fact, he will come back.
I agree. We’ve all played with the kid who stomps off the court to get attention.
So you base your opinion on what a streamer that admits to being there for 'entertainment' and subs thinks when he cashed in bigtime with subs by creating this drama?
I suggest you stop allowing others to think for you, especially when they have a lot to gain with their negativity and drama, and think for yourself.
His critique of the desert biome was disingenuous. I've been there and he put forth that the dune area was the totality of the biome.
Even yesterday Steven said on his livestream that the devs were still working on the desert.
But I guess some of you need to cope after spending money.
I hope this game is everything it says, but if its not to my standard im gone once my free sub runs out.
Being that its pvp only and that only benefits cowards and griefers, i doubt it will be, they have added too many systems in the world for open pvp to be anything other than a pain for everyone.
You not liking or agreeing with something begins and ends with you. Those who do not agree with your perspective are not coping or deluded.
When you learn to respect your own likes and dislikes there’s no public tantrums when you leave and no grand epiphanies when you return. When you leave, leave. When you return, return.
Suggesting anyone with an opposing viewpoint is coping because they spent money is a weak reply but as you come off as a follower type and PVE only type of player, I can see how the possible lack of looking into a game before purchase and subsequent discovering that PVX means that you could be engaged in combat could be frustrating for you, even if Steven put a system in place that greatly reduces your chance of non-consensual combat.
You have admitted to not yet playing Ashes while feeling qualified to trash the game so I will point out that this is not a PVP only game as you have repeatedly misstated, this is a PVX game. Steven has repeatedly stated that as a PVX game, he will not have PVE only servers like you have demanded.
There are many players like myself that are neither cowards or griefers that are thoroughly enjoying this test so sitting back stating that this game only benefits cowards and griefers without even playing it yet, demonstrates a biased and flawed viewpoint.
I was confused with your opening statement suggesting that people with an opposing view are coping because they spent money while closing with the statement that you will be playing the game until your free sub runs out. 🤔 Seems like a bit of projection as no one is forcing you to play Ashes and spoiler, your sub is not free, you paid for it in the price of your package.😉
edit: Just saw that your first post on the forum was to demand that all cosmetics ever offered be available as it is not fair if someone sees something someone else has and they cannot have it to. 🤦♀️ This comes across not only as FOMO, it comes across as an entitlement type of mentality and one where it is demanded that there are no winners or losers and everyone gets the same award just for participation which sheds a lot of light on this thread now.